Olweus Bullying Prevention Program

Central Catholic Schools

Guidance Department Comments

Doris Rempe

October 2013


Oct. 2-Deadline to register for Wendy¡¯s High School Heisman (seniors)

Oct. 7-Diocesan Convention-No classes

Oct. 10-Joseph¡¯s College of Beauty-9 a.m.

Oct. 8-CCC-G.I. Rep- 11:30am

Oct. 9-Duke TIP paper application deadline

Oct. 16-PSAT-Juniors (after Mass)

Oct. 21-Duke TIP online application deadline


Oct. 24 -PLAN Test (sophomores)

Oct. 26-ACT (8:00 a.m.-Senior High) Must have photo ID admission ticket along with another photo ID


Oct. 30-UNK-11 Annual Multicultural Scholars and Leaders Day (for any high school junior or senior)

Nov. 4-5-Nebraska School Counselor Academy-Kearney

Nov. 7-Fort Hays State Representative-1:50 p.m.

Nov. 8-December ACT registration deadline

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program

Grand Island Central Catholic officially began the ¡°Olweus Bullying Prevention Program¡± for

the school year 2013-2014 with a Parent Kickoff Meeting on Sunday, September 15, 2013, and a

Student Kickoff Event on Monday, September 16, 2013. Parents were given an overview of the

program on Sunday.

The theme for this year is ¡°Rebuilding our School from the Inside Out.¡± Construction equipment

sat in front of the school for these two days to illustrate our theme, and construction tape and

signs can be found throughout the school building during the school year. For the students,

Monday morning began with a presentation by Kevin Horner, a professional ventriloquist, who

has given bullying prevention programs to elementary-high school age students over the past

twenty years. Following the all school presentation, students were introduced to the Olweus

Coordinating Committee, a brief overview of the program and the four basic rules, which are

now posted in every classroom. Several teachers spoke of their commitment to the program

followed by the dance team and cheerleaders performing to the song ¡°We¡¯re All in This

Together¡±; then middle and high school students participated in several activities, followed by

their Olweus Group Time/lunch. The afternoon concluded with a summary of what a positive

classroom looks like, a student produced video, and an explanation of the ¡°Blue Dot.¡± The

student video can be accessed from GICC¡¯s webpage under ¡°About Us.¡± Take time to view this

fabulous video.

GICC not only wants to decrease bullying behaviors in school but to increase Respect between

students, students and teachers, and even adults to adults.

¡°Helping our kids become resilient¡± is a recent article in The Wonderful Life Project series

written by Lee Elliott, the director of The Wonderful Life Project. His column appears every other Sunday in

the Independent. Prior columns are available at .

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program also teaches the importance of helping our children

become resilient. Parents and educators can learn more about this and other tools in working with

young people at ¡°RAISING RESILIENCE: How All Adults Can Help

Kids to rise above Bullying¡± was presented as a webinar May 2011 and is available online.

Any parent interested in being a part of the parent support system can contact Doris Rempe at 384-2440

or e-mail drempe@. This is a team effort to change the climate at GICC.

Senior and Senior Parent Night

August 26, 2013, GICC seniors and parents attended the Senior and Senior Parent Night. Important

information regarding NCAA guidelines and the NCAA and NAIA Eligibility Centers, financial aid,

electronic transcripts, college admissions requirements, scholarships, and scholarship applications were

discussed. Please keep this information for future reference. Students and parents are reminded to

request electronic transcripts through Parchment. The senior¡¯s four-year plan was included in each

senior¡¯s packet. Parents were asked to request a self-view transcript from their student¡¯s Parchment

account to review all information for accuracy. Seniors can check their Parchment account for class

rank and GPA once they have requested a transcript be downloaded to their account. If an

unofficial transcript is needed, a student can print it from the Parchment account. If you have any

questions, do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Rempe, counselor, at 384-2440.


The PLAN test will be administered to all sophomores on Thursday, October 24th, in the GICC

Media Center beginning at 8:15 a.m. In addition to giving the sophomores an introduction to the

ACT test, the PLAN also has a valuable career interest component. Both Mr. Mohr and Mrs.

Rempe will be working with the sophomores with their PLAN results. Information will be

distributed to the sophomores through their English classes.


RHOP (Rural Health Opportunities Programs)

Deadlines to apply: December 1st

Wayne State

Peru State

Chadron State

KHOP (Kearney Health Opportunities Programs)

Deadline to apply: November 15th





GICC seniors experienced a unique Senior Seminar this year. Tuesday, Sept. 10th was

Professional Development Day. The seniors wore business casual clothing and listened to Anthony May

from IdeaBank Marketing in Hastings discuss ¡°Social Media.¡± The seniors then spent the rest of the

morning attending five sessions that would benefit them after graduation: Diane Callahan from ResCare

Workforce Services in Hastings discussed ¡°Completing a Job Application,¡± Holly Smith, Office Manager

from Advance Services, discussed ¡°Interviewing,¡± Michelle Lubken, Admissions Director from CCCG.I., discussed the ¡°Resume, ¡°Interviewing¡± and ¡°Changing Industries,¡± Matt Thury, Research Analyst,

and Mark Allen co-founder of Allen Capital Group, LLC discussed ¡°Financial Considerations after High

School.¡± Wednesday, Sept. 13th was ¡°Body in Motion Day-Healthy living for Mind and Body.¡± Students

wore P.E. clothing and participated in a couple of physical fitness activities lead by Becca Heidelk and

Mary Ann Douglas from the YMCA and Dayla Mamot-Sackfrom LOA. Students also heard LaDonna

Obermiller from the Crisis Center discussed Healthy Relationships and from the University of NebraskaLincoln Extension Office, Extension Educator and Registered Dietitian, Cami Wells discussed the topic

¡°Food for Thought¡± about healthy eating.

A special thank you to Mrs. Dee Hanssen and Mrs. Cathy Howard who assisted with the seminar both


SENIORS-Essay an Resume

Mrs. Rempe is working with the seniors on Mondays and Fridays, when available,

in the library to complete their resume. R¨¦sum¨¦s and essays should all be completed before the

end of November. Seniors should be updating their r¨¦sum¨¦ as they complete various activities.


Cost: $14-Check Payable to: GICC

The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test or PSAT will be administered to juniors on Wednesday,

October 16th after Mass. This is a great preparation for the SAT and the first step in the National Merit

Semi-Finalist Qualifying Test. Juniors were encouraged to take the PSAT. All juniors were to have given

their $14 to Mrs. Rempe no later than the end of September.

Juniors! Register for the December ACT by Nov. 8 if you want to take the college English

class this summer or next year or AP Calculus for college credit. You must meet the

college¡¯s minimum qualifying score. You will have December and February to obtain that

score. You can also take the college¡¯s COMPASS test as well, but all scores have to be in

the counselor¡¯s office by April 1.

Must upload photo when registering.



If you received a letter from the Grand Island Public Schools indicating your child qualifies for

the DUKE TIP program, please give a copy of that letter to Mrs. Rempe, GICC counselor. A

letter will be forthcoming regarding the registration process. It is recommended that you

complete the application online. That deadline is October 21st.



The Prudential Spirit of Community Award is a nationwide program for young people

grades 5-12 who are volunteering in their local communities.

If you are in grades 6-12 and are conducting a volunteer-service activity, you are eligible for

the next annual award. You may download and complete the program application at

munity/spirit or call 1-888-450-9961. After following all instructions

carefully, please submit the form no later than October 31, 2013, to your counselor.

Applications, to be eligible, must be certified by a participating school or organization.

Access Key: SPIRIT


Please notify Mrs. Rempe if you decide to participate.



(Juniors and Seniors)

NCAA Registration

If you plan to continue participating in Division I or II college sports, be sure you register

with the NCAA Eligibility Center online. The NCAA Eligibility Center NO LONGER accepts ACT

or SAT test scores from high school transcripts. Please register before sending transcripts

and test scores. Students must add the NCAA Eligibility Center code to the ACT or SAT form

when registering for the test. NCAA Eligibility Center code is: 9999

NAIA Registration

Students planning to continue participating in sports at an NAIA college next year must

register on the NAIA website. NAIA only accepts scores directly from the testing center,

not from high school transcripts. Students must add the NAIA eligibility Center code to the

ACT or SAT form when registering for the test. Please register before sending transcripts

and test scores.

NAIA Eligibility Center code is: 9876


A program initiated seven years ago is the Big/Little Crusader Mentoring Program.

All Forty sixth grade students (Little Crusaders) have currently been matched with juniors and

seniors. August 15th, all ¡°Big¡± Crusaders met with their ¡°Little¡± Crusader during an ice cream social

in the cafeteria. The purpose of this program is to help GICC¡¯s incoming sixth grade students feel a

part of the Crusader family by having a ¡°Big¡± Crusader mentor. A couple of times a week, the ¡°Big¡±

Crusader checks in with his or her ¡°Little¡± Crusader to see how the week has been going. The

¡°time¡± the ¡°Big¡± Crusader takes out of his or her busy day to say hello means the most to the

¡°Little¡± Crusaders.

Attention:Senior Boys


Selective Service NOW accepts early submission of registration information if a young man is

age 17 years and 3 months old. He will automatically be registered when he turns 18.

Under federal law, virtually all men must register with Selective Service within 30 days of their

18th birthday. The Agency holds registration information and automatically enters this data into

the system when they turn 18. The fastest way to register is on-line at . See Mrs.

Rempe if you have questions.


All students registering for the ACT must upload a photo.

If a photo is not uploaded by the deadline listed,your registration will be


Please go to the ACT website for details regarding acceptable and

unacceptable photos

You must also have a photo and a photo admission ticket the day of the test. You WILL be

turned away if you do not have an admission ticket.




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