Teaching Plan Critique - Weebly

Teaching Plan CritiqueSarah TurocyKettering CollegeTheories and Concepts Foundations of Professional Nursing PracticeOctober 26, 2014Teaching Plan CritiqueThe following is my critique of a smoking cessation program developed for hospital workers. First, the demographic data that is stated is not sufficient. While it is important to list age and developmental level, including education, there are also other important factors to consider. According to “Professional Nursing Practice: Concepts and Perspectives”, in order to successfully assess learning needs you have to consider the following, “…(1) age and developmental level, (2) health beliefs and practices, (3) cultural factors, (4) economic factors, (5) learning styles, (6) readiness to learn, (7) motivation, and (8) reading level.” (Blais & Hayes 150). Especially when conducting a smoking cessation program, readiness to learn and motivation are huge factors. The learning objective for this program is to help current smokers quit smoking and to help smokers who have quit stay smoke-free. Within Bloom’s taxonomy this would be centered in the affective domain. The smoking cessation program takes students who are willing to try and quit, and have the motivation to do so, and teaches them new values on non-smoking in order to develop healthy habits. Blais and Hayes state Bloom’s affective domain includes, “…feelings, emotions, interests, attitudes, and appreciations. It involves five major categories: receiving, responding, valuing, organizing, and characterizing/internalizing.” (141) For a smoking cessation program this makes sense because it is helping smokers focus on a healthier lifestyle and why they are motivated to quit. I believe the teaching environment is appropriate as well, but I have concerns about the tools and materials used for the program. Keeping the class size small and only including hospital workers allows for a feeling of mutualism between members. The class is not overly long at 60 minutes and one day per week. Using YouTube videos can be a good resource for visualization, but often these sources are not evidence based resources. I did like the inclusion of the websites and as they are educational ones. Also, with one of the class members being hearing-impaired and another visually-impaired it is very important to have resources for those students to learn from. I saw a hearing impaired video for the one student, but did not see any additional resources for the visually- impaired student. Evaluation methods for this program include sharing of students experience during the program, both verbally and through writing, and a reflection on the process at the end of the program. I would say this is a good way to see progression or regression with students and to see how much they have learned. Overall, I think this type of program would be effective. It focuses on a small group of people who need specific information and resources to be successful quitting smoking. It also promotes teamwork and using the group to support each other for success. As far as changing the teaching plan, I would make sure the resources were evidence based and that all students had access to them. The three domains of learning were not applied either. This program mostly focused around the affective domain of learning and the cognitive domain. Group members had to remember what they learned each week about quitting and apply it in their daily lives. They were asked to evaluate their progress and focus on areas for improvement. This could be considered a cognitive domain of learning. The affective domain could also be applied here because they had to reorganize their values on smoking and refocus on a healthier lifestyle. The psychomotor domain doesn’t apply here because the students were not physically learning new skills. Smoking cessation focuses around mental changes and behaviors.This program did follow the learning process by first acquiring information through various resources including videos, PowerPoint presentations, websites, and group discussions. From acquiring this information about cessation, the group members were able to process and use it to quit smoking. I did not note any inhibition to the members learning if they were motivated to go through the steps of the learning process. With a supportive group, group partner and teachers they should be set up to succeed. The plan also included various resources for use outside of the classroom and to help them continue to be non-smokers.According to the SMOG formula, the reading level of this program is around a tenth grade reading level with a score of 9.8. With the students all being at least high school graduates, this should not cause an issue. The strengths of this plan included the small group size and environment, using multiple resources for education, weekly evaluation of progress, group partner support, and celebration of success with continued resources for support after the program ends. All of these factors combined allow the students to be successful quitting smoking.The theory I would apply to this teaching plan is Bandura’s social learning theory. It states, “…most learning comes from observational learning and instruction rather than from overt trial-and-error behavior. Observational learning is the acquisition of new skills or the alteration of old behaviors simply by watching others.” (Blais & Hayes 140) Through the teaching by the instructors of the class and watching others succeed, the class members are set up to learn how to quit smoking effectively and efficiently. Group speakers, group partners within the group, shared success and resources provided all contribute to students learning how to quit smoking. Overall, I would say with a few small changes this program would be effective at helping these hospital workers quit smoking. ReferencesBlais, K., & Hayes, J. (2011). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson.Retrieved from: ................

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