Ready, Set, Teach!

 Ready, Set, Teach!Instructional Practices in Education and TrainingPracticum in Education and Training I & IIParent and Student HandbookJennifer DeLanoTeacher/CoordinatorProsper High School469-219-2180 ext: 80205jkdelano@prosper-, Set, TeachWho and What? This course provides instruction in the principles of child development and teaching in a school setting (known as the internship). In addition to traditional classroom work, the student participates at an internship as a teacher assistant in order to gain practical hands-on experience working with students. When and Where?Students may be placed at any PISD school that feeds into PHS. While every effort is made to honor specific internship requests, it is not always possible due to schedule conflicts.RST I students will begin their internship 4-6 weeks after school starts. RST II students begin their internship on the first day of school or once placement is confirmed.Block PeriodsClass Day(s)*Class TimesInternship Days*Travel Time:To InternshipTravel Time:From InternshipInternship Times1A/5BRST I: Th/FRST II: N/A8:30-10:00RST I: M-WRST II: M-FNA (leave from home)9:45-10:008:30-9:452A/6BRST I: Th/FRST II: N/A10:07-11:37RST I: M-WRST II: M-F10:07-10:2011:25-11:3710:20-11:25*Internship days may be adjusted as determined by Mrs. DeLano and the cooperating teacher(s). The RST student is expected to fulfill all commitments and obligations of the course which include but are not limited to:Arranging for transportation to and from internship schoolSigning in or out in Mrs. DeLano’s room as determined by their schedule Signing in at the front desk of assigned elementary or middle school Completing all assignments and make up work/Bringing all necessary supplies to classSchool rules for dress, conduct, and personal appearance must be observed at your internship school. Dress must be appropriate for working with young children. If an intern is deemed to be dressed inappropriate as determined by staff at the internship or Mrs. DeLano, the student will be instructed to return to PHS and referred to the office. The intern will not receive participation credit for that day.*Although the rule for unnatural colored hair has changed at the high school, RST interns are expected to maintain natural hair color. Failure to do so will result in the student being pulled from internship and with an alternate assignment. *Special dress up days and privileges (such as Nike shorts/hats) are NOT to be worn at internship. Personal telephone calls /texts made from your internship school should be reserved for emergencies (car accident, inclement weather, etc.). PHS rules and consequences will apply to cell phone use while at your internship.Full day at internship: Provided you are passing all of your classes at PHS, you may spend one full day (regular or field trip) at internship during the school year. You will be expected to be with your internship class from the beginning to the end of their day and write a reflection of the experience. Professional confidentiality of students’ and teachers’ experiences is expected. You may NOT post pictures, video, etc. of any student(s) affiliated with internship on any internet based platform including but not limited to social media.Grading InformationIn addition to formative (daily) work and summative (test) grades, RST students will earn a participation grade for attending internship. Students will earn 33.3 points (for 3-day internship) or 20 points (for 5-day internship) for each day they are present at internship. Internship Absence procedures: Attendance is crucial to this course; therefore, absences will affect the intern’s grade if procedures are not followed.Call or text Mrs. DeLano no later than 8:00 AM on the day of absence. Failure to do so will warrant a 0 for participation points on that day.Send a message to your cooperating teacher as soon as you know you will be absentComplete and turn in RST Internship Make Up WorkRST Internship Make Up Work: Late work will not be accepted for internship make-up work.For every day of internship that is missed:Read one chapter from an educational textbook found in the classroom. Complete a hand-written outline of the chapter and turn into our classroom no later than 5:00 PM on the due date. The title of your makeup work should be in the following format: "First Name Initial, Last Name, Date you missed internship” (EX: JDeLano10.3.18)You must complete this assignment within in as many days as you missed upon your return to school to recover your participation points.This is the only way to recover your participation points for an internship absence. If your work is turned in another way, it will not be accepted and you will not receive credit.Example 1: I missed internship Tuesday. I went to internship Wednesday. My makeup work (1 chapter outline) is due Thursday.Example 2: I missed internship Wednesday and Thursday. I went to class Friday. My makeup work (2 chapter outlines) is due TuesdayLate work will not be accepted for internship make-up work.**You have as many days as you were absent to turn in your make-up work.**RST Classroom Makeup WorkIt is the student’s responsibility to check Google classroom and the “Absent File Folder Holder” for any make up work that is to be completed following a classroom absence. A zero will be entered for the grade until it is turned in.You will have as many days as you were absent to turn in makeup work.Long-term projects’ due dates are NON-NEGOTIABLE and will not receive extra time due to absences unless extenuating circumstances exist as determined by Mrs. DeLanoRST I and II Intent to Interview Requirements (TAFE Graduation Honor Cords)In addition to assignments in class and at internship, RST II interns are encouraged to fulfill the following to be eligible to receive the optional PISD Intent to Interview honor. The recognition is a guaranteed interview in this highly sought after district. Should your student be unable to fulfill these requirements, they will not receive the PISD Intent to Interview; however, their class grade will not be impacted. Partial completion will not be considered.RST I and II: Volunteer for at least 10 full days or 20 half days of the 20+ RST/TAFE Kids Camps/Volunteer Opportunities each year of the program. *TAFE officers have separate requirements outlined in TAFE Officer Information and Acknowledgement Form RST II ONLY: Attend Fall Curriculum Night or Spring Open House on or before March 16, 2020(student reflection required to be turned in on Google Classroom here)3. RST II ONLY: Attend one school board meeting on or before December 18, 2019(student reflection required to be turned in on Google Classroom here)ProsperTeach Leadership Club Texas Association of Future Educators (Region and State student association level): Educators Rising (National student association level): Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (National professional association): ProsperTeach is an organization that offers?students the opportunity to explore the teaching profession. We accomplish this by participating in and supporting various activities, contests, and service projects throughout the year.Dues: $30 to include a TAFE t-shirt plus access to ASCD’s “My Teach Source”Random Things to Know Letter of Recommendation(s)Who: 1st ask Internship teacher 2nd ask me (only when it is a rec letter just for you; not something everyone in class will be applying for)Procedure: Email the teacher and request she/he write a letter of recommendation. Specify who/what the letter is forTell the teacher how to turn in the letter:Mail: provide an addressed envelope with a stamp already on itLink: let him/her know to expect an email from the university, scholarship, etc… 3. Attach/provide a resume of who you are CURRENTLY (although your teacher may know that you are in RST, they may not know that you have a job, participate in a club, your GPA, interests, hobbies, etc. 4. Provide the due date and be sure to ask for this rec at least 2 weeks before that timeRequest to attend a Field Trip/Spend entire day with Internship: Have your internship teacher email me with the date at least 2 weeks in advanceOnce it is approved, I will email you AND your internship teacherYou will be expected to spend the ENTIRE school day at your internship (correlating to the schools hours).You are responsible for knowing if you need to bring money, lunch, dress a certain way, etc.Your participation in a field trip should be as a teacher; not another student.STAAR Testing Days: When your internship school is administering the STAAR test in ANY grade level, you may NOT attend internship; even if it is not your grade or subject area. This does not include re-test or makeups.Unacceptable Excuses/Behavior: Communication (essential employability characteristic) is key!Please note; the following behavior is unacceptable regarding internship and will eliminate you from internship and/or being eligible to enroll in RST II:Failure to comply with PISD/PHS Student Code of ConductStopping anywhere to/from internship (ex: home, gas, Sonic, donuts, car wash, etc...)Not going to internship (and staying at school) because you don’t want to get the kids sickMissing internship to makeup work or attend tutoring for a PHS classLeaving internship early and/or arriving late Lack of transportation Failure to communicate and/or complete requirements as outlined in this Handbook Excessive absences (5 or more each semester) throughout the yearMaximizing Your Internship ExperienceProfessionalism is a must. The teachers and students at your internship will notice what you wear and how you present yourself. Wear clothing that sets you apart from your students and helps to establish you as a professional. Consider your entire look, head to toe. This means you should consider your hairstyle, jewelry choices, body art, clothing, and shoes. The teacher and students will also notice your attendance and punctuality. Absences and late arrivals could be interpreted as a lack of interest or motivation. They will be counting on you to deliver lessons, work with small groups of students or complete projects, so regular attendance and promptness are crucial and will impact your grade.Get off your seat and on your feet. When you are in your preK-12 classroom, be active. Push yourself beyond sitting through hours of observations. You will learn more through active participation. Be proactive and seek out what you can do to help your teacher and your students. If the teacher is leading a lesson, walk around the classroom and monitor student engagement. If the students are working at their desks, ask them if they have questions or invite them to explain to you what they are doing. Take the initiative and offer to teach a small portion of a lesson or even an entire lesson you have carefully planned with your teacher.Students: The reason you are here. Getting to know your students is an important component of effective teaching. Learn students’ names as quickly as possible, and use them to call on students. Find out something about the interests and backgrounds of the students, and use this to build relationships with them. A simple way to learn names and build relationships is to greet students as they enter the classroom, and ask them a question about their day or one of their interests.There’s more to teaching than meets the eye. Although the majority of a teacher’s day is spent with students, the teacher is responsible for many other duties. Most teachers have a supervision of some sort. This can be anything from playground duty in elementary grades to supervising a study hall in secondary grades. Teachers also have planning time each day that is filled with making copies, going to their mailbox, contacting parents, checking email — and maybe even some planning. In addition, there are meetings with other teachers who teach the same courses or grade level. Take advantage of this time to learn more about the profession by actively participating in whatever your mentor teacher is doing.Ask why. Coming into an established classroom can sometimes cause confusion for you, especially when what the classroom teacher is doing does not seem to match what you are learning in Ready, Set, Teach. This is when you need to ask, “Why?” Ask the teacher about the policies and procedures regarding absent and tardy students. Ask about cellphone usage in class and other technology use. Ask about how the teacher handles inattentive students. If something happens in the classroom that you don’t understand, ask the teacher. You can say, “I noticed that when Sally Student did ______, you did ______. Could you explain to me why you handled it that way?” By asking a question for clarification and understanding, you remove any judgment from the situation.Every day is a job interview. Every time you walk into a school building, consider yourself on a job interview. Every person you interact with, from the secretary in the front office to the special education paraprofessional in the classroom, is looking to see how you perform as a teacher. You want to always make a good impression. The teachers you work with also become a part of your professional network, and you never know when you may see them again. After your internship, send your teacher a handwritten thank-you note. It’s a small token that sends a big message: You are a pre-professional educator.Make time to reflect. Great teachers critically examine their teaching practices on a regular basis to expand their knowledge, increase their skills, and integrate new ideas into their instruction. Before each day at your field experience, you should write in a journal about your expectations and your concerns. Afterwards, reflect on what was successful and what did not go so well and why. Consider recording yourself, with permission, in the classroom so you can see how you present yourself as a teacher and interact with students. Solicit feedback from other teachers so you can improve each time you are with students. It’s uncomfortable at first, especially watching yourself on video, but with time, you will come to appreciate the opportunities to improve.Transportation Release and Handbook Receipt AcknowledgementDear Parent or Guardian: ______________________________________ has my permission to leave school as part of Ready, Set, Teach to participate in experiences/field trips related to the course. __________________________________ has my permission to either drive a car or ride with another student in order to participate in assigned field activities. I/we will not hold Mrs. DeLano, the student driver, or any person employed by Prosper Independent School District responsible for any accidents or injuries incurred while my student is involved in the field activities related to the Ready, Set, Teach course. In addition, I have read and understand the policies and procedures set forth in the Ready, Set, Teach Parent and Student Handbook. _______________________________________ _________________________________Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature _______________________________________ _________________________________Printed Parent/Guardian Name Printed Student Name __________________________________ Date ................

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