HS acknowledgement matrix/ punctuality

School-Wide Expectation Focus September ‘10: Punctuality: Be on Time

|Type: |What: |When: |Where: |Who: |

|High Frequency/Daily Acknowledgment |Kids: |Passing time/before school |Classroom |All students are eligible*|

|‘Ski-Notes |1. Enter class respectfully and quietly |- Students will demonstrate the listed | | |

| |2. Be at desk w/ materials ready |behaviors to by the time of the bell/beginning | | |

| | |of class. | | |

| |Adults: Give verbal acknowledgement every time expectations are | | | |

| |met (“These students met expectations: Jim, Joy, …”) | | | |

| |*All students who demonstrate the behavior expectation for the | | | |

| |first time will be acknowledged with a Ski-Note. After this, | | | |

| |students must demonstrate 3 consecutive times. This will make the| | | |

| |notes mean more to the students who are most likely to receive | | | |

| |them. | | | |

|Redemption of High Frequency |Kids: |Students are only allowed to visit Ski-Vote |Ski-Vote Coffers may be |All students who are |

|‘Ski-Votes |Use the copy paper from Ski-notes as Ski-votes. Ski-Votes placed |Coffers before or after school.** |found in a variety of |awarded Ski-Notes. |

| |in the coffer of her choosing. | |strategic locations, | |

|Note: Some ‘SKI-vote Coffers will be for | |**This rule is subject to change. We want |high-traffic, | |

|high-frequency redemption, some will be for |Adults: |Ski-Notes/Votes to be an integral component of |high-visibility areas.*** | |

|low-frequency redemption. Some of these |Tally the number of Ski-Notes awarded and return Ski-Notes to main|Pulaski culture, but we also want to avoid | | |

|incentives will be individual and others |office at the end of the week. |making behavior expectations more difficult to |***There will be a | |

|will be for the whole school or for groups | |meet (especially the one that we are teaching |bulletin board for | |

|of students. | |presently). If any one can solve this |communicating all PBIS | |

| | |logistical Gordian knot, please share your |information. | |

| | |thinking with your colleagues. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Type: |What: |When: |Where: |Who: |

| |Kids: |Passing time/before school |Classroom |Students in classes that |

|Medium Frequency/Intermittent |If 80%* or more students who attend class** during a particular |- Students will demonstrate the listed | |typically meet behavioral |

| |block meet expectation, the class is entered into a weekly raffle |behaviors to by the time of the bell/beginning | |expectations. |

|‘Ski-Notes/ |to select a whole class winner. |of class. | | |

|Votes | | | | |

|and All-Class Acknowledgment |Adults: | | | |

| |When tallying students who are meeting expectations: if more than |*80% is based upon the “Response to | | |

|Note: Some Ski-Vote Coffers will be for |85% of students present during that block are tallied, Write a |Intervention” model. 80% of students respond | | |

|high-frequency redemption, some will be for |Ski-Note for the Whole Class and Place in Classroom Coffer in the |to primary interventions of this sort. The | | |

|low-frequency redemption. Some of these |main office. |other 10-15% work best with more structured | | |

|incentives will be individual and others | |interventions like behavior intervention | | |

|will be for the whole school or for groups | |programs (our special education department will| | |

|of students. It is the acknowledged | |be in charge of this). The remaining 5% of | | |

|student’s choice where she will put her SKI-| |students require individual intervention and | | |

| | |may or may not benefit from any group | | |

| | |reinforcement model. | | |

| | |**Students who do not attend should not be | | |

| | |considered part of this proportion. Students | | |

| | |who ATTEND class at ANY POINT during the class | | |

| | |is the only group that should be considered. | | |

| |The SLC/class/department that has more than 80% of students |At the end of every unit |Pulaski High School |All Kids |

|Long Term (Quarterly) |present at the highest rate will receive the unit’s main | | | |

| |incentive.* | | | |

|(School-wide Celebrations) | | | | |

| |*However, if data show evidence of meaningful results, the | | | |

| |school-at-large should be acknowledged. | | | |


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