SUGAR PINE PONY CLUB Membership Information for 2011 Age RequirementSugar Pine accepts members of all ages. Only the ability to read and desire to learn are required. Members graduate from Pony Club on December 31st of the year that they reach their 25th birthday. Mount Requirement Having your own horse is not required to join or for many of the club activities such as un-mounted meetings, Quiz Rally, Everything But The Horse Rally (EBTH), and field trips. However, there are activities that do require a mount to participate such as mounted lessons, mounted rallies and riding clinics. The Pony Club community is very generous and there are many opportunities to borrow or lease an appropriate mount for a nominal fee or sometimes free. The club can assist in putting a member in touch with horse owners, but it is the ultimate responsibility of the member’s family to make these arrangements and provide any compensation to the owner for use, transportation, etc. Member in Good StandingParticipating members are considered members in good standing if they evidence a sincere interest in the activities of the club, assist younger members in the learning process, have no outstanding debts with the club and participate with regularity in the events of the club at the club, regional, and national level, when and where appropriate, according to age, experience, and suitability and safety of mount.Members are also expected to:be punctual and prepared*listen carefully and respectfully to adults in chargegive undivided attention to the instructor or coach for the duration of the lesson, (mounted or un-mounted), until excusedrespect, encourage and support other members* Interest, attendance, punctuality and preparedness are all considered when choices such as team captain are made. Parent Involvement Parent volunteers are crucial to support the club’s activities. It is expected that each family have a volunteer representative serve on a club committee. In addition, each family will be assigned Parent in Charge (PIC) duties at a pony club meeting at least once a year, as needed. MeetingsSPPC typically meets for un-mounted and mounted instruction on the 3rd Saturday of the month.To get the most out of the mounted lessons it is strongly recommended that the member be capable of walking, trotting and steering their mount without assistance.Membership in Pony Club is a significant commitment! Pony Club membersrepresent the club at all times, in all places and during all activities. Each member should always exhibit good horsemanship, good sportsmanship and courtesy to all.The instruction received at Pony Club meetings is based on the disciplines of Combined Training: Dressage, Show Jumping and riding in the open, or Cross Country. Though comprehensive, this instruction is not intended to be the sole source of riding instruction. Members are strongly encouraged to have regular lessons from a professional instructor. Dress code for mounted meetings is: - Boots – high, paddock or Jodhpur, or suitable laced shoe with heel. - Medical armband- Sleeved shirt tucked neatly into pants with well fitting sweater/sweatshirt/jacket as needed. - Correctly fitted Pony Club approved riding helmet which meets ASTM standard (SEI sticker to be left attached to inside of hat), with chin strap to be fastened at all times rider is mounted. - Breeches, jodhpur pants or suitable tight fitting (and comfortable) pants; - Pony Club pin. - Hair neatly combed off the face; shoulder length or longer should be fixed in a pony tail, braid or hair net. - Sturdy shoes, which cover the ankle and do not come off easily, are recommended for work around the barn; proper footwear is important to avoid foot injury. - All items should be marked with member’s name. - No jewelry except watch and small stud earrings. - No chewing gum- No electronic devices- Exceptions to the above must be approved by the DC and Instructor. Tack and equipment for mounted meetings is: - Saddle, (an English saddle is required to jump over 18”) - Bridle with approved bit - Appropriate whip/crop (dressage or jumping), if needed - Grooming box with required brushes, etc. - All tack and equipment should be clean and in good repair.- Mount must be properly shod or trimmed, mane neat and general condition maintained. The horse’s comfort is always a prime consideration. - Exceptions to the above must be approved by the DC and InstructorThe borrowing of equipment and mounts is allowed as long as it does not interfere with the scheduled instruction.Members are expected to attend all scheduled mounted and un-mounted meetings. If a member’s mount is sick or lame, the member is still expected to attend.mounted meetings: members are required to notify the DC, (by phone or e-mail), no later than the Wednesday prior to a mounted meeting of their intent to ride OR not, and who they will be riding. If the member fails to contact the DC, they will not be included in the lesson schedule.un-mounted meetings: members should notify the DC of any anticipated absences or illness as soon as possible. Remember that appropriate footwear and medical armband are required! Promptness is expected! Pony Clubbers need to arrive in plenty of time for allmeetings, mounted or un-mounted. Horse and rider must be ready to ride 15 minutes prior to scheduled meeting. Ratings The Pony Club rating system is designed to measure the progress of each member’s riding ability and horse handling and stable management skills. Rating tests are positive educational experiences that consist of riding evaluations and verbal knowledge of horses and stable management as members progress up the levels established by the USPC Standards.Each member joins USPC and SPPC as an unrated member and progresses through the lower-level ratings, (D1 to C2), within the local club. The upper level ratings, (C3 to A), are administered by the USPC National Testing Committee.Ratings are usually held when sufficient members are available for the test, but, in no case, will a member be required to wait more than six months to be tested for a rating for which he or she is qualified to take.D1 – C2 Ratings are arranged by the Club. Members must inform the DC of their intent to rate and have their flowchart signed-off before a date and examiner will be scheduled. Once a date has been set, any additional members that wish to rate may do so as long as there is room and the appropriate paperwork is submitted 1 month before the rating date. The D1 testing expense will be covered by the club. All additional testing, (D2 and up), expenses will be the responsibility of the candidate(s) regardless if they meet standard or not. The candidates(s) is responsible to pay all applicable testing fees to SPPC prior to their test date so one check can be issued to the examiner on test day. A USPC member that is at least two rating levels above the candidate’s current rating can sign off on the dismounted portion. A trainer who is familiar with the applicable standards and is approved by the DC must sign off on the mounted portion. It is the responsibility of the candidate to secure their own mount, know the attire required for the rating level and bring any required equipment. If a member is unable to attend any of the SPPC ratings, the rating coordinator will attempt to find space in a rating held by another club in the region. Parents/members may not arrange ratings on their own. At a rating, the qualified examiner has complete and independent authority as to the final decisions of the rating. No parent, instructor, board member, or other observer not officially involved with the rating may discuss or offer any unsolicited input or advice with the examiner regarding the candidate’s performance.RalliesInter-club competition is called a “Rally.” Regional rallies are held throughout the year in the form of Quiz, Dressage, Show Jumping, Eventing, Tetrathlon, and Games. Local clubs take turns in hosting a rally. Rally teams use club equipment, (saddle racks, medical kits, etc.), for their stalls and tack rooms. Each rally is a significant learning experience and an invaluable part of the Pony Club program, as well as being lots of fun. One unique thing about rally is that, except for a chaperone and maybe a coach, the contestants are on their own.All members are encouraged to participate in rallies. Any member who wishes to go to either a club, regional or national rally will be permitted to go so long as they are a “Member in Good Standing,” safe and appropriately qualified. The DC will decide on team make-up for regional rallies. National rally teams are chosen by the Regional Supervisor.Club OfficersThe main officers of the club are the District Commissioner (DC), Secretary and Treasurer. There may also be one or more Joint DC’s as are needed. These officers are selected by the Club Sponsors at the Annual Sponsor’s Meeting held in the fall of each year. The DC is approved by the Regional Supervisor.SponsorsParents of club members and other individuals who have indicated an interest in supporting the club are encouraged to become Sponsors. All persons becoming Sponsors must be approved by the DC, be at least 18 years old and not be a current member. Sponsors for the current year will be accepted at any time except for the 30 days prior to the Annual Sponsor Meeting. Sponsors will be notified of all Sponsor meetings. Meetings are typically held quarterly but can be called more often as needed. Sponsors are entitled to attend and participate in all Sponsor meetings with the power to move, discuss and vote on club issues. Additionally, Sponsors are eligible to become officers of the club. The annual sponsor fee is $5.00. The term of a sponsor is from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Fees SPPC annual membership dues will include National, Regional, and club dues. Dues are non-refundable. Discounts are offered for siblings and college members. The amount of club dues will be set each year by the club sponsors and the amounts for Regional and National dues are set by those entities.Regional and National dues are collected at the time of initial membership sign-up and again, on or before November 1 following that. Club dues will be collected quarterly, (January, April, July and October). Members are expected to participate and pay dues for the entire year, (or remainder of the year if joining late). These dues are counted on and budgeted carefully to provide our members with instruction and special opportunities. Occasionally there may be extreme circumstances that would cause a member to want to take part of the year off and not pay their club dues. These instances need to be submitted, in writing, to the DC or Jt. DC within 15 days of the new quarter beginning for consideration and approval. (Example: submitted before Jan 15, April 15, July 15 or October 15)2010 DuesNationalNew-member$125 (Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2011)Renewing member$105 (due by Nov 15, 2010)Late Renewing Member $115 (after Nov 15, 2010)Regional New $45 (Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2011)Renewing member$45 (due by Nov 15, 2010)Late Renewal$50 (after Nov 15, 2010)SPPC$240($60 collected each quarter)Discounted Dues for SPPCCollege*$120 ($30 collected each quarter)Sibling**$180 ($45 collected each quarter)Sponsor$5* A member is eligible to be a college member provided they have been an active member of SPPC for one year, achieved a C2 rating and teach at the club or regional level (mounted or dismounted at SPPC or another pony club) a minimum of twice a year. In lieu of teaching, a college member can volunteer at regional events. ** At least one family member must pay the full membership rate. DATE \@"M\/D\/YYYY" 6/11/2011 ................

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