All Things Mrs. Matherly's Classroom

Pre/Post Assessment: TED Talk/Public Speaking UnitHave you ever seen a TED talk before? Circle: Yes / NoWhat do you know about their content and style?What do adults expect from a professional speaker?How do professional speakers use their…Bodies?Eyes?Hands?Voices?What can speakers do to either HOOK and/or MAINTAIN an audience’s attention? What rules do speakers need to follow for slides/visual aids? How do speakers practice/prepare for a presentation or event? Answer on the…Pre-Assessment: What hesitations do you have about this unit? Is there anything I should know?Post-Assessment: What have you learned from this unit? How have you grown/improved?Pre/Post Assessment: ANSWER KEYHave you ever seen a TED talk before? Circle: Yes / NoWhat do you know about their content and style?They primarily feature experts in various fields who talk about a subject for 5-20 minutes; they often have memorized the speeches with only minimal slides as a background/visual aid, and they usually don’t use a podium. Their styles and content vary, but they often talk about something they feel is new, innovative, significant, or beneficial to others, often to promote change. What do adults expect from a professional speaker?Adults want their speaker to: keep their attention, appear smooth/mature/practiced, be clearly prepared, include some sort of visual (like a slideshow or handout), use good posture and eye contact, and use appropriate vocals. They also expect the speaker to adjust whatever they’re doing to both the topic and the audience. How do professional speakers use their…Bodies? Either walking casually (not nervous pacing), or good use of a podiumEyes? Consistent eye contact all around the room, not just down/reading notesHands? If hand gestures are used at all, they are calm, natural, and not fidgetyVoices? Sufficient volume, slow enough to hear, not monotoneWhat can speakers do to either HOOK and/or MAINTAIN an audience’s attention?Though good body/facial/vocal skills help, the content often needs to grab their attention with emotions, especially shock, surprise, anger, positive visualization, motivation to act, etc. Strategically structuring the speech can make this happen. What rules do speakers need to follow for slides/visual aids? They need to ride the fine line between being engaging and distracting; their primary job is to support whatever point is being made at the time, NOT to include ALL of the text for the speaker to read off of, and not to take the audience’s attention AWAY from the speaker for too long. It should help make the points clearer, more persuasive, or easier to understand. How do speakers practice/prepare for a presentation or event? With repeated practice! Even if it is not memorized, they need to practice reading it out loud, both sitting and standing, multiple times; this is both for the purpose of revision (making it better), speaking (making sure it sounds good), and physical movement (being comfortable and confident). Real speakers do NOT just wing it!Answer on the… Pre-Assessment: What hesitations do you have about this unit? Is there anything I should know?Post-Assessment: What have you learned from this unit? How have you grown/improved?(answers will vary) ................

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