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Summary:As we grow up, do we lose our imagination and creativity? Why? Does the education system strip us of our originality and individuality? Does this society condemn mistakes? Does our education put us under the pressure to reach a certain ideal? In this TED talk, Sir Ken Robinson discusses how human creativity is being suffocated by education systems and societal expectations. He explains that because our society stigmatizes mistakes, we become less willing and less able to produce original content, in fear of failure and?not being accepted. He uses some examples from his family life to show that children are losing their curiosity because of the school system.??Finally, he says that we can change the path of the school systems and fix them.Analysis:While listening to Mr. Robinson speak, I thought a lot about my childhood experiences in public school. As a teacher, I want to make my students understand the value of creativity and unique thinking. I try to make my lessons open for them to move the conversation in whatever way they like. For these reasons, I thought his speech was very inspiring. Also, I was amazed by how good he is at public speaking. He used humor and stories and a subtle and perfect way. I believe he has a lot of experience doing conferences and speaking in public like this.Vocabulary:“Blown away”?is an idiom ?it means?“To cause someone great pleasure or surprise; To greatly impress someone” Ex. ?I was blown away by the performance! It was so interesting and funny, I really loved it.“Play Out”?is a phrase. This phrase is used on?processes?and how they?develop, turnout, unfold, take place?etc. Ex. ?wonder how this business meeting will play out… I’m not sure if they’ll agree with our proposal.“To see the blood run from someone’s face”?is an idiom. This idiom is used to convey?negative feelings, eg.?fear, embarrassment, shock, or dislike?etc Ex. When Peter was told he had been fired, the blood ran from his face. He was shocked.“Squander”?is a?verb. It means?to waste something foolishly?(usually money).?Ex. He squandered all of his money on beer and gambling.?OR?You should never squander your money. Instead, save it up and spend it carefully and wisely.“stigmatize.” ?This verb comes from the noun?“stigma”, which is defined as?“a social disgrace”. In other words, something that society considers to be bad or have a bad reputation, or leaves a bad mark. Ex. Ex-prisoners always feel stigmatized when trying to return to normal society. ................

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