PART FIVE: APPLICATION TAKE HOME QUESTIONS [application 25 marks, commnication 5 marks]

Choose a combination of the following questions that add up to 25 marks for application. You cannot answer the exact same question more than once. For example you can’t do Fifteen Mark Option 16. and then do Five Mark Option 2 or 3 as well. You could however do Five Mark Options 2, 3 & 4 or both 4 and 5. These are similar but not the same (don’t use the exact same function for example).

Applicaton Five Mark Options

1. Transfer your knowledge of one current trend in Canadian families, to your own experiences with either your family or a family that is well known, for example on television.

i. To do this, identify one current trend in Canadian families identified through our look at the 2011 census, describe that trend, for example what is it and what direction is it currently moving in (increasing or decreasing or relatively steady).

ii. Then take that knowledge and apply it to the family you are using for this question. Explain, don’t just say they are – tell me, how this family is an example of this trend. Alternately, you could explain how your own view points and personal or family experiences connect with this trend.

2. Apply the six functions of the family by using a family and working with one of the six functions.

i. Choose a family that you know well enough to work with for the purpose of this question (either from television, your own family or someone you know – please do not identify the individuals by their real names if they are not part of your own family). Write an introduction that clearly describes the family that you are using.

ii. Using full sentences apply one of these six functions to your chosen family. Do this by first describing the function and then give an example that shows how the family meets or fails to meet the function. Use a minimum of one example.

3. Apply the six functions of the family by using a family and working with one other of the six functions.

i. Choose a family that you know well enough to work with for the purpose of this question (either from television, your own family or someone you know – please do not identify the individuals by their real names if they are not part of your own family). Write an introduction that clearly describes the family that you are using.

ii. Using full sentences apply one more of these six functions to your chosen family. Do this by first describing the function and then give an example that shows how the family meets or fails to meet the function. Use a minimum of one example.

4. Apply three of the six functions of the family using community and social programs provided by the government and other agencies.

i. Choose a family that you know well enough to work with for the purpose of this question (either from television, your own family or someone you know – please do not identify the individuals by their real names if they are not part of your own family). Write an introduction that clearly describes the family that you are using.

ii. For each of the three of the six functions, describe the function using your own words, and identify a minimum of one agency or program that would help Canadian families meet this need.

5. Apply the first 3 steps of the method of inquiry to any of the following topics of interest.

* Gender and or age and the impact of having a part time job and teen’s grades.

* Gender and or age and the impact of divorce.

* Gender and or age and relationships between step parents and step children.

1) Identify a research question

2) Develop a hypothesis

3) Develop a hypothetical plan for investigating the question and proving the hypothesis

Application Ten Mark Options

6. Transfer your knowledge of two current trends in Canadian families, to your own experiences with either your family or a family that is well known, for example on television.

i. To do this, identify two current trends in Canadian families identified through our look at the 2011 census, describe each trend, for example what is it and what direction is it currently moving in (increasing or decreasing or relatively steady).

ii. Then take that knowledge and apply it to the family you are using for this question. Explain how this family is an example of each of these trends. Alternately, you could explain how your own view points and experiences and connect with these trends.

7. Apply the six functions of the family by using a family and working with two of the six functions.

i. Choose a family that you know well enough to work with for the purpose of this question (either from television, your own family or someone you know – please do not identify the individuals by their real names if they are not part of your own family). Write an introduction that clearly describes the family that you are using.

ii. Using full sentences apply two of these six functions to your chosen family. Do this by first describing the function and then give an example that shows how the family meets or fails to meet the function. Use a minimum of one example per function.

8. The same as question 7 using two more of the six functions.

9. Apply the six functions of the family using community and social programs provided by the government and other agencies.

i. Choose a family that you know well enough to work with for the purpose of this question (either from television, your own family or someone you know – please do not identify the individuals by their real names if they are not part of your own family). Write an introduction that clearly describes the family that you are using.

ii. For each of the six functions, describe the function using your own words, and identify a minimum of one agency or program that would help Canadian families meet this need.

10. Apply any one of the family theories list in Box 1 to understand or explain the way the Brown family functions see Box 2 .

i. Using full sentences and your own wording, define fully, the main tenets (points, views, principles) of the theory as it applies to families.

ii. Then describe in detail how you would use this particular theory to better explain the way this family functions or does not function.

Box 1 structural functionalism symbolic interactionism systems theory life cycle stages

social exchange theory conflict theory (Marxism) feminism queer theory

Box 2

Heath and Claire Brown recently married. Heath has a 16 year old and 20 year old daughter from a previous relationship. Claire, who is 27, doesn’t have any of her own children and is quite a bit younger than Heath who is 43. Heath is a successful accountant who works in the city which is an hour commute. Claire is hoping to add to the family with more children. Heath isn’t sure he wants anymore children because he is very happy with the two that he already has but he loves Claire and wants her to be happy. He also thinks Claire should think about getting a job so she can contribute to the family income. Claire is hoping that she can change Heath’s mind about having more children as she has dreams of a big family. She is worried about getting a job, because Heath expects her to keep the home clean and tidy, and to look after the majority of the household work. Heath’s oldest daughter is dating Kara, a girl from her college who she thinks will be her life partner. Claire and Heath are anxious to meet Kara.

11. Same question as 10 using a different theory.

Application Fifteen Mark Options

12. Transfer your knowledge of three or more current trends in Canadian families, to your own experiences with either your family or a family that is well known, for example on television.

i. To do this, identify three or more current trends in Canadian families identified through our look at the 2011 census, describe each trend, for example what is it and what direction is it currently moving in (increasing or decreasing or relatively steady).

ii. Then take that knowledge and apply it to the family you are using for this question. Explain how this family is an example of each of these trends. Alternately, you could explain how your own view points and personal and family experiences connect with these trends.

13. Apply the six functions of the family to a family.

i. Choose a family that you know well enough to work with for the purpose of this question (either from television, your own family or someone you know – please do not identify the individuals by their real names if they are not part of your own family). Write an introduction paragraph that clearly describes the family that you are using.

ii. Using full sentences,your own wording and body paragraphs, apply each of these six functions to your chosen family. Do this by describing each function in detail and then giving an example that shows how the family meets or fails to meet each. Use a minimum of one example per function.

iii. Lastly, conclude by summarizing how well or not well the family is meeting the six functions of the family.

14. Apply the six functions of the family to community and social programs provided by the government and other agencies.

i. Choose a family that you know well enough to work with for the purpose of this question (either from television, your own family or someone you know – please do not identify the individuals by their real names if they are not part of your own family). Write an introduction that clearly describes the family that you are using.

ii. For each of the six functions, describe the function using your own words, and identify a minimum of one agency or program that would help Canadian families meet this need.

Application Twenty Mark Options

15. Apply the six functions of the family to a family.

i. Choose a family that you know well enough to work with for the purpose of this question (either from television, your own family or someone you know – please do not identify the individuals by their real names if they are not part of your own family). Write an introduction paragraph that clearly describes the family that you are using.

ii. Using full sentences,your own wording and body paragraphs, apply each of these six functions to your chosen family. Do this by describing each function in detail and then giving an example that shows how the family meets or fails to meet each. Use a minimum of one example per function.

iii. Additionally, for each function, identify a minimum of one community group or social program that might help assist a Canadian family in meeting these needs.

iv. Lastly, conclude by summarizing how well or not well the family is meeting the six functions of the family.

16. Apply any two of the family theories list in Box 1 – see question 10 to understand or explain the way the Brown family functions see Box 2 - question 10 .

i. Begin with an introductory paragraph that introduces the idea of using family theories to better understand or explain the ways that different families function. Then identify and briefly define the two theories that you will be using (don’t use personal pronouns like I will or my).

ii. Write a minimum of two body paragraphs using full sentences and your own wording, define, much more fully, the main tenets (points, views, principles) of each of the theory as it applies to families. Then describe how you would use this particular theory to better explain the way this family functions or does not function.

[You could do this either by using a paragraph to describe in full the theory and how it applies and then do the same in the next paragraph; or you can use a paragraph or two to fully describe the theories and then a paragraph or two to apply them.]

|Criteria |Below Level One |Level One +/- |Level Two +/- |Level Three +/- |Level Four +/- |

| |to be determined |1- 1 1+ |2- 2 2+ |3- 3 3+ |4- 4 4+ |

| | |52% 55% 58% |62% 65% 68% |72% 75% 78% |85% 90% 95% |

| | | | | | |

|Communication |Writing is unclear |Writing is less clear |Writing is somewhat |Writing is clear |Writing is very clear |

| |The minimum criteria for |Ideas are communicated |clear |Ideas are communicated |and concise |

| |grade 12 college level was |with limited |Ideas are communicated |with effectiveness |Ideas are communicated |

| |not met |effectiveness. |with some effectiveness |There are a few errors |with a high degree of |

|/10 |Sentence structure is weak or|There are a lot of |There are some errors in|in grammar |effectiveness |

| |points are not explained well|errors in grammar |grammar |and or spelling |There are a minimum to |

| |There is an unacceptable |and or spelling |and or spelling | |no errors in grammar |

| |level of errors in grammar | | | |and or spelling. |

| |and or spelling | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Application |The answer does not reflect |Limited application of |Some application of |Successful application |Very thorough |

| |application of theories from |theories from class |theories from class |of theories from class |application of theories |

|#1 |class material to a |material to a |material to a |material to a |from class material to a|

| |hypothetical or personal |hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|

| |situation |situation |situation |situation |situation |

| | | | | | |

|Application |The answer does not reflect |Limited application of |Some application of |Successful application |Very thorough |

| |application of theories from |theories from class |theories from class |of theories from class |application of theories |

|#2 |class material to a |material to a |material to a |material to a |from class material to a|

| |hypothetical or personal |hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|

| |situation |situation |situation |situation |situation |

| | | | | | |

|Application |The answer does not reflect |Limited application of |Some application of |Successful application |Very thorough |

| |application of theories from |theories from class |theories from class |of theories from class |application of theories |

|#3 |class material to a |material to a |material to a |material to a |from class material to a|

| |hypothetical or personal |hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|

| |situation |situation |situation |situation |situation |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Application |The answer does not reflect |Limited application of |Some application of |Successful application |Very thorough |

| |application of theories from |theories from class |theories from class |of theories from class |application of theories |

|#4 |class material to a |material to a |material to a |material to a |from class material to a|

| |hypothetical or personal |hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|

| |situation |situation |situation |situation |situation |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Application |The answer does not reflect |Limited application of |Some application of |Successful application |Very thorough |

| |application of theories from |theories from class |theories from class |of theories from class |application of theories |

|#5 |class material to a |material to a |material to a |material to a |from class material to a|

| |hypothetical or personal |hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|hypothetical or personal|

| |situation |situation |situation |situation |situation |

| | | | | | |

PART SIX: THINKING & INQUIRY TAKE HOME QUESTIONS [thinking & inq 10, commnication 5]

Choose a combination of the following questions that add up to 10 marks for thinking and inquiry.

Thinking & Inquiry Five Mark Options analyze compare and contrast synthesize critique evaluate

1. Critique or analyze one current trend in Canadian families.

i. To do this, identify one current trend in Canadian families identified through our look at the 2011 census, describe that trend, for example what is it and what direction is it currently moving in (increasing or decreasing or relatively steady).

ii. Then critique or evaluate this using your knowledge, experiences and view points. Is this a positive trend for Canadian families or not? Explain why this is in clear detail. Do not just state this is the trend and it is good or it is bad.

2. Critique or analyze one current trend in Canadian families.

i. To do this, identify one current trend in Canadian families identified through our look at the 2011 census, describe that trend, for example what is it and what direction is it currently moving in (increasing or decreasing or relatively steady).

ii. Then critique or evaluate this using your knowledge, experiences and view points. Is this a positive trend for Canadian families or not? Explain why this is in clear detail. Do not just state this is the trend and it is good or it is bad.

3. Critique or analyze one theory used to explain or understand Canadian families.

i. To do this, identify one of the theories in Box 1 below, and describe it in detail.

ii. Then critique or evaluate this using your knowledge, experiences and view points. Is this a positive way of understanding and explain contemporary Canadian families or not? Explain why this is in clear detail. Do not just state this is the theory and it is good or it is bad.

Box 1 structural functionalism symbolic interactionism systems theory life cycle stages

social exchange theory conflict theory (Marxism) feminism

post modernist family theory queer theory

4. This is the same question as #3, using a different theory.

Thinking & Inquiry Ten Mark Options

5. Critique or analyze two current trends in Canadian families.

i. To do this, identify two current trends in Canadian families identified through our look at the 2011 census, describe each trend, for example what is it and what direction is it currently moving in (increasing or decreasing or relatively steady).

ii. Then critique or evaluate this using your knowledge, experiences and view points. Are these each a positive trend for Canadian families or not? Explain why this is in clear detail. Do not just state this is the trend and it is good or it is bad.

Thinking & Inquiry Fifteen Mark Options

6. Compare and contrast two current trends in Canadian families.

i. To do this, identify two current trends in Canadian families identified through our look at the 2011 census, describe each trend, for example what is it and what direction is it currently moving in (increasing or decreasing or relatively steady).

ii. Then compare these trends by describing the ways that they are similar.

iii. Then contrast these trends by describing the ways that they are different. Do not say they are different because they are different trends – it needs to be more sophisticated than that. Consider the past and present, or consider what is causing each and so on.

Thinking & Inquiry Twenty Mark Options

7. The good, the bad and the ugly. Compare and contrast three or more current trends in Canadian families.

i. To do this, write an introductory paragraph where you identify briefly three or more current trends in Canadian families identified through our look at the 2011 census, describe each trend, for example what it is and what direction it is currently moving in (increasing or decreasing or relatively steady).

ii. Write a paragraph about each trend in more detail – using specific statistics from the census(es), clearly pointing out the ways in which the trend is either good, bad or ugly for Canadian society.

iii. Then write a concluding paragraph that summarizes your views and evaluations of the current trends happening to Canadian families.

8. The good, better, best. Compare and contrast three or more positive current trends in Canadian families.

i. To do this, write an introductory paragraph where you identify briefly three or more positive current trends in Canadian families identified through our look at the 2011 census, describe each trend, for example what it is and what direction it is currently moving in (increasing or decreasing or relatively steady).

ii. Write a paragraph about each trend in more detail – using specific statistics from the census(es), clearly pointing out the ways in which the trend is either good, better or best for Canadian society.

iii. Then write a concluding paragraph that summarizes your views and evaluations of the current trends happening to Canadian families.

9. Compare and contrast two theories or ways of understanding and explaining Canadian families.

i. To do this, write an introductory paragraph where you identify briefly two theories or ways of understanding and explaining contemporary Canadian families. The thesis will be that there are ways that these theories are similar to one another and then there are ways that they differ.

ii. In the body paragraphs, describe in full detail each of the two theories.

iii. Then use a minimum of one body paragraph to compare these theories by describing the ways that they are similar.

iv. Then use a minimum of one body paragraph to contrast these theories by describing the ways that they are different. Do not say they are different because they are different theories – it needs to be more sophisticated than that. Consider how each view the family and whether or not they support contemporary changes to the family or not.

v. Then write a concluding paragraph that summarizes your views and evaluations of these two theories or ways of understanding and evaluating what is currently happening to Canadian families.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure that you have chosen questions that will bring you up to a mark out of 25 from Application and a mark out of 10 for thinking and inquiry.

|Criteria |Below Level One |Level One +/- |Level Two +/- |Level Three +/- |Level Four +/- |

| |to be determined |1- 1 1+ |2- 2 2+ |3- 3 3+ |4- 4 4+ |

| | |52% 55% 58% |62% 65% 68% |72% 75% 78% |85% 90% 95% |

| | | | | | |

|Communication |Writing is unclear |Writing is less clear |Writing is somewhat |Writing is clear |Writing is very clear and |

| |The minimum criteria for |Ideas are communicated |clear |Ideas are communicated |concise |

| |grade 12 college level was|with limited |Ideas are communicated |with effectiveness |Ideas are communicated with |

| |not met |effectiveness. |with some effectiveness |There are a few errors |a high degree of |

|/10 |Sentence structure is weak|There are a lot of errors |There are some errors in|in grammar |effectiveness |

| |or points are not |in grammar |grammar |and or spelling |There are a minimum to no |

| |explained |and or spelling |and or spelling | |errors in grammar |

| |There is an unacceptable | | | |and or spelling. |

| |level of grammar and | | | | |

| |spelling errors | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Thinking/ |The answer does not |Concepts are defined in a |Concepts defined |Concepts defined in a |Concepts defined in a |

|Inquiry |reflect analysis, |limited way. |somewhat |clear way. |comprehensive manner. |

| |evaluation, critical |Limited analysis skills, |Some analysis skills, |Analysis skills shown as|Very strong analysis skills |

|#1 |thinking, interpretation |evaluation, critical |evaluation, critical |well as an ability for |shown as well as a strong |

| |or an ability to compare |thinking, interpretation |thinking, interpretation|evaluation, critical |ability for evaluation, |

| |and contrast either trends|or an ability to compare |or an ability to compare|thinking, interpretation|critical thinking, |

| |or theories |and contrast either the |and contrast either the |or an ability to compare|interpretation or a clear |

| | |trends or the theories |trends or the theories |and contrast either the |and concise ability to |

| | | | |trends or the theories |compare and contrast either |

| | | | | |the trends or the theories |

| | | | | | |

|Thinking/ |The answer does not |Concepts are defined in a |Concepts defined |Concepts defined in a |Concepts defined in a |

|Inquiry |reflect analysis, |limited way. |somewhat |clear way. |comprehensive manner. |

| |evaluation, critical |Limited analysis skills, |Some analysis skills, |Analysis skills shown as|Very strong analysis skills |

|#1 |thinking, interpretation |evaluation, critical |evaluation, critical |well as an ability for |shown as well as a strong |

| |or an ability to compare |thinking, interpretation |thinking, interpretation|evaluation, critical |ability for evaluation, |

| |and contrast either trends|or an ability to compare |or an ability to compare|thinking, interpretation|critical thinking, |

| |or theories |and contrast either the |and contrast either the |or an ability to compare|interpretation or a clear |

| | |trends or the theories |trends or the theories |and contrast either the |and concise ability to |

| | | | |trends or the theories |compare and contrast either |

| | | | | |the trends or the theories |

| | | | | | |

|Thinking/ |The answer does not |Concepts are defined in a |Concepts defined |Concepts defined in a |Concepts defined in a |

|Inquiry |reflect analysis, |limited way. |somewhat |clear way. |comprehensive manner. |

| |evaluation, critical |Limited analysis skills, |Some analysis skills, |Analysis skills shown as|Very strong analysis skills |

|#1 |thinking, interpretation |evaluation, critical |evaluation, critical |well as an ability for |shown as well as a strong |

| |or an ability to compare |thinking, interpretation |thinking, interpretation|evaluation, critical |ability for evaluation, |

| |and contrast either trends|or an ability to compare |or an ability to compare|thinking, interpretation|critical thinking, |

| |or theories |and contrast either the |and contrast either the |or an ability to compare|interpretation or a clear |

| | |trends or the theories |trends or the theories |and contrast either the |and concise ability to |

| | | | |trends or the theories |compare and contrast either |

| | | | | |the trends or the theories |

| | | | | | |

|Thinking/ |The answer does not |Concepts are defined in a |Concepts defined |Concepts defined in a |Concepts defined in a |

|Inquiry |reflect analysis, |limited way. |somewhat |clear way. |comprehensive manner. |

| |evaluation, critical |Limited analysis skills, |Some analysis skills, |Analysis skills shown as|Very strong analysis skills |

|#1 |thinking, interpretation |evaluation, critical |evaluation, critical |well as an ability for |shown as well as a strong |

| |or an ability to compare |thinking, interpretation |thinking, interpretation|evaluation, critical |ability for evaluation, |

| |and contrast either trends|or an ability to compare |or an ability to compare|thinking, interpretation|critical thinking, |

| |or theories |and contrast either the |and contrast either the |or an ability to compare|interpretation or a clear |

| | |trends or the theories |trends or the theories |and contrast either the |and concise ability to |

| | | | |trends or the theories |compare and contrast either |

| | | | | |the trends or the theories |


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