290830073660A global volunteer organization that improves the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. 00A global volunteer organization that improves the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. 111125-11747500SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF THE AMERICAS, INC.?261620085217000Shaping the Future Awards 2018-2019Deadline: May 1, 2019The Shaping the Future Awards recognize and celebrate the region’s efforts to support our current big goal—Increasing our Collective Impact. They are also an opportunity to learn about and share successful best practices that help our regions focus clubs on our organizational change strategies to: 1) Attract more members, 2) Attract more financial support; 3) Gain more recognition; and 4) Focus on programs empowering more women and girls through access to education. This entry form contains information for awards in each of these areas—program, fundraising, membership and public awareness—and the Outstanding Region Award, which recognizes the most outstanding region for their efforts across all four areas. Regions are encouraged to submit entries in all areas. Submission Guidelines:The entry should describe the activities and outcomes that occurred in the 2017-2018 club year that helped the region focus clubs on our organizational change strategies. Region governors must authorize submission of entries.It is recommended that governors and region chairs collaborate on the entries. Regions can submit only one entry for each award. Do not submit entries in binders or folders or large electronic files.Supporting materials such as photos, workshop outlines or sample presentations marked with the name of the region and the entry area may be submitted. These items will not be returned.At the judge’s discretion, a winner will be chosen in each of the four areas and one region will be chosen to receive the Outstanding Region Award. Judges may also choose to honor additional entries as warranted. To be eligible for the Outstanding Region Award, the region must submit an entry in each of the four areas with an additional entry in the Outstanding category.Entries will be judged on the efforts of the region and the outcomes of those efforts.Entries should describe efforts that:Support our organizational change to Increase our Collective Impact.Are innovative and creative.Report a measurable impact or outcomes that Increased our Collective Impact through our change strategies.Bulleted Narrative:The specific requirements for each area are listed below. Please describe in 750 words or less, in bulleted form, how the region worked to focus clubs on our organizational change strategies. The bulleted narrative should include the goal, strategy and specific activities/tactics employed by the region along with the outcomes of those efforts. SIA will provide statistical reports, where applicable. Program AwardPlease describe how your region supported increasing SIA’s collective impact through the Soroptimist Dream Programs – Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women and Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls. For the Live Your Dream Award, this can include increasing the number of clubs participating, the number of women honored, the amount of funds given to women, and/or additional support given to recipients. For Dream It, Be It, this can include increasing the number of clubs participating, the number of girls reached, and/or the number of clubs using the evaluation database. (SIA Measurement: Comparison statistics will compare FY17/18 with FY18/19 Live Your Dream Awards for percent and numeric increases in club participation, Live Your Dream awards and funds given; receipt of club recipient contact information; and additional support given. Comparison statistics will review FY16/17 Dream It, Be It with the information available June 1, 2019 for percent and numeric increases in club support and participation, girls reached and completed evaluations.)Fundraising AwardThe importance of Club Giving and supporting Soroptimist first helps us to increase our collective impact. Clubs are encouraged to make Soroptimist their cause of choice by financially supporting SIA’s Dream Programs through Club Giving. Please describe how your region encouraged clubs to give at least 10 percent of local funds raised to support federation programs through Club Giving.(SIA measurement: Comparison statistics will review Club Giving contributions May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019 against May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018 for percent and numeric increases in clubs or all clubs giving, clubs or all clubs report contributing at least 10% of funds raised locally, total dollars contributed to Club Giving.)Membership AwardTo grow our impact, we must ensure our clubs are offering an enjoyable member experience to new and seasoned members. Please describe how your region directly or how your region supported clubs in their efforts to: improve the club experience by encouraging civility, good club management and leadership development; increase members through recruitment and engagement efforts; and 3) Grow clubs through charter new clubs.(SIA measurement: Comparison statistics will review May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019 against May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018 for number of members, new members, charter members, and terminated members; percentage of members retained; number of clubs, new clubs, disbanded clubs; and percentage of clubs retained.)Public Awareness AwardPublic awareness activities exist to support our program, fundraising and membership efforts. Please describe how your region supported clubs in their efforts to grow recognition by using strategies to increase 1) the number of Live Your Dream Awards applicants and Dream It Be It participants 2) donations and/or sponsors of our Dream Programs 3) members and 4) new clubs. Publicity strategies include traditional and new media such as print ads and social media, region and club websites, tools available from the SIA website, and word-of-mouth marketing. Be sure to describe the goals of the publicity, the tool(s) or strategies used, and outcomes achieved.(SIA Measurement: Club public awareness efforts during May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019 for number of Live Your Dream applicants and Dream It Be It participants; financial support of our Dream Programs; growth in number of members and new clubs.)Outstanding Region AwardThe recipient of the Outstanding Region Award must have successes across all four areas above, have submitted applications in each of the four areas and identifies their efforts to create a healthy region supporting leadership development and succession planning.Entry FormPlease include the following information with your entry.RegionSubmitted byRegion Governor’s SignatureEntries are being submitted for (check all appropriate): Program Fundraising Membership Public Awareness Outstanding Region Award ................

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