Department of Child and Family Studies Teacher Licensure ...


Department of Child and Family Studies

Teacher Licensure Handbook

Revised July 2015



Teacher Licensure Handbook

Table of Contents

Overview of the CFS Teacher Licensure Program and Handbook

Welcome General Information about the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences (CEHHS) Graduate School of Education (GSE) Child and Family Studies (CFS) Department Child and Family Studies Mission Two Licensure Programs in Child and Family Studies: PreK-K and PreK-3 Teacher Licensure Committee CEHHS Licensure Resource Offices Advising ? Student Services ? College of Education, Health, and Human Services Office of School Based Experiences Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation/National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

(CAEP/NCATE) Accreditation Council for Improvement of Professional Education (CIPE)

The Undergraduate Program

Tenets of the Undergraduate Program Two Licensure Program Options in Child and Family Studies: PreK-K and PreK-3 Curriculum Showcases - Required Coursework Lists PreK-K Program Curriculum Showcase PreK-3 Program Curriculum Showcase General Education Classes Required Child and Family Studies Classes Suggested Schedule for CFS coursework for PreK-K Suggested Schedule for CFS coursework for PreK-3 Summer Block Courses ? PreK-K Participation Opportunities in the Early Learning Center for Research and Practice (ELC) Senior Practicum Senior Exam/"Test in the Major" Graduation and Degree TaskStream Academic Integrity - Honor Statement, Plagiarism The Statement Confidentiality Child Abuse and Neglect Joining Professional Organizations Professional Presentations and Research

Undergraduate Advising

Important Undergraduate Catalog Information UT Undergraduate Advising Policy Role of the Academic Advisor Child and Family Studies Teacher Licensure Recommendations for Academic Advising Assignment of Child & Family Studies Academic Advisor



Change of Academic Advisor Procedure Undergraduate Information Meetings Pre-requisites for Applying to the PreK-K Program Pre-requisites for Applying to the PreK-3 Program Resources for Academic Success/Assistance for Students

Student Success Center Tutoring and Study Help Career Services Disability Services The Writing Center Educational Advancement Program Mathematics Tutorial Center

Professional Preparedness

Professional Ethics Professional Dispositions Purpose of the Professional Dispositions Dispositions Evaluations Dispositional Deficiency Forms (DDF) Teacher Licensure Committee Procedure for Filing Dispositional Deficiency Forms Advice: Tips and Suggestions for all Teacher Licensure Candidates How to Gain Experience Working with Children


What is Progression? When Does Progression Happen? Teacher Education Calendar When to Apply for Progression? Pre-Requisites for Applying to Progress How to Apply: Steps in the Process:

-Step I: Admissions Board Interview Process: PreK-K and PreK-3 Programs -Step II: Graduate Application Process: PreK-3 Program only Progression Task Time Line Progression Application Procedures: -Speech and Hearing Screening -Progression Information Meetings -Admission Board Application Background Checks: -State and School System Required Procedures Coordinator and Faculty Expectations during Progression Admission Boards Composition Admission Boards Interview Procedures -Purpose of the Interview -What to Expect during the Interview Restricted Coursework Requests Step I: Admissions Board: Decision Making Procedures for PreK-K and PreK-3 Step II: Graduate Application Review (PreK-3 only)



New Admits PreK-K and PreK-3

Communication of Progression Decisions Advising for Upper Division Coursework and Program Completion Group Information Sessions Applying to the UT Graduate School ? PreK-3 only Program Design Options for Completion of Additional Graduate Classes to fulfill Requirements for the MS Degree ? PreK-3 Restricted Coursework Request Form Professional Dispositions ? 1st Evaluation Portal CFS 422/423 Teaching Experiences Undergraduate Graduation What is Senior Privilege? Senior Requesting Permission for Graduate Credit Deferral of the Internship ? Policy and Procedures (PreK-3 only) Withdrawal from the PreK-3 Internship or PreK-K Student Teaching ? Policy and Procedures

PreK-K Program: Student Teaching

Parameters of the PreK-K Student Teaching Semester Links to School Website for Calendars Schedule Attendance at Faculty Meetings and in-service Sessions Student Teaching Placement Procedures Background Checks State and School System Required Procedures Drug Testing Liability Insurance Delay of Student Teaching The Student Teaching Experience What Does Student Teaching Include? Absences Personal Days Career Fair edTPA Weather-Related Policy Carpooling Professionalism Documentation Booklet Formal Evaluation during Student Teaching Collaborative Model of Supervision: What to Expect TaskStream Uploads Praxis Exams Final Details UT Career Services Opportunities

PreK-3: The Internship

Prior to the Internship: Parameters of the Internship -Primary and Alternate Placement Contexts



-Primary and Alternate Placement Dates -Calendars - Links Liability Insurance Background Check Drug Testing National and Tennessee Child Abuse Registries Internship Primary Placement Process -Placement Requests Procedures -Placement Assignment Procedures -Mentoring Session -Site Visit and Observation -Small Group Question and Answer Sessions CEHHS Orientation for Professional Year: Internship PreK-3 Internship Orientation Internship Graduate Coursework Substitution of Graduate Coursework within the PreK-3 Licensure Program During the Internship: What Does the Internship Include? Specific Requirements of the Internship -Lead, independent teaching -Documentation Folder -Formal Observations -Observations/evaluations -Probationary Teaching License -Liability Insurance -School Calendar -Personal days, sick days, and professional development days Link to Internship Handbooks Collaborative Model of Supervision: What to Expect Practice Based Review of Research (PBRR) "Capstone" Celebration Praxis Tests Supplemental Staffing - Substitute Teaching The Job Search UT Career Services Opportunities Teacher Recruitment Fair Teacher Licensure Committee Assistance After the Internship Conclusion of the Internship Year Summative Report and Conference TaskStream Upload Reminder Receiving Licensure Entering the Field Leadership within the Field

PreK-3 Intern as a Graduate Student

The Graduate Degree PreK-3 Intern as a Child and Family Studies Graduate Student



UT Graduate Catalog Child and Family Studies Graduate Student Handbook Internship: Graduate Course Work Completion of the Master of Science Degree Program Design Options for Completion of Additional Graduate Classes to fulfill Requirements for the MS degree New Graduate Student Orientation Faculty Academic Mentors Substitution of Graduate Coursework within the PreK-3 Licensure Program Standing Graduate Committee for PreK-3 Students Admission to Candidacy Form Changes in Graduate Coursework Culminating Experiences for MS-TL Students Graduation Requirements Professional Presentations and Publications Child and Family Studies Graduate Student Organization (GSO)

Post Baccalaureate Procedures

What is Post Baccalaureate? Post Baccalaureate Preparations Post Baccalaureate Requirements Application for Progression Procedures Chart of Required Post Baccalaureate Coursework: PreK-K Chart of Required Post Baccalaureate Coursework: PreK-3 Other Requirements for Post Baccalaureate Students

Links for Professional Resources

Joining Professional Organizations - National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) - American Educational Research Association (AERA) - Stand for Children - Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) - The Division for Early Childhood (DEC)

Links to Professional Sites Important Child and Family Studies Contact Information Office of Professional Licensure and School-Based Experiences Personnel College Internship Handbook Links


PreK-K Early Childhood Education Progression: Projection of Restricted Coursework PreK-3 Early Childhood Education Progression: Projection of Restricted Coursework Progressing into the CFS Licensure Programs: PreK-K, PreK-3: "Taking the Mystery Out" handout PreK-K and PreK-3 Admission Board Sample Questions for Interviews Deferral Request Form Withdrawal Request Form Request to Delay Student Teaching Form Application for CFS 470: Teaching Practicum


7 Advising Form: Senior Privilege and Graduate School Start Date Confirmation CFS PreK-3 Teacher Licensure Students ? Graduate School Admission Process CFS Graduate Course Rotation




Overview of the CFS Teacher Licensure Program and Handbook



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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