Rebecca Chmiel, Msc

S6B: Unit 5- Advertising Unit Intro with vocab, adjective order and writing/speakingLesson Aim: To learn the new vocabulary, to practice adjective order and to design a marketing campaign with well-planned writing followed by a spoken presentation 8:00-8:15WarmerInsert warmer here8:15-8:30Vocabulary input 1: Animal noisesTeacher drills pronunciation of the target words Students match the pics on slide 9 to the new words (receptive controlled practice)Students match words to the sentences around the room (WK #1 below)Bark, bleat, grunt, roar, hiss, croak8:30-8:45Vocab input 2: animal idiomsTeacher elicits possible meanings for the idiomsTeacher drills pronunciation of the target idioms Controlled practice: Students complete a crossword filling the blank with the idiom/animal noise for said (WK #2 below) Feedback scavenger hunt: Students have the length of 1 song to find the answers and check the correct answers against their own (WK #3 below)Semi-controlled practice: Students fill in their own sentences using the animal noises (WK #4 below) Feedback: board race in 2 teams‘at a snail’s pace; ‘chicken out’; ‘fishy’; ‘to put the cart before the horse’; ‘to parrot’; ‘to be like sheep’8:45-9:00Funny captionsStudents draw a word or idiom and have to draw a cartoon depicting itPass to next student who has to fill in the captionsPut around room and judge which is best9:00-9:15BreakBreak9:15-9:30Video: Funny Talking AnimalsWatch 1st time- opinions (slide 23)Watch 2nd time- target vocab to describe the different segments/ characters (slide 24) (WK #5)Watch 3rd time- Fill in the gaps (WK #6 below)9:30-9:40Roleplay preparationStudents prepare for roleplays in 2s/3s using the target vocabulary9:40-9:50RoleplaysStudents perform9:50-10:00Error Correction/ Feedback/ quizlet info #1: Animal noises sentencesThe football coach ____________ his instructions at the players.They all ____________ with laughter when they saw what I was wearing.My father didn’t actually say ‘Yes’, he just ______________.The actors were terrible and the audience ____________ their disapproval.Harry just about managed to ___________ that he was OK although he had a very sore throat.I hate it when she ___________ on about how badly everyone treats her.WK #2: Crossword with clues27749507581900005772150764667000-20002543942000Animal Noises for ‘Said’ and Idioms1189865-127000234567891011Across4.Jesse ________ with laughter when I fell over. How mean is he?!5.Stop ________ on about how hard you have it, it's getting really old to listen to.8.It's so stupid when Jilly puts the cart before the _______ just because she doesn't want to wait and do things right!9.Man, the traffic today was so bad that I could only drive at a ______'s pace.10.The audience _______ and booed when the show fell apart on stage. What a disaster.19050018224500Down1.Because of the sore through, Uncle Joe could only _____, so we could hardly hear him.2.Matthew _______ out at the last minute because he was scared of being laughed at.3.That smelly little boy always _______ everything I say to him.5.The teacher ________ instructions at us before the test.6.Why do you always ______ when I ask you a question? I can't understand anything you say!7.Hmm, I don't trust that weird man staring at me in the corner. There's something ______ going on here.11.You're all like _______! Why don't you try to be more original?WK #3: Crossword Answers: Cut up and hide around the room ahead of class starting4 Across: roared5 Across: bleating8 Across: horse9 Across: snail10 Across: hissed1 Down: croak2 Down: chickened3 Down: parrots5 Down: barked6 Down: grunt7 Down: fishy11 Down: sheepWK #4: Freer practice activity where students put in their own sentences28575032004000 Ways of saying ‘said’Example SentenceBark28575022796500Bleat18097527622500-144462536766500GruntRoar2489206540500Hiss38100-11430000CroakWK #5: What do you think of these characters?276225-26225500Feathered Factor: Bird Idol33750253644900022860036893500The Flamingoes6667519494500Main Flamingo33686757429500173990-18161000202120518605500Joaquin and Alison11430029019500Brendan and NadiaAngry Bird21812253810000MonkeyBroken Wing Bird Minister BirdBrian and Jon1905012573000315531510668000JustinWK #6: Funny Talking Animals BBC Gap Fill Activity Start time: 2:55 minutes into video5057775771526SLANG GLOSSARYUp your game: Do betterGutted: Hurt, upset, feeling like your insides have been ripped outPleasantry: A polite common courtesyGiving someone lip: Talking back to them in a rude wayMug: Idiot No quarter given: No mercy givenResting on the top cushion: Having a rest, lying downHigh-octane: High-powered350000SLANG GLOSSARYUp your game: Do betterGutted: Hurt, upset, feeling like your insides have been ripped outPleasantry: A polite common courtesyGiving someone lip: Talking back to them in a rude wayMug: Idiot No quarter given: No mercy givenResting on the top cushion: Having a rest, lying downHigh-octane: High-powered Feathered Factor: Bird IdolFlamingo: This week has been the __________ so far. I’ve been dreading the Latin routine. The Tango, it’s just not coming ______________.Cosmo: “This is meant to be the dance of ___________! Up your game, all of you, where is the passion?!”Flamingo: We flamingi are not by nature a sensual species. I don’t even ___________ what sensual means.Cosmo: “Team, you move like Stavarosz Flatly. It’s no very sexy.”Flamingo: The criticism from Cosmo really __________. I was gutted. I just needed to get away for a bit. The pressure’s really mounting now. Especially Joaquin and Alison. He goes out to Buenos Aires every year. His tango is ______________.Joaquin: “Submit to me, Alison. Give in. Let me take you on another say. Feel it. Dance. Dance until you ________________ the dance! It’s nice, no?”Flamingo: I’m not sure what the judges are going to make of Brendan and Nadia’s __________________ interpretation of the tango. As for Justin, I don’t know where to start. His foxtrot last week left us all speechless. I don’t know how to take the bus up with him. She didn’t deserve that. Anyway we need to put in the _____________ of our lives tonight, or we could be eliminated from the competition. We’ve come so far, I really don’t want to _________ home this week.Angry Bird:“Alright? That’s a pleasantry. I don’t care whether you are or ___________. I’ve seen your sort before. All spiky hair and lip. Well I tell you this for nothing: you ain’t getting past me unless I say so. And if you want to try then you’re welcome, but I tell you this: you better bring a pack ____________ with ya, because you’re gonna be hungry when I finish with ya. Cheek of it, coming in here, up to me. Giving it all that with his ___________ head and the clicky fingers. Eh, giving it all that? You mug.”Monkey: “Went to sign up to yoga classes the other day and the teacher, she said it was all full, but the room was half _____________. Ah, it’s a mystery, that.”Bird 1: “Excuse me, I’m having a bit of ____________ with my wing, I think it’s broken. Could anyone help?” Minister Bird: “Do I know anyone who can help? Gather round, brothers and sisters! Join me! Are you ready to receive the ________________? Ready to receive the light? Feel the power! Feel the love! If feeling the Lord is wrong then I don’t ever want to be ____________!” Bird 1: “Aha! I don’t believe it! Look, everyone, he’s healed me broken wing!”Minister Bird: “Behold, he believed and now he has received the healing!” Bird 1: “Ah, ah no, hang on, it’s still broken.”Minister Bird: “Non-believer!”Bird 1: “Oh no, it’s working again!”Minister Bird: “It’s a ________________!”Brian: “This has been such a tough third session here, no quarter given by either player.” Jon: “He’s going to want to push this up behind the blue, and leave the white Russian in the corner, Brian.”Brian: “I think we’d all like to be resting on the top cushion after this session, Jon! All joking aside, though, this is about as tense as it gets in high-octane, world-class, _________________ monkey snooker.”Use one of the target vocabulary we practiced today to describe the quote:1. “Team, you move like Stavarosz Flatly. It’s no very sexy.” _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. “Submit to me, Alison. Give in.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. “His foxtrot last week left us all speechless.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. “Well I tell you this for nothing: you ain’t getting past me unless I say so.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. “Behold, he believed and now he has received the healing!” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. “I think we’d all like to be resting on the top cushion after this session.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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