Hi-Pot Testing Effective TBD - Gwen Holladay

Effective Date: TBDPrepared by:Jerry WayneDate: TBDReviewed by: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________________Approved by: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________________Required review frequency: TBDTable of Contents TOC \h \z \t "Heading 1,1,Heading 2,2,Attachment,3" 1.Purpose and Scope PAGEREF _Toc285616770 \h 42.Acceptance Criteria PAGEREF _Toc285616771 \h 43.Special Tools and Materials PAGEREF _Toc285616772 \h 43.1Special Tools PAGEREF _Toc285616773 \h 43.2Materials PAGEREF _Toc285616774 \h 44.Precautions, Limitations, and Notes PAGEREF _Toc285616775 \h 44.1Precautions PAGEREF _Toc285616776 \h 54.2Limitations PAGEREF _Toc285616777 \h 54.3Notes PAGEREF _Toc285616778 \h 55.Prerequisites PAGEREF _Toc285616779 \h 55.1Planner PAGEREF _Toc285616780 \h 65.2Electricians PAGEREF _Toc285616781 \h 66.Definitions and Acronyms PAGEREF _Toc285616782 \h 77.Instructions PAGEREF _Toc285616783 \h 77.1Prepare for Test PAGEREF _Toc285616784 \h 77.2Hi-Pot Testing PAGEREF _Toc285616785 \h 87.3Post Test Activities PAGEREF _Toc285616786 \h 118.References PAGEREF _Toc285616787 \h 128.1Development References PAGEREF _Toc285616788 \h 128.2Performance References PAGEREF _Toc285616789 \h 129.Attachments PAGEREF _Toc285616790 \h 12Attachment A:Signoff/Data Sheet PAGEREF _Toc285616791 \h 13Attachment B:Verification Sheet PAGEREF _Toc285616792 \h 14List of Figures TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1 Hi-Pot Test Set Connections PAGEREF _Toc285616793 \h 9List of Tables TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1 Signature Box PAGEREF _Toc285616794 \h 6Table 2 Maximum Test Voltage PAGEREF _Toc285616795 \h 8Table 3 Torque Value Chart PAGEREF _Toc285616796 \h 11ReviewsWriter completes this section and deletes from final version after approval. Review comments are stored in <type location where comments are stored.>.< In the Name column, list the names of reviewers you plan to review your document.>Internal ReviewName PositionDate<type name of program owner><type title, organization><m/d/yy>Gwen HolladayTechnical Writer, DCD2/18/11Stakeholder ReviewName PositionDate<type name of organization manager><type title, organization><m/d/yy><type name of reviewer><type title, organization><x/x/xx>Purpose and ScopeThe purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions to ensure DC Hi-Pot testing of power cables and busses buses is performed in a safely and competently manner.Acceptance CriteriaThe following acceptance criteria must be met to complete the procedure. Power cables or busses buses under test shall exhibit no breakdown of insulation resistance during the five five-minute test period at Maximum Test Voltage, as indicated by a sharply rising value of leakage current.Special Tools and MaterialsUse the following special tools and materials to perform this procedure.Special ToolsThe following special tools are required:DC Hi-Pot Test SetVoltmeter, Simpson 260, Fluke 8020, or equivalent DMMTorque wrench (expected values 3.5 to 60 foot pounds, as applicable)MaterialsThe following materials are required:Class II Rrubber insulated gloves (high high-voltage) with leather protectorsHot stickRubber mat or (7.5KV PVC Insulating Roll, (#20307, Mfgr: Certified Insulated Products)Grounds (4/0 or larger)Precautions, Limitations, and NotesBefore performing the procedure, ensure you understand the following precautions, limitations, and notes.Precautions The following precautions shall be followed:The output of this test set can be lethal. Observe Pproper electrical precautions should be observed to prevent personnel injuries or component damage when working on energized equipment. Improper grounding may present a shock hazard to operator or cause damage to test equipment.Wear the required Personal Protective Equipment, and Electrical Protective Equipment. Warn and keep other personnel away from equipment during Hi-Pot testing.Establish boundaries/ and barricades around the equipment being tested, and on remote end if necessary. The surface of the high high-voltage module must be treated as part of the energized circuit during tests.Keep HV terminal of specimen and test set's HV output cable grounded at all times except when actually performing tests.Ground test specimen to discharge accumulated charge for a minimum of four times charge time. Grounding is for safety of personnel, as well as for test accuracy.Discharge test specimen with a safety ground ("hot stick") to ground all live parts, then solidly ground these parts with a ground bond. Specimen under test may retain a lethal electrical charge even when test set is turned off. LimitationsNoneNotesThe following information may be used while performing the procedure, but is not required:Do not connect test set to energized equipment.Do not perform insulation test in a flammable or explosive atmosphere.Users of high voltage equipment should note that hHigh -voltage discharges and other sources of strong electric or magnetic fields may interfere with the proper operation of heart pacemakers. Personnel havingIf you have a heart pacemaker, s should obtain expert advice on possible risks before using this equipment or being close to the equipment while it is in operationoperating. Report Ddiscrepancies or unsatisfactory results should be reported to your supervisor for follow-up actions.PrerequisitesThe following prerequisites must be met before performing this procedure.PlannerThe planner must enter the following information:Work Order No.: __________________________________Component Tag No.: ______________________________Unit No.: ____________________________________________Serial No.: __________________________________________Specify applicable drawings to be included in Work Order package.Identify on REF _Ref285705705 \r \h Attachment A: REF _Ref285705738 \h Signoff/Data Sheet REF _Ref285617987 \h Attachment A: Signoff/Data Sheet each cable or buss to be tested with its line-to-line voltage.Record maximum test voltage on REF _Ref285705705 \r \h Attachment A: REF _Ref285705738 \h Signoff/Data Sheet REF _Ref285617987 \h Attachment A: Signoff/Data Sheet.Test voltages are based on equipment manufacturer's recommendations, or on the following equation: Maximum Test Voltage = 2.55 x (Rated Line-to-line Voltage).ElectriciansPersonnel performing this procedure shall review all instructions, precautions, notes, and safety requirements prior to performing this procedure. Ensure component has been megger tested prior to Hi-Pot testing.Each person performing work using this procedure is required to record their name, signature, and initials in the following signature box. If a worker does not have a RACF ID is unavailable, then include ID their contact phone numberinformation of the individual.Print NameSign NameInitialsRACF IDTable 1 Signature BoxDefinitions and AcronymsThe following definitions and acronyms appear throughout this procedure. The first occurrence of each term and acronym appears in italics.DC - direct current? (from Sect. 1)DMM (from Sect. 3.1)High Potential—Hi-PotKV - (from 7.2.4)Live-Dead-Live—L-D-LLockOut TagOut/Verify—LOTOVInstructionsThe procedures below contain instructions for the following tasks:Prepare for TestHi-Pot TestingPost Test ActivitiesPrepare for TestCheck LOTOV to ensure equipment to be tested has been electrically isolated and properly tagged. Use L-D-L method.Ensure equipment to be tested has been de-energized by electrical measurements.Work group should walk down both ends of any affected cables to be sure they are connected or isolated at their source to prevent any arcing. Barriers are to be established at both ends, with warnings to all personnel in immediate area before testing is to be performed.Erect barriers or flagging and warn all area personnel of impending Hi-Pot testing.Discharge equipment or circuit to be tested using a grounding jumper.Disconnect leads or remove fuses as required to electrically isolate other components which are not to be tested. Verify, then, initial and date on REF Verification_Sheet \r \h Attachment B: REF Verification_Sheet \h Verification Sheet REF Verification_Sheet \h Attachment B: Verification Sheet.Document completion of Section 7.1 on REF _Ref285705705 \r \h Attachment A: REF _Ref285705738 \h Signoff/Data Sheet REF _Ref285617987 \h Attachment A: Signoff/Data Sheet.Hi-Pot TestingTest Hi-Pot equipment integrity by open circuit testing to a voltage equal to maximum test voltage to be used.Line to Line VoltsMax Test Voltage48012242500 6375416010 600690017 60013 80035 200Table 2 Maximum Test VoltageUse REF _Ref285710863 \h Table 2 Maximum Test Voltage to choose the maximum test voltage based on the cable or bus, line-to-line voltage. Write this voltage on the Data Sheet on the same line as the cable test info.Connect Hi-Pot Test Set to cable or bus to be tested. Refer to REF _Ref285711055 \h Figure 1 Hi-Pot Test Set ConnectionsFigure 1 Hi-Pot Test Set connections. Hook up ground lead first.Figure 1 Hi-Pot Test Set ConnectionsIf high high-voltage termination of test setup contains sharp points or corners or is in close proximity to grounded objects, adjacent air may be ionized by electrical stress when energizing test specimen. This can cause excessive leakage current, and since such current can be significant it may tend to mask the true sample current. To minimize this effect, exposed high high-voltage termination should be spaced as far as possible from grounded objects.In the event of a specimen breakdown or an excessive leakage current, either the main breaker or line relay will trip out. The voltage control must be returned to "O," the reset position before high voltage can be applied again.Increase test voltage at a rate of less than one KV per second to required maximum test voltage as chosen earlier.Leakage current may rise slightly as voltage is increased then level off until voltage is increased again.If excessive leakage current is observed, it may be due to a high corona high voltage termination. An effective method of preventing excessive leakage current is to wrap exposed high high-voltage termination with a thin plastic film or plastic bag.Maintain maximum test voltage for at least five minutes, then record leakage current for cable or bus tested. A satisfactory result has is no sudden rise in leakage current.Decrease test voltage to zero.Ground the cable or bus tested with a grounding jumper for at least 20 minutes.Disconnect the Hi-Pot test leads. (HV lead first, ground lead last).Remove the grounding jumper which was installed in Step 7.2.7.Repeat steps 7.2.5 through 7.2.9 for each cable or bus to be tested.Initial and Date date on REF _Ref285705705 \r \h Attachment A: REF _Ref285705738 \h Signoff/Data Sheet REF _Ref285617987 \h Attachment A: Signoff/Data Sheet for completion of Section 7.2. Post Test ActivitiesEnsure any temporary grounds installed for testing have been removed.Connect leads or install fuses which were removed in Step 7.1.5. Verify and record on REF Verification_Sheet \r \h Attachment B: REF Verification_Sheet \h Verification Sheet REF Verification_Sheet \h Attachment B: Verification Sheet.Torque electrical connections in accordance with REF _Ref285604709 \h Table 3 Torque Value Chart or as specified on Work Order. Record value used on REF _Ref285705705 \r \h Attachment A: REF _Ref285705738 \h Signoff/Data Sheet REF _Ref285617987 \h Attachment A: Signoff/Data Sheet. Bolt Material Torque in Foot / Pounds for Bolt Size 1/4 - 20 5/16 - 18 3/8 - 16 1/2 - 13 5/8 - 11Silicone Bronze510154055Stainless Steel3.57133060Aluminum___2540All Other Materials3.57132540Torque tolerance is plus or minus 10%.Connections using hardware smaller than 1/4 inch shall be term tight.Westinghouse AR relay contact cartridge terminal screws shall be tightened to 9.5 inch-pounds (8.0 – 11.0).Terminations made by compressing a wire /or cable strand with a bolt /or screw shall be term tight. Internal wiring connections at terminal blocks and studs shall be term tight when not otherwise specified on devices.Field cable connections made to terminal blocks, studs, or mechanical lugs shall be term tight.Use the specific torque value on a device if given.If torque values are not given in Work Order use torque values listed in this table. Term Tight—Mating surfaces of terminations in full contact with each other with no visible gap or space, and the wire or lug does not move with a slight pressure applied.Table 3 Torque Value ChartRemove Ssafety barriers and flagging. Inform area personnel of completion of Hi-Pot testing is complete.Initial and Ddate on REF _Ref285705705 \r \h Attachment A: REF _Ref285705738 \h Signoff/Data Sheet REF _Ref285617987 \h Attachment A: Signoff/Data Sheet for completion of Section 7.3. ReferencesDevelopment references are documents used to develop the procedure. Performance references are documents referenced within the procedure.Development ReferencesMSE-G0-1209 Hi-Pot Testing (from Comanche Peak NPP)STA-124 Electrical Safe Work Practices (from Comanche Peak NPP)Performance ReferencesGeneration Safety HandbookLUM-FFA-REL-0014 Standard of Human Performance ImprovementAttachments The following attachments are appended to this procedure.Attachment A: Signoff/Data SheetAttachment B: Verification SheetSignoff/Data SheetWork Order No. ___________________________Cable / Buss IDLine to Line VoltsMax Test VoltsLeakage CurrentResults Good Y / NComponent TorquedTorque Value UsedM&TECal Due DateComments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Acceptance Criterion: Test results have no sudden rise in leakage current.Initial and date for completion of Section 7.2._________/_________________________Initial and date for completion of Section 7.3._________/_________________________Verification SheetUse this sheet to maintain plant configuration “as found” and “as left.”.Equipment / Module /DeviceTerm / Wire Unique IDTerm / Wire Unique IDAction CodeTest PerformerDateVerifierDateAction Codes:DL = Determ LeadIJ = Install JumperRO = Remove DeviceRO = Remove OldRC = Remove Card RL = Reland LeadRJ = Remove JumperID = Install DeviceIN = Install NewIC = Install CardO = Other (explain)OB = Open BreakerOV = Open ValveOS = Open SwitchRF = Remove FuseIT = Install Tubing CB = Close BreakerCV = Close ValveCS = Close SwitchIF = Install FuseRT = Remove Tubing Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Revision HistoryRevision NumberApproval DateNameChangesR-0TBDJerry WayneInitial Release ................

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