Technical Theatre 1 – Mr. Charles Page

281 – 357 – 3230 ext. 1158


Course Prerequisite: None, Students may fulfill fine arts and elective requirements for graduation by successfully completing Technical Theatre, Level I.

Course Introduction (TEKS 117.323): Through a variety of experiences with diverse forms of storytelling and production, Technical Theatre I will afford students the opportunity to develop and exercise creativity, intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, problem solving, and collaborative skills. Participation and evaluation in a variety of theatrical experiences will afford students opportunities to develop an understanding of self and their role in the world.

Course Objectives: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) A complete listing and explanation of the below course objectives as they are listed in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills is available for your review upon request in the principal’s office.

(1) Foundation: inquiry and understanding

(2) Creative expression/performance

(3) Creative expression/production

(4) Historical/cultural relevance

(5) Critical evaluation/response

Course Content (in no particular order)

Technical Production Staff Theatrical Design

Parts of the Stage, Stage Direction Stage Management

Types of Theaters, Types of Sets Publicity

Tools and Safety Properties: Design/Construction/Acquisition

Scenery Construction Stage Make-up

Theatrical Drafting Costumes: Wigs/Accessories

Live Production: Attendance, etiquette and evaluation Scenic Paintings Lighting

Theatre History Sound

Course Textbook

Busti, Kathryn Michele. Stage Production Handbook: Job Responsibilities for all Technical Backstage

Littleton: Theatre Things, 1990.

Grote, David. Theatre: Preparation and Performance. Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1989.

Schanker, Harry H. The Stage and the School. New York: McGraw-Hill School Division, 1999.

Course Materials/Supplies/Fees

Students will need one three-ring notebook, pens, pencils and wide ruled loose leaf paper.

There is a course activity fee of $25 to cover the cost of equipment and supplies due by August 26, 2019

Play Credit

The State of Texas requires appreciation and evaluation of theatrical productions. Each six weeks in a TMHS Wildcat Theatre class, a Play Credit paper must be turned in. If students attend the TMHS Wildcat Theatre Department production, a one-page synopsis, one page critique, and proof of attendance (i.e. program, ticket stub, etc.) must be turned in by the Wednesday after the performance was attended. If students attend a live theatrical performance elsewhere during the grading period, proof of attendance (i.e. program, ticket stub, etc.), a one-page synopsis, and a two-page critique must be turned in within the next day you attended. If students cannot attend a live production, they must read a play and complete a written assignment and turn it in by the last Tuesday of the six week grading period. This assignment will be found on the Play Report Assignment Sheet given to all theatre students at the beginning of the semester.

Theatre students can purchase a discounted Season Ticket to all TMHS Wildcat Theatre productions for themselves only, for $35.00 at the time they pay their activity fee (See above). Fees and Season Tickets must be purchased by August 26th, 2019. Fees and season tickets can be written on one check payable to TMHS Wildcat Theatre ($60 Check in total for both). We encourage the student to pay by check although cash is acceptable.



Please return this form with signatures to your teacher.

Student’s Commitment

I have received and reviewed the course syllabus with my parents and/or guardians. I will ask if I have any need for clarification or further explanation. I will make every effort to keep myself and my parents and/or guardians informed of my academic progress throughout the school year by talking with them about my classes, sharing my grades, outside assignments, and giving to them fliers and notices from school. I will also commit to coming to class each day on time, prepared, and ready to participate. Additionally, I will commit to asking questions if I do not understand and requesting tutoring for additional support as needed throughout the school year.

Printed Name: _____________________________________________ Class Period: ______________

Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Additional Comments: _________________________________________________________________


Parent’s Commitment

I have received and reviewed the course syllabus with my student. I will ask if I have any need for clarification or further explanation. I will make every effort to keep informed of my student’s academic progress throughout the school year by talking to him/her, reviewing his/her daily planner, assignments, and attending school conferences and/or meetings. Additionally, I will contact the teacher if there are concerns and additional information needed to support my student this school year. I will make every effort to return my phone messages/email within twenty-four (24) hours.

Printed Name: _____________________________________________________

Parent Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Additional Comments: __________________________________________________________________

STUDENT CLASS FEE ________________________________________________ CASH OR CHECK (circle one)

SEASON PASS _______________________________________________________ CASH OR CHECK (circle one)

Teacher’s Commitment

I will make every effort to keep my students and parents informed of academic progress and to return phone messages within twenty-four (24) – (48) hours. Additionally, I will be available for conferences and tutoring opportunities each week. Assignments will be returned in a timely fashion and be graded in accordance with the TISD Secondary Grading Guidelines.


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