WikiCurriculum - UT Liberal Arts

|Title / Content Area: |Location, Management, and Distribution of Resources in Iraq | |

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|Developed by: |LaTonya Amboree, Secondary Social Studies Helping Teacher, Fort Bend Independent School District (TX) | |

|Grade Level: |9th Grade World Geography | |

|Essential Question: |How has the location, distribution, and management of oil and natural gas affected the movement of products and people in Iraq? | |

|Contextual Paragraph: |Since the discovery of oil in the Middle East in 1908, Western powers have sought dominance over the region's resources. Iraq | |

| |has the largest reserves of oil in the world, but as a result of military occupation and civil unrest, much of Iraqi oil wells | |

| |are run down and unkempt. Repairs to the wells and oil facilities should make far more oil available economically from the same| |

| |deposits. After more than a decade of sanctions and two Gulf Wars, Iraq’s oil infrastructure needs modernization and | |

| |investment. Another challenge to Iraq's development of the oil sector is that resources are not evenly divided across sectarian | |

| |lines. Most known resources are in the Shiite areas of the south and the Kurdish north, with few resources in control of the | |

| |Sunni population in the center. | |

Annotated Resource Set (ARS)

| Resource Set |

|Middle East oil and gas map |Iraq's Petroleum and Gas |Iraq Oil Fields and Drilling Towers|Iraq Country Profile |Oil wells and camp of Iraq |Oil wells and camp of the Iraq |

|refineries, oil- and gas-fields, |Infrastructure | | |Petroleum Company |Petroleum Company |

|and pipelines | | | | | |

|-  Shows oil and gas fields and |Shows oil and gas fields and |Image shows oil wells of the Iraq |Various maps depicting the |A river of crude oil, result of an |Center of the oil activities |

|pipelines, tanker terminals, and |pipelines, exploration blocks, |Petroleum Company dating back to |petroleum, ethnic groups, religion,|uncontrolled gusher. |showing Baba Gurka on the left. |

|refineries on oil and gas map. |crude oil processing plants, pump |the 1930s. |population density, land use, | | |

|-  Includes inset of Persian Gulf |stations, refineries, and tanker | |Kurds, and physical geography of | | |

|area. |terminals in Iraq.Shows oil and gas| |Iraq. | | |

|-  Shows oil and gas fields and |fields and pipelines, exploration | | | | |

|pipelines, tanker terminals, and |blocks, crude processing plants, | | | | |

|refineries on oil and gas map. |pump stations, refineries, and | | | | |

|-  Includes inset of Persian Gulf |tanker terminals. | | | | |

|area. | | | | | |

|Shows oil and gas fields, | | | | | |

|pipelines, tanker terminals, and | | | | | |

|refineries on an oil and gas on the| | | | | |

|Middle East map. Includes inset of| | | | | |

|the Persian Gulf. | | | | | |

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|Oil Reserves and Production in Iraq|Southwest Asia Rail Routes and |Kurdistan and Oil |Iraq population and Oil |The Energy (Oil and Ethnic Groups) | |

| |Nuclear Energy Projects | | | | |

|Diagram from the Financial Times |Map depicting major rail routes and|Map shows the location of Iraqi oil|Map depicts the population density |Map depicting the location of oil | |

|that shows Iraq’s oil reserves and |nuclear energy projects in the |fields in “Kurdistan.” |of Iraq and the location of oil |fields and the placement of various| |

|production. |Middle East. | |fields throughout the country. |pipelines used for transporting and| |

| | | | |distributing oil | |

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|009/06/ |onomy/maps/maps3.html#Southwest%20A|328 |_war_2009.htm |rtland/the-energy-iraqs/1118 | |

| |sia | | | | |

|Foundations Annotations |

|Curriculum Connections |

|This Annotated Resource Set can be used in a unit on Southwest Asia. |

|Curriculum Standards |

|Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for World Geography |

|12A: analyze how the creation, distribution, and management of key natural resources affects the location and patterns of movement of products, money, and people. |

|19A: evaluate the significance of major technological innovations in the areas of transportation and energy that have been used to modify the physical environment. |

|Content & Thinking Objectives |

|Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for World Geography |

|21A: analyze and evaluate the validity and utility of multiple sources of geographic information such as primary and secondary sources, aerial photographs, and maps. |

|21B: locate places of contemporary geopolitical significance on a map. |

|21C: create and interpret different types of maps to answer geographic questions, infer relationships, and analyze change. |

|22B: generate summaries, generalizations, and thesis statements supported by evidence. |

|23C: use problem-solving and decision-making processes to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the |

|effectiveness of the solution. |


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