Houston Independent School District


Dear Parent or Guardian of (INSERT NAME HERE),

You are receiving this notification because your child has not met state and/or HISD promotion standards (form is attached). Please read below for the explanation of which promotion standards your child failed to meet and the district’s recommendation for summer school and/or accelerated instruction requirements determined by the Grade Placement Committee.

Your child tested in the _____ grade level State Reading Standards (STAAR/Staar A) and:

Did not meet the passing standard on the reading assessment

Was absent/did not receive a score on the reading assessment

Did meet the passing standard on the reading assessment but did not meet other district’s

promotion standard(s): ______________________ TYPE IN INFORMATION ________________________

(Please see the attached form titled REVISED Promotion Standards for the 2014-2015 School Year)

The results of your child’s second administration of STAAR/STAAR A Reading assessment – taken on May 12, 2015 - are attached. Under Texas law, as set forth in the Student Success Initiative grade advancement requirements, a student in grade 5 or 8 must meet the passing standard on this assessment and must participate in required additional instruction if he or she fails to meet the passing standard in order to be promoted to the next grade. If your child did not meet the passing standard on the reading assessment and/or the district’s passing standards a grade placement committee meeting will take place at the school to determine the accelerated instruction your child must complete. Students in other grade levels are subject to STAAR passing standards for Reading but will not have additional official administration of the test.

The district adheres to specific standards for promotion for grades 1-8. Due to your child not meeting the state and/or district promotion standards, it is highly recommended that he or she attend summer school. For students in grades 5 and 8 the third and final administration of STAAR/STAAR A Reading assessment for the 2014-2015 school year will take place on June 23, 2015. Parents may request to waive the student’s right to take the third administration. (Please contact the school for waiver request form).The summer school schedule for (INSERT CAMPUS NAME HERE ) is the following:

|Campus Name & Address: |TYPE IN INFORMATION |




|Contact Name & Phone #: |TYPE IN INFORMATION |

Working together, we can help ensure your child’s success. We look forward to seeing your child at summer school and you at the grade placement committee meeting. If you have any additional questions, please contact the school office.


Principal’s Name

Campus Name

In order for HISD students to move to the next grade level, they must show that they have reached HISD’s “Promotion Standards” - The State of Texas requires of all public school children. These standards generally include classroom grades and a local or state test. 

The Texas Education Agency has made substantial revisions to the state mathematics curriculum- the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) for Kindergarten through grade 8. In response to these revisions the HISD Board of Education has suspended relevant portions of local policy such that the STAAR Math assessment will still be administered; however the STAAR Math assessment results will not be a condition for promotion for the 2014–15 school year.

In addition to local and state promotion requirements, the Texas Legislature created The Student Success Initiative (SSI) to ensure that students receive the instruction and support they need to be academically successful in reading and mathematics. Under SSI, students in 5th and 8th grade must pass the STAAR reading test. However, the 5thand 8th grade STAAR Math assessment results will not be a condition under SSI promotion for the 2014–15 school year. The Houston Independent School District (HISD) standards for promotion: 

|Grade Level |Promotion Standards |

|1 and 2 |Students must pass High Frequency Word Test – Recognizing and reading words that appear very often in written and spoken language. |

| |State requirement of overall yearly average of 70 or above and local requirement of an average of 70 or above in reading, other language |

| |arts, mathematics, and science or social studies. |

| |Student must have sufficient attendance * |

|3, 4 and 5 |Students must pass STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) in reading. The STAAR Math assessment will still be administrated;|

| |however, STAAR Math results are NOT a promotion standard this year.  |

| |State requirement of overall yearly average of 70 or above and local requirement of an average of 70 or above in reading, other language |

| |arts, mathematics and science or social studies.  |

| |Students must have sufficient attendance * |

| |5th grade students must meet the requirements of the Student Success Initiative. |

|6, 7 and 8 |Students must pass STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) in reading. The STAAR Math assessment will still be administered; |

| |however, STAAR Math results are NOT a promotion standard this year. |

| |State requirement of overall yearly average of 70 or above and local requirement of an average of 70 or above in reading, other language |

| |arts, mathematics and science or social studies. |

| |Students must have sufficient attendance * |

| |8th grade students must meet the requirements of the Student Success Initiative. |

|9 -12 |Students are promoted based on their total accumulated course credits prior to the beginning of the next school year. |

| |Individual course credit is earned through a passing grade of 70% or above and sufficient attendance * |

*Sufficient attendance: A student’s total number of unexcused absences cannot exceed 10% of class meetings. 

For English Language Learners, the Grade Placement Committee (GPC) in consultation with the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) will determine promotion standards. For students with disabilities, the campus ARD/IEP committee will determine the promotion status based on mastery of IEP goals and objectives and /or course requirements. If your child does not meet Promotion Standards, your school will contact you for further opportunities to receive additional instruction.


Dear Parent or Guardian of (INSERT NAME HERE),

As a result of your child not meeting HISD promotion standards, which may include achieving the passing standard on the second administration of the STAAR/STAAR A reading assessment, it is very important that you, the student’s parent(s), be involved in the grade placement committee meeting scheduled for:

Day and Date:___________________________________________________

Time: ___________________________________________________

Location: ___________________________________________________

So that adequate preparations can be made for the meeting, please complete and return this confirmation in the enclosed self-addressed envelope by (INSERT DATE HERE) to the principal’s office at your child’s school. Make sure to note time, date, and location of the meeting for your personal record.

In response to the notification of the grade placement committee meeting I, ___________________________, (type name here), the (choose one of the following): mother father guardian

plan to attend.

do not plan to attend. If you do not plan to attend, also check one of the following:

o I waive my participation in the grade placement committee meeting, and I designate the remaining members of the grade placement committee as the decision makers for all purposes.

o I designate _________________________ to serve on the grade placement committee for all purposes.

o I cannot attend in person, but I wish to participate by telephone. The number at which I can be reached at the time of the meeting is (_____) _____________.

If you would like to attend but cannot due to a scheduling conflict, please call the school at (TYPE PHONE NUMBER HERE AND CONTACT NAME).

________________________________ __________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Please return this completed form in the self-addressed envelope provided to the principal’s office at your child’s school by (Insert date).

A parent or guardian may request that a student not participate in the third assessment opportunity due to potential harm to the student. Documentation must be provided that specifies the potential harm, the student’s need, and other relevant information. If a parental waiver is granted, the student must still participate in all required accelerated instruction. Since the student will not have the third assessment opportunity and will therefore not meet the passing standard on any of the three assessment opportunities, the student will be automatically retained as provided by the grade advancement requirements. In order for this automatic retention to be reviewed by the grade placement committee (GPC), the parent must appeal the retention to the GPC.

|Date: |      |

|Student name: |      |

|Parent/Guardian name: |      |

|Relationship: |      |

|Address: |      |

|Phone number: |      |

| | 5th Grade 8th Grade |

|Potential Harm/Student’s Needs/Other Relevant Information (please describe): |

| |

I waive my child’s right to take the third administration of the STAAR/STAAR A Reading assessment.

By choosing this option, I understand that my child must participate in all required accelerated instruction and is subject to retention based on his/her NOT meeting the passing standard for grade-level advancement on the second assessment administration for the 2014–2015 school year

_____________________________________________________ _______________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

_____________________________________________________ _______________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Based on local district procedures and policies, this waiver is


Denied reason:___________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________ _______________________________

Principal Signature Date


Parent Notification of Student Performance for Summer School Recommendation:

Evaluation of State Reading Standards and/or District Promotion Standards

Houston ISD Promotion Standards


Insert results of the Student’s

STAAR / STAAR A Reading Assessment

Results of the Student’s STAAR / STAAR A Reading Assessment

Confirmation of Participation In The Grade Placement Committee Meeting: [pic][?] |

-:;KéÜÏÂܵ§”‡Discussion of Student performance towards the State Reading Assessment and/or District Promotion Standards

Parent Waives Right to the Third Administration of the

STAAR / STAAR A Reading Assessment


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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