Form M.2_vy - Welcome to Texas Education Agency | Texas ...

Required Letter (Sample)Required Letter (Sample)Parent Notification of Child’s Performance FORMTEXT [State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR)/State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Spanish] FORMTEXT [Grade 5/Grade 8] Mathematics Test FORMTEXT [Insert name of school district/campus] FORMTEXT [Insert date]Dear Parents of FORMTEXT [Insert name]:On FORMTEXT [Insert date], the FORMTEXT [STAAR/STAAR Spanish] mathematics test was administered. The results of your child’s test are attached. Your child FORMCHECKBOX did not meet the passing standard on the mathematics test. FORMCHECKBOX was absent/did not receive a score. Please note that the promotion/retention requirements of the Student Success Initiative (SSI) have been waived for the 2020–2021 school year, and this was the only administration of the STAAR test this year; however, as part of the SSI, we are required to provide your child with additional instruction in mathematics because he or she did not meet the passing standard. Your child must participate in this required additional instruction. Also, to support your student’s academic achievement, we will create an accelerated instruction plan for your child for the next school year. Your child’s school will provide the following individualized intervention services in order to help your child gain the mathematics skills necessary for successful performance. FORMTEXT [Insert district options here—see suggestions below] Supplemental (one-on-one or small group) mathematics instruction provided by: FORMCHECKBOX your child’s classroom teacher FORMCHECKBOX other FORMTEXT ?????_________This intervention will be provided: FORMCHECKBOX before school FORMCHECKBOX during school FORMCHECKBOX after school FORMCHECKBOX in Saturday school FORMCHECKBOX other FORMTEXT ?????_________A progress report that will outline your student’s needs and intervention in more detail is forthcoming. The campus will be closely monitoring your child’s mathematics progress. We encourage you to spend time each day reinforcing mathematics skills your child has learned. You are also encouraged to meet with your child’s teacher(s) to learn more about how you can help your child improve his or her mathematics skills. The teacher’s conference time is FORMTEXT [Insert conference time]. Please contact the school at FORMTEXT [Insert phone #] to make an appointment.Sincerely, FORMTEXT [Insert name of campus principal] FORMTEXT [Insert name of campus] Attachment: FORMTEXT [STAAR/STAAR Spanish] Report Card ................

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