University of Texas at Austin

Brie Winnega(updated 3/2021)Department of EnglishUniversity of Texas at Austinbriewin@utexas.eduPh: (586) 817-3769EDUCATIONPh.D. English, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX expected 2023M.A. English, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX May 2019B.A. English with Honors, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI April 2017RESEARCHConference Presentations“‘Now, that didn’t hurt much, did it?’: Poetic Healing in Rafael Campo’s ‘Alternative Medicine.’” International Health Humanities Consortium Conference, live webinar, March 2021. “‘They were called casualties’: Examining the Impossibility of Affect in Smith’s Vietnam War Memoir.” CHCI Health and Medical Humanities Conference, Paris, France, June 2019. “‘Speaking the Truth in Love’: Deriving an Ethics of Care from Harriet Martineau’s Sick-Room.” British Women Writers Conference, Auburn, AL, April 2019. “Empathy and Infantilization of the Working Class in Mary Barton.” British Women Writers Conference, Austin, TX, April 2018. “‘The die is cast’: Performing Anxiety as Patriotic (In)Activity in Abigail Adams’ Wartime Letters.” Transatlantic Feminisms in the Age of Revolutions Conference, Austin, TX, April 2018. “Analyzing Impacts of Gender on Tutorial Interactions.” National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, Tacoma, WA, November 2016. TEACHINGAssistant Instructor, University of Texas at Austin August 2019-PresentRHE 309K: Rhetoric of Illness (online course) Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Summer 2020RHE 306: Introduction to Rhetoric and Writing Spring 2020, Fall 2019Teaching Assistant (UT) August 2017-July 2019E316M: American Literature Spring 2019E316M: American Literature (online course) Summer 2018, Summer 2019E316L: British Literature Fall 2018, Fall 2017E316N/CL315: World Literature Spring 2018CertificationsAdvanced Teaching Certificate Fall 2020Multilingual Consulting Fall 2020PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEAssistant Program Coordinator, University Writing Center (UT) August 2020-PresentWriting Consultant, University Writing Center (UT)August 2018-May 2020Writing Consultant, Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan Sept 2015-April 2017Writing Tutor, Academic Success Program, University of Michigan Sept 2016-Dec 2017Teaching Assistant, Summer Bridge Scholars Program, Univ of Michigan Summers 2015, 2016SERVICEProfessional ServiceProfessional Skills Committee, UT English Graduate Group 2021Lower Division Curriculum Committee, UT Department of Rhetoric and Writing 2020–2021 Graduate Climate Committee, UT English Department 2019–2021Teaching Assistant Mentor, UT English Department 2020First Year Forum Committee, UT Department of Rhetoric and Writing 2020Community ServiceVolunteer, Pets Assisting the Lives of Seniors, Meals on Wheels, Austin, TX Oct 2019-PresentTeaching Assistant, ESL Program, Foundation Communities, Austin, TX Jan 2020-PresentFELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTSCONNECT Program Fellowship Spring 2021RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service, UT AustinReimagining Professional Development Grant Spring 2021Texas Career Engagement, UT AustinAWARDSTechnology Scholarship, University of Texas at Austin Fall 2020Travel Award, University of Texas at Austin Summer 2019Travel Scholarship, British Women Writers Association Summer 2019 ................

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