ADVISING GUIDE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MAJOR AND MINOR FOR CLASS OF 2020August 2016This document provides guidance for students and faculty interested in the IB major and focuses on the major itself. For details on the GEP and the Business Core please refer to the SJU Course Catalog and other HSB Advising Center documents. An electronic version of this document is available at > Advising resourcesCONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u IB MAJOR CONCENTRATION PAGEREF _Toc460156654 \h 2INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPLETE CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS (40 courses) PAGEREF _Toc460156655 \h 3TYPICAL IB COURSE PLAN WITH INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE IN SPRING OF JUNIOR YEAR PAGEREF _Toc460156656 \h 4NON-NATIVE MODERN LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS PAGEREF _Toc460156657 \h 5A.GEP Non-Native Language Requirement PAGEREF _Toc460156658 \h 5B. IB Major Advanced-Non Native Modern Language Requirement PAGEREF _Toc460156659 \h 5C. SUMMARY OF NON-NATIVE MODERN LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT FOR IB STUDENTS PAGEREF _Toc460156660 \h 6D. SPECIAL CASES PAGEREF _Toc460156661 \h 6a.International Students without proficiency in English PAGEREF _Toc460156662 \h 6b.International Students from a non-English-speaking country with proficiency in English PAGEREF _Toc460156663 \h 6INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE REQUIREMENT PAGEREF _Toc460156664 \h 7SEMESTER ABROAD PAGEREF _Toc460156665 \h 8GETTING A MINOR IN A COMPLEMENTARY DISCIPLINE FROM THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES PAGEREF _Toc460156666 \h 91. Minor in a Modern Language PAGEREF _Toc460156667 \h 92. Minor in Latin American Studies PAGEREF _Toc460156668 \h 93. Minor in Asian Studies PAGEREF _Toc460156669 \h 94. Minor in International Relations PAGEREF _Toc460156670 \h 105. Minor in Economics PAGEREF _Toc460156671 \h 106. Minor in Communications Studies PAGEREF _Toc460156672 \h 10COMPLETING A MINOR IN A COMPLEMENTARY BUSINESS DISCIPLINE PAGEREF _Toc460156673 \h 111. Minor in Family Business and Entrepreneurship PAGEREF _Toc460156674 \h 112. Minor in Leadership, Ethics and Organizational Sustainability PAGEREF _Toc460156675 \h 113. Minor in Management of Human Capital PAGEREF _Toc460156676 \h 114.Minor in Marketing; 5. Minor in Sports Marketing; and 6. Minor in Music Industry; PAGEREF _Toc460156677 \h 117.Minor in Business Intelligence PAGEREF _Toc460156678 \h 118.Minor in Finance; 9. Minor in Financial Planning; and 10. Minor in Risk Management and Insurance PAGEREF _Toc460156679 \h 11INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SOCIETY PAGEREF _Toc460156680 \h 12GETTING AN INTERNSHIP PAGEREF _Toc460156681 \h 13REQUIREMENTS FOR IB MINOR FOR CLASS OF 2019 and later PAGEREF _Toc460156682 \h 14IB MAJOR CONCENTRATIONRequired courses. Take the following three required courses: IBU 210 Introduction to International Business No pre-requisiteIBU 310 Managing Foreign Direct Investment Pre-requisite: MGT 110/120/121; Junior status IBU 495 International Business Capstone: Global Strategic Planning Pre-requisites: IBU 210, IBU 310, MGT 110/120/121, PHL 154, Senior statusInternational Business Electives: Choose between 2 international business electives and 1 international exposure, or 3 international business electivesACC 430 International Accounting Pre-requisite: ACC 102FIN 302 International Finance Pre-requisite: FIN 200FMK 314 International Food Marketing Pre-requisite: MKT201IBU 363 International Business Law No pre-requisiteLEO 212 Organizational Sustainability Pre-requisite: MGT110/120/121MHC 321 International Human Resources No pre-requisiteMKT 331 International Marketing Pre-requisite: MKT201International Exposure. May only count 1 International Exposure towards satisfying the International Business Electives. Choose from the following options:IBU 370 or an international study tour offered in HSB (other study tours require pre-approval), An approved international course in one of the SJU Summer abroad programsA pre-approved course with an international focus while studying abroad, IBU 490 International Business InternshipIntegrated Learning Courses for International Business1. Macroeconomics ECN102 (no pre-requisite)2.Advanced Non-Native Modern Language. Take at least one non-native modern language course at the advanced level or higher in the target language beyond the General Education Program requirements in the target non-native modern language. The advanced level begins with the Intermediate II course (202) for European Languages (FRE, GRM, ITA and SPA), and with the Intermediate I course (201) for other languages (CHN, JAP and RUS). Advanced courses also include the conversation (301), composition (302), the business and the culture and civilization among others courses. International Business students may, and are encouraged, to enhance their non-native language skills by either taking additional language courses or by choosing to minor in their respective target modern language.3.International Economics/Politics. Take ONE of the following courses:Intro to Global Politics POL115 (no pre-requisite) Intro to Comparative Politics POL113 (no pre-requisite)International Trade ECN321 (Prerequisite ECN101, or ECN102)ElectivesTake any six courses. International business students are encouraged take elective courses with an international focus. These elective courses can be used to complete a minor in a target language (FRE, GRM, ITA, SPA), Latin American studies, Asian studies, Economics or International relations (see section on completing a minor in a complementary discipline). Some students may gain or lose electives depending on the specific courses taken. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPLETE CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS (40 courses)A. General Education Program (GEP– 15 courses)A1. Signature Core (6 courses)ENG102FYSXXXHIS154PHL154Moral PHLTHE154FJCTF&RXXXA2. Variable Core (9 courses)NnLg1XXXNnLg2XXXENG101MATXXXECN101Phl AnthropXXXRELXXXArt/Lit XXX Sc (Lab)XXXB. Business Foundation (10 courses)ACC101ACC102MGT110/120FIN200MKT201DSS200DSS210DSS220MGT360BUS495C. Integrative Learning Component for IB (3 courses)Adv NnLgXXXECN102ECN321 orPOL113/115D. IB Concentration (6 courses)IBU210Intro IBIB ElectiveXXXIBU310FDIIB ElectiveXXXIBU370 (iEXP) or IB ElectiveIBU495GSPE. Electives (6 courses)EL1XXXEL2XXXEL3XXXEL4XXXEL5XXXEL6XXXOverlay Requirements (3 courses)D G nW XXXWrtXXXEthicsXXXTYPICAL IB COURSE PLAN WITH INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE IN SPRING OF JUNIOR YEARFreshmanFallENG101NnLg1XXXMATXXXACC101FYSXXX?SpringENG102NnLg2XXXECN101ACC102MGT110/120?Summer?????SophomoreFallPHL154Moral PHLAdv NnLgXXXHIS154DSS210IBU210Intro IB?SpringTHE154FJCTEL1XXXECN102FIN200MKT201?Summer?????JuniorFallPhl AnthropXXXEL2XXXDSS200ECN321 orPOL113/115IBU310FDI?Spring Semester AbroadRELXXXEL3XXXDSS220MGT360IBU370 (iEXP) or IB Elective?Summer?????SeniorFallF&RXXXEL4XXXSc (with Lab)XXXBUS495IB Elective?SpringArt/Lit XXXEL5XXXEL6XXXIB ElectiveIBU495GSPOverlay RequirementsD G nWXXXWrtXXXEthicsXXX NON-NATIVE MODERN LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTSA.GEP Non-Native Language RequirementAll students must satisfy the GEP non-native language requirement of a two-course sequence at the level determined by the faculty of the Department of Modern and Classical Languages or a single course in conversation (301). NB: Students must take the proper sequence based on their initial language placement. Any students who wish to begin studying a language they have not studied in high school may choose to take the beginning-level sequence (101-102) in the new language.The GEP Non-Native Language Requirement may be fulfilled by appropriate course sequences in a variety of languages including: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. International business students should avoid taking Latin and Ancient Greet as their non-native language.INITIAL PLACEMENT typically in fall (first course) FOLLOW-UPtypically in spring (second course) 101 Beginning I 102 Beginning II 102 Beginning II 201 Intermediate I 201 Intermediate I 202 Intermediate II 202 Intermediate II 301 Conversation 301 Conversation ?none required (student gains one elective)A student will be exempt from the non-native language requirement if she or he presents a score of 5 on the AP test in that language. (No courses required.) If a student is placed in Conversation (language 301), only one semester of language is required. (Students with an AP language test score of 4 will be placed in 301.)If a student is placed at the beginning or intermediate levels (10 1, 102, 201, 202), two semesters of language are requiredB. IB Major Advanced-Non Native Modern Language RequirementTake at least one non-native language course at the advanced level or higher in the target language beyond the General Education Program requirements in the target non-native modern language. The Modern and Classical Languages department has established different entry courses for satisfying the advanced level. Entry courses for satisfying the advanced modern language requirement:European LanguagesFrench: FRE202 (Intermediate II)Spanish: SPA202 (Intermediate II)German: GRM202 (Intermediate II)Italian: ITA202 (Intermediate II)Other Modern LanguagesChinese: CHN201 (Intermediate I)Japanese: JAP201 (Intermediate I)Russian: RUS201 (Intermediate I) C. SUMMARY OF NON-NATIVE MODERN LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT FOR IB STUDENTSDepending on placement, take one, two or more courses until reaching the advanced level for the respective target language and completing one course beyond the GEP requirements for non-native language.Advanced coursesFrenchFRE101FRE102FRE201FRE202FRE301FRE3XXSpanishSPA101SPA102SPA201SPA202SPA301SPA3XXGermanGER101GER102GER201GER202GER301GER3XXItalianITA101ITA102ITA201ITA202ITA301ITA3XXChineseCHN101CHN102CHN201CHN202CHN301CHN3XXJapaneseJAP101JAP102JAP201JAP202JAP301JAP3XXRussianRUS101RUS102RUS201RUS202RUS301RUS3XXFor questions about non-native language courses, please contact Dr. Thomas Buckley, Chair of the Modern and Classical Languages Department (311 Bellarmine, Ph.610.660.1859, buckley@sju.edu) or Roseanne Brady, Administrative Assistant Modern and Classical Languages Department Dp. (318 Bellarmine, Phone 610.660.1848, rbrady@sju.edu) for more information.D. SPECIAL CASESInternational Students without proficiency in English Students who are not native English speakers or who have English language deficiencies must take a two course sequence (Composition and critical thinking ESL201 and ESL202) and the additional advanced course is a course in the English department (usually ENG100)NnLg1ESL201NnLg2ESL1202AdvFLgENGXXXInternational Students from a non-English-speaking country with proficiency in EnglishThis option is available for international students who are native speakers of a language other than English and have English proficiency as well. The advanced non-native modern language may be satisfied by taking a course with international contentNnLg1XXXNnLg2XXXIntl’ CourseINTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE REQUIREMENTStudents completing an International Business major/minor may take a course from the list below to fulfill the international exposure should they wish to. Students should visit the Center for International Programs (sju.edu/cip) located at 183 City Avenue (across from Borgia Hall and in between the University Press and 7-eleven), and attend the study tour information sessions.Choose ONE from the following options:IBU370 or an international study tour offered in HSB (other study tours require pre-approval), An approved international course in one of the SJU Summer abroad programsA pre-approved course with an international focus while studying abroad, An international business internship. NOTE: the international exposure course cannot double count towards completing other requirements of the international business major.SEMESTER ABROADStudents can get direct experience relevant to the international business major when living in another country. About 50 percent of the graduates in IB have taken advantage of studying abroad during the fall or spring or the junior year. Visit the Center for International Programs located at 183 City Avenue (across from Borgia Hall and in between the University Press and 7-eleven), or go to sju.edu/cip for more information, or attend the September information sessions for studying abroad.Reserve some of the courses that make sense to study in the country of interest. These include the following: any course meeting the international business requirements (iMKT, iFIN, iMGT, iECN), the advanced non-native language course, art/lit, or any of the electives. In addition, when studying abroad, IB students can fulfill the study exposure course (IBU370) by taking a pre-approved course with an international focus on the country or region where studying. The CIP has the complete list of pre-approved courses that fulfill this requirement at the following programs:American University in RomeBirkbeck College, London EnglandFairfield University in Florence ItalyGonzaga University in Florence ItalyIES-Vienna program, AustriaJohn Cabot University, Rome ItalyLancaster University, Lancaster EnglandMacquarie University, Sydney AustraliaNUI, Galway IrelandSaint Louis University, Madrid SpainSophia University, Tokyo JapanThe Beijing Center, Beijing ChinaUniversity College, Cork IrelandUniversity of Melbourne, Melbourne AustraliaUniversity of Queensland, Brisbane AustraliaIf a course with international focus is not included on the list of pre-approved course, please contact Dr. Alfredo Mauri, Director of the International Business Program (amauri@sju.edu 610.660.1120 MV376) GETTING A MINOR IN A COMPLEMENTARY DISCIPLINE FROM THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCESThere are several the options available to obtain a minor in complementary disciplines from the College of Arts and Sciences related to international business. Although these minors require taking a total of six courses, due to the possible “double-counting” of some courses and synergies with the IB program, a student can take the necessary courses to complete certain minors without too much additional load.1. Minor in a Modern Language About one quarter of the graduates in International Business have completed a minor in a modern language. Six courses are required to complete a minor in FRE, GRM, ITA or SPA (see SJU course catalog). Please contact Dr. Thomas Buckley, Chair of the Modern and Classical Languages Department (311 Bellarmine, Ph.610.660.1859, buckley@sju.edu), or Roseanne Brady, Administrative Assistant Modern and Classical Languages Department Dp. (318 Bellarmine, Phone 610.660.1848, rbrady@sju.edu) for more information.2. Minor in Latin American Studies Six courses to complete a minor in LA Studies (see SJU course catalog). The following IB courses may count toward completing the LA minor. This means that a student with an interest in LA may not need to take any additional courses to get this minor.12345nN Lg1XXXnN Lg2XXXAdv nN LgXXXArt/Lit XXXECN 321Art/Lit: Take a course in Latin American literature (see SJU course catalog)Spanish for Business does not count toward the LA minorECN321 count toward the LA minorContact Dr. Heather Hennes, Director of LA Studies program (307 Bellarmine, (610) 660-3017 hhennes@sju.edu) for more information. 3. Minor in Asian Studies Six courses to complete a minor in Asian Studies (see SJU course catalog). The following IB courses may count toward getting a minor in Asian Studies. Similar to Latin American studies, a student with interest in Asian studies may not need to take any additional courses to get this minor.12345nN Lg1XXXnN Lg2XXXAdv nN LgXXXArt/Lit XXXRELXXXnNLg1, nN Lg2: CHN 101-102 Beginning Chinese; CHN 201-202 Intermediate Chinese; JPN 101-102 Beginning Japanese; JPN 201-202 Intermediate Japanese count toward the Asian studies minorAdv nN Lg: CHN 301-302 Chinese conversation and composition; JPN 301-302 Japanese conversation and composition count toward the Asian studies minorArt/Lit: CHN 310 Selections in Chinese literature; JPN 310 Selections in Japanese literature count toward the Asian studies minorREL: REL251 Religions of Ancient India; REL261Hinduism; REL351 Indian Buddhism; REL352 Mahayana Buddhism; REL241 Islam count toward the Asian studies minorContact Dr. Kazuya Fukuoka, Director of Asian Studies program (203 Barbelin, Ph.610.660.1930, kfukuoka@sju.edu) for more information4. Minor in International RelationsSix courses to complete a minor in International Relations (see SJU course catalog under Political Science). The following five IB courses can be used to complete a minor in International Relations123POL113/115ECN101ECN321ECN101 and ECN102 count toward a minor in IRElectives 1 and 2 must be upper divisions IR coursesiExposure (only when studying abroad): Must be a course in IR (requires pre-approval)Contact Dr. Becki Scola, Chair Political Science Department (105D Barbelin/Lonergan, Ph. 610.660.1921, bschola@sju.edu) for more information 5. Minor in Economics Six courses to complete a minor in Economics (see SJU course catalog). The following IB courses can be used to complete a minor in Economics. Five of the courses that are required for the IB major meet the requirements of the economics minor, leaving one additional to take.123458MicroECN101MacroECN102 ECN321iFINFIN302DSS210IBU370 iExp or IB ElectiveiExps (only when studying abroad): Must be a course in economics with an international focus (requires pre-approval)Contact Dr. Ben Liebman, Chair Economics Department (107G Barbelin/Lonergan, Ph.610.660.1553, bliebman@sju.edu) for more information6. Minor in Communications StudiesFor more information visit Contact Dr. David Parry, Chair Communications Studies (Merion Hall 173, Ph. 610-660-3320, dparry@sju.edu)COMPLETING A MINOR IN A COMPLEMENTARY BUSINESS DISCIPLINEThese minors require taking six courses.1. Minor in Family Business and EntrepreneurshipFor more information visit or contact Dr. Patrick Saparito, Director Family Business and Entrepreneurship Program, MV327, Ph.610.660.1157, patrick.saparito@sju.edu.2. Minor in Leadership, Ethics and Organizational SustainabilityFor more information visit or contact Dr. Ron Dufresne, Director Leadership and Organizational Sustainability Program, MV353, Ph.610.660.3106, rdufresn@sju.edu. 3. Minor in Management of Human CapitalFor more information visit or contact Dr. Lucy Ford, Director Management of Human Capital, MV359, Ph.610.660.1116, lford@sju.edu.Minor in Marketing; 5. Minor in Sports Marketing; and 6. Minor in Music Industry;For more information contact Dr. Natalie Wood, Chair Marketing Department, MV250, Ph.610.660.3452, nwood@sju.edu.Minor in Business IntelligenceFor more information contact Dr. Richard Herschel, Chair Decision & System Sciences Department, MV343A, Ph.610.660.1621, herschel@sju.edu. Minor in Finance; 9. Minor in Financial Planning; and 10. Minor in Risk Management and InsuranceFor more information contact Dr. Karen Hogan, Chair Finance Department, MV339, 610.660.1671, hogan@sju.edu. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SOCIETYThe International Business Society is responsible in organizing activities for members of the SJU community with interest in international business. These include:Creating opportunities for students/business leaders interactions and mentoringSharing information/experiences regarding study abroad, internshipsPeer mentoring/advisingEngaging and becoming involved with service learning projectsOrganizing field visits to local companies and consulatesOrganizing workshops with IB interestInviting guest speakers, alums, students Other activitiesFor more information, please visit the IBS website at or contact Lauren Eltringham, President IBS 2016 (lauren.eltringham@sju.edu. ay also contact Dr. Sangcheol Song, IBS faculty advisor (ssong@sju.edu, Ph. 610.660.2241, 378 Mandeville)GETTING AN INTERNSHIPIt is important to try to get work experience related to the international business major during summers. The Career Development Office at SJU can help students find internship opportunities and is located at the tan brick building behind the Maguire Wolfington Welcome Center (Admissions) at 5800 - across Cardinal Avenue from the Sourin parking lot.For more information about internships, contact Amanda Muzi, Internship Program Specialist at the Career Development Center, amuzi@sju.edu, Ph.610.660.3122. REQUIREMENTS FOR IB MINOR FOR CLASS OF 2019 and laterTake the following six courses:IBU 210 Intro to International Business (no pre-requisite)IBU 310 Managing Foreign Direct Investment (pre-requisite MGT 110/120/121; junior status) IBU 495 International Business Capstone: Global Strategic Planning (pre-requisite IBU 210, IBU 310, MGT 110/120, PHL 154, senior status)International Business Elective: Choose one international business electiveACC 430 International Accounting (pre-requisite ACC 102)FIN 302 International Finance (pre-requisite FIN 200)FMK 314 International Food Marketing (pre-requisite MKT 201)IBU 363 International Business Law (no pre-requisite)LEO 212 Organizational Sustainability (pre-requisite MGT 110/120/121, PHL 154)MHC 321 International Human Resources (pre-requisite MGT 110/120)MKT 331 International Marketing (pre-requisite MKT 201) International Exposure. May only count 1 International Exposure towards satisfying the International Business Electives. Choose from the following options:IBU 370 or an international study tour offered in HSB (other study tours require pre-approval), An approved international course in one of the SJU Summer abroad programsA pre-approved course with an international focus while studying abroad, IBU 490 International Business InternshipMGT110/120 Essentials of Organizational Behavior/Management (no pre-requisite) One more course from the following list:Advanced non-native language. The advanced level starts with course 202 for Western Languages (FRE, GRM, ITA and SPA) and with course 201 for CHN, JAP and RUS. This course may be taken as part of the GEP non-native language requirementCAS globalization: Any certified Globalization course from the College of Arts & Sciences, such as POL113 Intro to Comparative Politics (no pre-requisite); POL115 Introduction to Global Politics (no pre-requisite); ECN321 International Trade ECN321 (pre-requisite ECN101, or ECN102), among others.International business electiveNote: In no case may an ILC course be double counted towards completing other requirements of the International Business minor. ................

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