The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - Mater Lakes

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Final Project

Your goal for this project is to present in a creative way what you feel is one of the most important lessons John Boyne is teaching through The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. You can take this in a couple of different directions:

1. Lesson Focused: Why do you think he wrote this book, and what message is it that he leaves with us, considering how it ends? In other words, what lesson do you think Boyne wants us to take away from reading this book – to remember and apply?


2. Analysis of Juxtaposition: Choose an area of juxtaposition that you saw in multiple places in the book (dark vs. light, knowledge vs. ignorance, good vs. evil, life vs. death) and show how this was important in helping you understand the greater meaning of the book.


You should be creative in the way you present your project. Think about what skills you have and what you like to do, and choose one of the following methods:

• collage of images (either on your computer or on poster board)

• piece of art (such as a drawing, mobile, 3D model, or painting)

• PowerPoint presentation (must be turned in on a USB drive)

• music - write a song and record yourself performing it

• collection of poems you write (at least four)

• other ideas? Just check with me to get them approved first.

Grades – Your project will be evaluated using the following criteria:

____ / 50 Information: All required information is clearly included and explained.

____ / 20 Creativity: Clear effort and ability in the chosen medium.

____ / 15 Use of Quotes: Use of three quotes (including page numbers) that demonstrate the lesson or juxtaposition in your project.

____ / 15 Lesson or Examples of Juxtaposition: Correct identification of an important lesson or examples of juxtaposition and effective presentation of this lesson.

____ / 100 TOTAL POINTS


***This is completed for a grade. All information on the planning sheet MUST be on

your final project***

- Title and author of book

- A TWO paragraph synopsis of the plot of the book in your own words

- THREE quotes and the page numbers that support your analysis or focus (quotation marks must be put around the words you copy from the book)

- Identification of the lesson learned OR the juxtaposition in your argument (clearly stated and explained)

- Your recommendation of the book with an explanation of WHY you feel that way. Include an age or age range for the reader you recommend the book to.

Due Dates:

Per 4&6( Tuesday 1/15

Per 5&7 ( Monday 1/14


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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