The Boy in the Black Suit Essay Prompts - AMES English 9

[Pages:2]The Boy in the Black Suit Essay Prompts

Read through the following prompts and select one of them as your focus for the essay. Plan your response using square notes. Your square notes assignment is due at the end of class today 10/10 (A Day) 10/11 (B Day). Each of these prompts requires an essay inclusive of an introduction, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Once the day of the essay test hits, you can no longer receive credit for the square notes as it is an assignment meant to prepare you to be able to write your rough draft in class. Writing it after your rough draft is not helpful.

1. A coming-of-age novel recounts the development of its protagonist from youth to young adulthood. In this type of novel, character change is important because it's basically a story about someone growing up. Using Matt from The Boy in the Black Suit as your focus, write a well-organized analysis essay discussing a specific skill or attitude that is necessary to mature (grow up). Discuss both how that element features in the story as well as the overall message about growing up that Jason Reynolds is conveying to readers. Avoid mere plot summary.

2. Maya Angelou once wrote "I answer the heroic question `Death, where is thy sting?' with it is here in my heart and mind and memories." In a wellorganized analysis essay, discuss both how the "sting" (emotional pain) of death features in The Boy in the Black Suit as well as what theme Jason Reynolds conveys about healing the pain that comes with grief. Avoid mere plot summary.

3. Sometimes an author includes characters who begin the book as minor characters who, as the story develops, evolve into major characters with important roles. In a well-organized analysis essay, discuss how such a character from The Boy in the Black Suit affects the story initially as well as how, in becoming an important main character, that same character helps convey a theme to readers. Avoid mere plot summary.

The Boy in the Black Suit Essay Prompts

Read through the following prompts and select one of them as your focus for the essay. Plan your response using square notes. Your square notes assignment is due at the end of class today 10/10 (A Day) 10/11 (B Day). Each of these prompts requires an essay inclusive of an introduction, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Once the day of the essay test hits, you can no longer receive credit for the square notes as it is an assignment meant to prepare you to be able to write your rough draft in class. Writing it after your rough draft is not helpful.

1. A coming-of-age novel recounts the development of its protagonist from youth to young adulthood. In this type of novel, character change is important because it's basically a story about someone growing up. Using Matt from The Boy in the Black Suit as your focus, write a well-organized analysis essay discussing a specific skill or attitude that is necessary to mature (grow up). Discuss both how that element features in the story as well as the overall message about growing up that Jason Reynolds is conveying to readers. Avoid mere plot summary.

2. Maya Angelou once wrote "I answer the heroic question `Death, where is thy sting?' with it is here in my heart and mind and memories." In a wellorganized analysis essay, discuss both how the "sting" (emotional pain) of death features in The Boy in the Black Suit as well as what theme Jason Reynolds conveys about healing the pain that comes with grief. Avoid mere plot summary.

3. Sometimes an author includes characters who begin the book as minor characters who, as the story develops, evolve into major characters with important roles. In a well-organized analysis essay, discuss how such a character from The Boy in the Black Suit affects the story initially as well as how, in becoming an important main character, that same character helps convey a theme to readers. Avoid mere plot summary.


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