Tracking Grief in The Boy in the Black Suit - AMES English 9



Tracking Grief in The Boy in the Black Suit

One of the subjects that Jason Reynolds addresses again and again in his novel is the idea of grief. After reading and annotating two real-world articles about dealing with grief (one from the National Mental Health Association and one from a Huffington Post newspaper article), make some specific connections between what is said about grief in the real world and how Matt copes with grief in The Boy in the Black Suit. These should be done with specific quotes word-for-word from the articles and the book. Then, you'll need to explain how the quote from the book shows the detail about grief you've selected in the article. Look for articles that not only talk about the initial onset of grief, but the advice on how to cope with it. A word of advice: if you don't have an annotation to mark the quotes you find about grief, be sure to add one to your book. Those quotes might be lifesavers when you're writing your essay.

Statement from the article about grief. Cite it.

Example: "Many people report feeling an initial stage of numbness after first learning of a death" (Article #1)


Evidence from The Boy in the Black Suit that shows Matt acting out what the article statement specifies. Cite it. "But as soon as I'd heard it ring, I knew. A few minutes after the call I heard him slowly coming up the steps. Then, there was a knock at my door...When he opened it, I was already dressed. And from what I could tell, we were both already numb" (Reynolds 38).

Explanation of how the evidence from the book is an example of the evidence from the article.






Now that you've assembled some things that Reynolds has to say about grief-- what it is like and how one deals with it, come up with three possible themes that he seems to be saying about grief. 1. 2. 3.


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