Poetry is an expression of your mind and spirit. The subjects of poetry, however, are not limited to love and nature. Poetry can be about cities, wars, death, sports, etc. ideas for writing poetry come from a variety of sources. They should come from the very things that you see and know about.

Earlier in class we read and discussed the poem, “The Butterfly”, by Pavel Friedmann. This poem is part of a collection of poems and drawings from ...I Never Saw Another Butterfly.... It describes the experience of children during the Holocaust. Please read the following poem “Night in the Ghetto’ which also comes from the collection. Carefullly look at the poetic techniques used to express how it felt to live in Terezin. Who is the speaker? What is described in the poem? Are there any unusual words? What figures of speech does the poet use to create a certain image?

As you read the poem, think about these questions. Create a poem using similar devices to describe how uncomfortable, lonely, and scared these children must have been, living under those conditions. Write a poem that best describes Anne Franks experience in the Annex. Find a photograph, or piece of art that expresses the mood and tone of your poem.


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