Early Civilizations in the Americas Map Project

Name: _____________________________

Period: ______

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Early Civilizations in the Americas Map Project

Directions: Use the map on page 450 in your textbook and source map: as references to complete the following:

1. Locate and label the following: ? Gulf of Mexico ? Caribbean Sea ? Pacific Ocean ? Atlantic Ocean

? Yucat?n Peninsula ? Andes Mountains ? Amazon River ? Atacama Desert*

? La Venta ? Tikal ? Tenochtitl?n ? Cuzco ? Chav?n de Hu?ntar

* The Atacama Desert location cannot be found using reference maps above.

2. Use different colors and/or patterns on your map to show the locations of the following early

civilizations: (Hint you should use a pattern over a color to show where two civilizations overlap.)

? Olmec

? Chav?n

? Inca

? Maya

? Aztec

3. Create a legend/key in the box that reflects the use of all colors/patterns and symbols for your map.

4. Critical Thinking Questions:

A. Based on the map and your knowledge of global history how did the geographic location of early civilizations in the Americas differ from that of early civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China?

B. Identify a couple specific examples of adaptations to environmental challenge that peoples of these early American civilizations used?

C. What geographic challenges might the Incas have faced in keeping their empire united?

< early civilizs. of l.a. map proj. ss9 5/30/17


Name: _____________________________

Early Civilizations in the Americas

Period: ______



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