Naomi Eccles

Naomi EcclesHull School Art and DesignBA (hons) Digital DesignThe Open UniversityDate/month/year“What is New Media?”How New Media has changed the way we communicate and Social Media.What is new media? Cambridge Dictionary give the definition of New Media as: “products and services that provide information or entertainment using computers or the internet, and not by traditional methods such as television and newspapers:” which is why it was chosen to look at communications and its link to New Media.This essay will evaluate at how we communicate with others worldwide has progressed and developed through the progression of New Media, it will look at how we communicated in the past compared to how we communicate in the present age of New Media, then will look at what people’s perception of what the future will hold for how we communicate including industry and technology experts. It will conclude with my opinion on what type of impact it is having on our communication methods.The ways in which we communicate has changed drastically as technologies has developed and brought us into the age of New Media, and so has our exposure to less verbal communication which is shown in the screenshot below which gives a brief timeline of new media compared to old media, as you can see once technologies took the leap to the phone it became less about visual communications and more about audio and portable methods. (Timetoast timelines, copyright 2007-2017)In the past the only ways to communicate was through the written word but in our lifetime, this is now considered redundant and everything is available in a visual and portable format to everyone, everything we know in the world of mass communications started from the printing press but as demand to travel while communicating arose so did the technology required which is mirrored throughout time again and again which is the body of this essay on how we have come to rely on social media, in history this started when they made the jump to magazine and newspaper which was the first portable form of communication in 1549.Although this is still ‘Old Media’ today it was the foundation to what we have now.The next big jump was into the ‘New Media’ by the creation of the visual communications through television leading to the computer, internet and the world as we know it. It became easier to present information and it was accessible by everyone as it could be seen and heard by most within a local area, later came the leap to been able to access the world through these lines of communications but most importantly it became an instant response through the internet.Once the internet was developed and refined it has lead the way for the massive worldwide links crated by social medias, Cambridge Dictionary defines social media as: “websites and computer programs that allow people to communicate and share information on the internet using a computer or mobile phone:” Our world now seems to revolve around social media which has become the backbone to our social and business lives and is constantly growing, but it is a topic that divides many people to whether it is having a positive or negative effect on society.Although social media creates a divided argument on whether it has more of a positive or negative impact on our society it is known for been one of the most popular past times especially within the younger generations. One of the positives as written by Dave Parrack June 28, 2017, “Our time is being stretched thinner and thinner by work and family commitments. But social networking sites offer a chance to communicate in a speedy and efficient manner. Writing?an update for Twitter?takes all of 20 seconds, and with cross-posting to other social networks switched on, that update reaches everyone you want it to reach (and probably more besides) in an instant.” This shows how social media is making any form of communication easier as it is available to us 24 hours a day meaning life doesn’t get in the way of been able to speak to someone. It also gives people more freedom of speech to voice their options as taken from Positive Negative Effects?Copyright ? 2018“Social media article writers, Bloggers and content creators have freedom to express their forms of art in an unrestricted environment. It helps people develop better perspectives and reviews about current issues. Ideologies can be shared freely now.” Both quotes highlight positive impacts of social media which we can all relate to along with many others.On the other hand, a lot believe that social media has a very negative impact on our society but not just physiologically it is also thought to affect us physically as stated by Alex DiRenzo,?Former Contributor?October 27, 2016 “Addiction to social media.?People who are addicted to social media may experience negative side effects such as eye strain, social withdrawal or lack of sleep.Stress.?If you spend your time researching problems or arguing with people, you may experience stress, which can have a negative impact on your health.Emotional connections.?Social media can help you connect with more people and stay in touch with those with whom you’re already close. Connecting with people has proven health benefits.” All of these can lead to further problems which is what many are fearful of even if many are ignorant to these issues, the more recognised issues we face with social media as noted by PSYCH 424 blog “Probably the biggest negative impact of social networking is the Cyber-Bully. School age children, young girls and women are often the targets of bullying and harassment by unscrupulous people trolling the internet.” This is something which we will never have total control over as the internet is so open to everyone, and there is no way to have total control over it and this is something that society fears as it means they feel more exposed and vulnerable.The future of communication will heavily rely on social media due to the popularity and impact it has already achieved in such a short time and with more apps been developed to form new lines of communication it will only progress and develop. Expert Lone Frank believes “I’m sure we’ll see brain-to-machine communication where we control various computer types with thinking – that is specific brain activity. In our car, our home and so on. An important element will probably also be mood-communication: that our mood (reflected in brain wave patterns) will affect our surroundings in order for them to give feedback and for example lift our mood and shape it in various ways. You could imagine that your house picks up on your general mood and seeks to lift it (if it’s down) by turning up certain lights, putting on certain music and so on.” She is one of the many that anticipates the leap to contactless technology where we are able to control everything just by the simple thought, this means that there is no ability limit making it available and user-friendly to all no matter age or ability. Whereas Axel Arnbak is more reserved on this idea as he still worries of the security risks that are associated with it as he wrote; “The early inventors of IP and other technical protocols, however, never imagined the extremely rapid uptake of the technology, and thus never prioritized information security. Just read any given respectable news source on any given day, and you’ll read something about flailing information security in it. For me, this presents the foremost challenge to the future of our communications. Too slowly we are realizing, that we cannot blindly trust the security, the integrity and the confidentiality, of our communications.” For communication to progress further security needs to be the front most issue that a developer should tackle as without it we are left open to the negatives of things such as identity theft which is what holds people back from utilizing the methods to their full potential and allowing us to move further forward from where we are now.Overall, I feel the effects of communication through social media is a personal approach, each of us will experience both the positive and negatives related to social media but it’s how we approach it and how much of ourselves we are willing to expose to everyone, if approached with caution it can create an easy and effective line of communication but our social relationship with new media is very personal and delicate, which is why everyone will have a different view and experience and through bringing these all together we are able to collaborate the negative to create solutions.Semiotics Analysis: Scream 4 Posterleft61404500Connotation :DeathFear PainHurtDarknessIsolationDenotation:Knife bladeMaskSkull/faceContrast of dark and lightSolitary imageRed writingI chose the Scream 4 poster as I feel it’s very minimalistic approach is a fantastic example of semiotics in advertising. The literal viewing of the poster is the denotative factors such as; the knife blade coming from a face or mask of what we would assume is connected within the film, its uses only one central image to draw in attention and it draws your eye directly to the title below, it also uses only dark black, white and grey tones for the image and background where as the information of date and other text is mainly in red or white which has a high contrast on the black background making it stand out and memorable. The connotative factors of the image are that’s the images itself represents death, fear, pain, hurt and the other emotions which is created within the film to give it the suspense and tension they require. The darkness of the black background compared to the white highlight of the blade gives a sinister feeling to the very simple image, it also uses the highlight to make you aware that this is the main character. The use of only a single image creates the feeling of isolation and solitude which adds to the feelings created and present in a horror film to draw in the audience and give them the full and more realistic experience which is a requirement to keep the audience’s attention to achieve a memorable film.SemioticsSemiotics is the use of signs which make us think deeper than just the visual we see in front of us as it makes the brain thinks and form links to certain aspects and emotions without us even realising that it is happening some times. Semiotic analysis is split into three areas; Connotation: is more of a creative view to the image, this includes the ideas it may represent and any feelings which we have towards it.Denotation: is the literal interpretation our brain finds; this is usually more factual information which we relate to the image.Signifier: is the visual element which we seeThere are three classes of signifier categories which we use;Icon: the signifier is resembling or imitating the outcome (signified).Symbol: the signifier is not resembled the outcome (signified) it is purely conventional.Index: is the direct link to the outcome (signified) which may be physical or not.center27368500An example of some semiotic signs which we come across in everyday life are road signs, some are very straight forward and deliver the exact information it wants to portray while others use only imagery to trigger the brain to draw its own rational conclusion of what is required to do or think about.centerbottomText Seminar Reflection.“Ludologists are of the opinion that games are but rules and interactions and that they should be analysed as such; narratologists think games can be analysed just as texts are and using the same methods.” I picked this quote as someone who does not play games avidly as it opened my mind to the way to view them within a new light, a game is more similar to website or app then I thought as they can all be broken down into a basic structure of components which together create the final product or service. This shows that it is not only games but everything is derived from a foundation of rules which are set out to guide and control us to a specific destination without us thinking too much into what we are doing. Each action is created by a pre-planned story and can be written down to guide anyone throughout, it describes how to logically think and approach something which we normally wouldn’t give too much thought to.BibliographyWebsites:Cambridge Dictionary, Cambridge University Press, Timetoast timelines, copyright 2007-2017 Dictionary, Cambridge University Press, Dave Parrack June 28, 2017 Positive Negative Effects?Copyright ? 2018 424 blog DiRenzo,?Former Contributor?October 27, 2016 , B. (2015).?The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals.?Retrieved from Chron: , J. Q. (2014, August 13).?What Impact Has Social Media Truly Had On Society.?Retrieved from Business 2 Community: Frank, Beyond Speech and Gestures Axel Arnbak, Who is reading your e-mails triangle: F.Schneider, copyright 2013 signs: Lexique Signs, copyright 2015, ................

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