Outline Format - Pennsylvania State University

3220085153035Visual ContentIn this column, offer brief slide description and its function alongside the idea it is intended to support.Slide One Slide one consists of naming my topic, social media. (part of introduction)Slide TwoSlide two provides infographics about Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.Slide Three Slide three has a picture of some of the most popular social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and more.0Visual ContentIn this column, offer brief slide description and its function alongside the idea it is intended to support.Slide One Slide one consists of naming my topic, social media. (part of introduction)Slide TwoSlide two provides infographics about Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.Slide Three Slide three has a picture of some of the most popular social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and more.Viviane Krug TED OutlineOral ContentTopic: My topic for the TED Talk is social media and the consequences it poses to our society.Purpose: The purpose of my TED Talk is to enlighten my audience on the dangerous effects that social media can have on a person and society as a whole. Thesis Statement: Although the original purpose of social media was to bring people together and connect people from across the world, it has taken over the lives of teenagers and young adults and has presented people a negative pressure and societal expectation. IntroductionAttention Strategy/Orienting Material:What’s the very first thing you do in the morning? Do you get up and get ready without touching your phone? Or is checking your phone and social media accounts the first thing you do? I know I’m guilty of that; the absolute first thing I do when I wake up is check my texts, snapchat, and Instagram.BodyMain Idea – Social media was designed to bring people together, and it was successful in managing that goal.A. You can talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime with social media.1. I talk to my family in Brazil all the time through Snapchat and Facetime. Thanks to social media, no effort or money or extravagant measures need to be taken to see my grandmother’s face on my screen. 2. “Social media is a powerful tool for young people; it provides a platform for our voices to be heard and enables us to become active citizens and to voice our opinions on the matters that affect or interest us,” (Herrera).B. Chuck Nice reports, “social media was supposed to [be a place] where we could engage one another, with challenging ideas and debates…,” (Nice). 3201934-24548Slide FourBlank slideSlide FiveSlide five is a little drawing depicting the fear of missing out (FOMO). 0Slide FourBlank slideSlide FiveSlide five is a little drawing depicting the fear of missing out (FOMO). 1. You can easily reach out to or find anyone through text, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more.2. How many of you have Groupme chats for your classes? We even have one for this class, in which we ask questions and relay ideas.Main Idea – However, social media has created an epidemic of pressures and expectations, making us susceptible to unnecessary stress, anxiety, and in some cases, depression.A. We are changing our sense of identity because of social media. 1. We experience a “highlight reel” on social media, where we only post the good and out-of-the-ordinary things we do in our lives, like vacations, for example. Vacations are what people want to see, not everyday things like school or work, so we only want to post things like our vacations on social media. (Parnell). I know this is real because out of 50 pictures on MY Instagram page, 25 pictures are of me either going on a vacation or doing something fun and eventful. That’s 50% of my Instagram profile. I definitely do NOT spend 50% of my time going to the beach, or traveling the world, or going to concerts, or meeting famous people, or whatever it is!2. We sometimes even delete things off of social media because we didn’t get enough likes or didn’t get the reaction we’d hoped from other people. We’re not ourselves on social media; we become what society expects and wants us to be. We even think about when is the right time to post and have actively not posted a picture we wanted because we’ve realized that if we post now, we probably won’t get as many likes as we could get in two or three hours.B. We have all experienced the fear of missing out (FOMO) because of the things we see on social media. Social media, by definition, fuels FOMO.1. How many of you have seen a picture on social media of all your friends, have gotten upset, and have thought, “Man, why wasn’t I invited to that?” Is that something you really want to have in your life? That is a direct effect social media has on the individual. 2. How long does it take you to check your notifications when they pop up on your screen? Do you wait until you’re done with class, or done with your shower? Probably not, you want 3214208-67506Slide SixThis slide provides an infographic and some statistics about the Internet and FOMO and how it affects the general public.Slide Seven Blank slideSlide EightSources0Slide SixThis slide provides an infographic and some statistics about the Internet and FOMO and how it affects the general public.Slide Seven Blank slideSlide EightSourcesto check all your notifications asap to make sure you’re in the loop.3. FOMO is a serious issue that led to the rise of social media addiction even more.Main Idea – Social Media has simulated the effects that drugs has on the individual.A. How many times do you check social media a day? B. How many times, after you post on any form of social media, do you check how many views or likes you’ve received so far? How do you feel when you get one more like? And then one more like? And then one more like?C. Sounds like a drug, huh?ConclusionConcluding Remark – So, the next time you reach for your phone, think about the effects that it has on you. Maybe challenge yourself to see how long you last without your Instagram or Snapchat. Step back and take a look at your life on social media. Is it who you want to be? Thank you. Reference Page(s)Herrera, Brayan. “Social Media and Young People’s Mental Health,” .uk. Mental Health Foundation. 9 May 2016.Nice, Chuck. “A Funny Look at the Unintended Consequences of Technology,” TED, Apr. 2017.Parnell, Bailey. “Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health?” TED, 22 Jun. 2017. ................

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