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The seal of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a symbolic statement of the church's heritage, identity, and mission in contemporary form. Its power depends on both its simplicity and complexity, as well as its traditional and enduring qualities.

The dominant structural and theological element in the design is the cross -- the universal and most ecumenical symbol of the Christian church. The cross represents the incarnate love of God in Jesus Christ, and His death and resurrection. Because of its association with Presbyterian history, the Celtic cross was chosen as a model for this contemporary rendering of the ancient symbol.

For a more in depth look the symbolism and meaning behind the Presbyterian logo, see the book, Sealed in Christ, The Symbolism of the Seal of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) by John M. Mulder, Published by Denominational Resources of Presbyterian Publishing House, Louisville, Kentucky © 1991.



The slightly-flared shape of the top of the Celtic cross reveals the shape of a descending dove. As a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the dove is intimately tied to the representation of the Bible, affirming the role of the Spirit in both inspiring and interpreting Scripture in the life of the church. The dove symbolizes Christ's baptism by John and the peace and wholeness which his death and resurrection bring to a broken world. And the dove symbolizes the power given through the Spirit to live the Christian life by faith, to be filled with the fruit of the Holy Spirit and be given the gifts of the Holy Spirit for use by each believe in the body of Christ.



Inside the descending dove is the form of a fish, an early-Christian sign for Christ. The fish was used by early Christians as a secret sign that revealed their identities as followers of Christ. It recalls Jesus meeting the physical and spiritual hunger of people, and His command for us to in a similar manner be “fishers of men”.



The baptismal font symbolizes the importance of being obedient to Jesus Christ by being baptized.



At the top of the baptismal font is a cup, signifying the sacrament of Communion, or the Lord’s Supper. We take communion to remember that Christ died for our sins, and to be renewed again through the Holy Spirit.



The contour of the Bible highlights the emphasis which the Reformed tradition has placed on the central role of Scripture as a means of knowing God's word. The Bible is our only authority for life and faith.



Beneath the image of the Bible is the suggestion of a lectern, the traditional place in the Presbyterian Church where the Bible is read. This captures the important role of reading and studying the Word of God in the history of Presbyterian life and worship.



Our emphasis on the proclamation or preaching of the Bible, the Word of God is emphasized by the pulpit.



The flames themselves convey a double meaning: a symbol of revelation in the Old Testament when God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, and a suggestion of the beginning of the Christian church when Christ manifested himself to his apostles at Pentecost and charged them to be messengers of the good news of God's love.



The flames form an implied triangle, a traditional symbol of the Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

The triangle also suggests the nature of Presbyterian government, with its concern for balance and order, dividing authority between ministers of the Word and laypersons and between different governing bodies.


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