Pageant Q - Santa Ana Unified School District

Pageant Q.: Use your textbook. Write the questions first. Answers must have several details, not just one sentence. This will help prepare you for essay writing.

Ch. 8 ALWAYS use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. Thomas Paine Preaches Common Sense: Why was Common Sense important? Pg. 143-144

2. Jefferson's "Explanation" of Independence: What does the Declaration of Independence say? Pg. 145-146

3. Patriots and Loyalists: What kinds of people were Loyalists? Pg. 146-150

4. Makers of America: The Loyalists: What happened to Loyalists after the war? Pg. 148-149

5. The Loyalist Exodus: What happened to Loyalists during the war? Pg. 150-151

6. Revolution in Diplomacy?: Why did the French help America win independence? Pg. 154-155

7. The Colonial War Becomes a Wider War: Why was foreign aid so important to the American cause? Pg. 155-156

8. Peace at Paris : What did America gain and what did it concede in the Treaty of Paris? Pg. 159-161

9. A New Nation Legitimized: Did Americans get favorable terms in the Treaty of Paris? Explain. Pg. 161

10. Whose Revolution?: Which of the interpretations of the Revolution seems most true to you? Least true? Explain. Pg. 162-163

Ch. 9 ALWAYS use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. The Pursuit of Equality What social changes resulted from the American Revolution?

2. Economic Crosscurrents What were the positive and negative effects of the war on America?

3. Creating a Confederation What forces served to unify the separate states during the war?

4. The Articles of Confederation: America's First Constitution What weaknesses plagued the Articles of Confederation? What was good about it?

5. Landmarks in Land Laws Explain the importance of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance.

6. Hammering out a Bundle of Compromises Describe the compromises that were achieved by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention.

7. Safeguards for Conservatism How democratic was the Constitution as originally written?

8. The Clash of Federalists and Antifederalists Who were the antifederalists and why did they oppose the Constitution?

Ch. 10 ALWAYS use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. Washington for President Give several reasons why Washington was an important president .

2. The Bill of Rights What important steps were taken by the first congress?

3. Customs Duties and Excise Taxes Explain Hamilton's overall economic plan for America.

4. Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank How did the issue of the Bank of the United States reveal a difference in understanding about the Constitution between Jefferson and Hamilton?

5. Mutinous Moonshiners in Pennsylvania Was the Whiskey Rebellion a victory for freedom, order, or both? Explain with details.

6. The Emergence of Political Parties Why did political parties develop during George Washington's presidency? Explain why they were good or bad.

7. Washington's Neutrality Proclamation Explain the reasoning for and against Washington's Neutrality Proclamation. (both sides)

8. Embroilments with Britain How did British actions towards Native Americans and American merchant ships incite many Americans?

9. Unofficial Fighting with France What French actions brought America close to war in the closing years of the 18th century?

10. The Federalist Witch Hunt Explain the reasons for the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts.

11. Federalists versus Democratic-Republicans What were some key differences between Federalists and Democratic Republicans

Ch. 11 ALWAYS use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. Responsibility Breeds Moderation How revolutionary was the "Revolution of 1800?"

2. Jeffersonian Restraint "As president, Thomas Jefferson acted more like a Federalist than like a Democratic Republican." Assess./explain

3. The "Dead Clutch" of the Judiciary What was the main purpose of John Marshall as Chief Justice? How can this be seen in the Marbury v. Madison decision?

4. The Louisiana Godsend Explain two ways that history may have been different if the French had not sold Louisiana to the United States.

5. Louisiana in the Long View What positive consequences resulted from the Louisiana Purchase?

6. America: A Nutcracked Neutral In what way did the struggle between France and Britain affect the United States?

7. The Hated Embargo Who opposed the embargo and why?

8. Madison’s Gamble How did Napoleon take advantage of American policy?

9. Tecumseh and the Prophet What considerations motivated the war hawks to call for war with Great Britain?

10. "Mr. Madison's War" How and why did New England Federalists oppose the War of 1812?

Pageant Questions

Use your textbook. Write the questions first. Answers must have several details, not just one sentence answers. This will help prepare you for essay writing.

Ch. 12

1. Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended Did the United States fight the War of 1812 effectively? Explain why or why not.

2. The Treaty of Ghent Was the Treaty of Ghent advantageous to the United States? Give specific details as to why or why not.

3. Federalist Grievances and the Hartford Convention What was the purpose of the Hartford Convention and what did it do?

4. The Second War for American Independence What were the long term effects of the War of 1812?

5. Nascent Nationalism What evidence of nationalism surfaced after the War of 1812?

6. The So-Called Era of Good Feelings To what extent was James Monroe's presidency an Era of Good Feelings? Give details

7. Slavery and the Sectional Balance Why was Missouri's request for statehood so explosive? Give reasons and explain

8. The Uneasy Missouri Compromise Explain the quote "Neither North nor South was acutely displeased, although neither was completely happy."

9. Sharing Oregon and Acquiring Florida Who was more important to American territorial expansion, Andrew Jackson or John Quincy Adams? Explain with details.

10. Monroe and His Doctrine How could a militarily weak nation like the U.S. make such a bold statement ordering European nations to stay out of the Americas?

Ch. 13

1. 256-258 What was unusual about John Quincy Adams's victory in the presidential election of 1824? (Include explanations and details about Henry Clay and accusations of the “corrupt bargain.”)

2. The Spoils System Explain the Spoils System, including how Jackson justified it.

3. The Tricky "Tariff of Abominations" What circumstances led to the passage of the Tariff of Abominations?

4. Describe the nullification crisis. Pg. 263-265

5. What was the "bank war" about and how was the bank "buried." 268-272

6. How did Texas, a part of Mexico settled by Americans, become independent? Pgs. 275-280

7. What does the election of 1840 tell you about politics and voters in America at that time? Pg. 280-284

8. Who were the Democrats and what did they believe? And the Whigs? 280-284

9. Varying Viewpoints Explain three theories about what motivated the followers of Andrew Jackson. Pg. 285-286

Ch. 14

1. The Westward Movement What were settlers of the frontier like? Give many details

2. The March of the Millions How and why did American demographics change from 1820 to 1860?

3. The German Forty-Eighters Did the Germans make as large a contribution to America as the Irish did? Explain why or why not

4. Flare-Ups of Antiforeignism Why were immigrants from Germany and Ireland feared and hated? Give details

5. Makers of America: The Irish Describe the hardships of the Irish in Ireland and America. Give details

6. Creeping Mechanization What barriers stood in the way of the industrial Revolution in the United States?

7. Marvels in Manufacturing Which were more important in Antebellum America, new inventions or changes in business forms and legal status? Explain.

8. Workers and "Wage Slaves" What demands did labor have in the 1830's and 1840's?

9. Western Farmers Reap a Revolution in the Fields What factors led to increased productivity for farmers?

10. The Iron Horse Name some of the advantages and disadvantages of early railroads.

11. The Transport Web Binds the Union Explain the effects of division of labor on a national and personal basis.

12. The Market Revolution To what extent was social mobility possible in the United States in the years before the Civil War?

Ch. 15

1. Reviving Religion In what ways did religion in the United States become more liberal and more conservative in the early decades of the 19th century?

2. Denominational Diversity What effects did the Second Great Awakening have on organized religion?

3. Free Schools for a Free People What advances were made in the field of education from 1820 to 1850?

4. An Age of Reform How and why did Dorthea Dix participate in the reform movements?

5. Women in Revolt Describe the status of women in the first half of the 19th century. Give specific details

6. Wilderness Utopias In what ways were utopian communities different from mainstream America?

7. The Blossoming of a National Literature In the early 1800's American writers emerged, who were recognized world-wide for their ability. What made them uniquely American?

8. Trumpeters of Transcendentalism Which of the transcendentalists mentioned here best illustrated the theory in his life and writings? Explain

9. Portrayers of the Past How did the geographic background of early historians affect the history they wrote?

10. Varying Viewpoints: Reform: Use Who? What? How? and Why? Were 19th century reformers compassionate, religious people; or fanatics who didn't care if their actions had negative results; or conservatives who wanted to control the lower classes? Explain with specific details

Pageant Questions: Use your textbook. Write the questions first. Answers must have several details, not just one sentence. This will help prepare you for essay writing.

Ch. 17

1. John Tyler: A President Without a Party What proof can you give of Tyler's unpopularity? What did Tyler do that made Whigs so angry with him?

2. A War of Words with England Explain at least four causes of tension between the US and Great Britain in the 1830's and 1840's.

3. Manipulating the Maine Maps What was the result of the Ashburton-Webster Treaty?

4. The Lone Star of Texas Shines Alone How did Mexico view Texas from 1836 to 1845?

5. The Belated Texas Nuptials Why did some hesitate to annex Texas? Why was it finally admitted to the Union?

6. Oregon Fever Populates Oregon What change with Oregon from 1819 to 1844 caused the British to become more willing to negotiate a final boundary?

7. A Mandate (?) for Manifest Destiny What part did Manifest Destiny play in the 1844 election?

8. Polk the Purposeful What were Polk's four goals? Assess his degree of success.

9. American Blood on American (?) Soil Explain some of the reasons Congress declared war on Mexico.

10. Fighting Mexico for Peace Why did some people oppose the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

11. Profit and Loss in Mexico What positive and negative outcomes resulted for the United States from the Mexican-American War?

Ch. 16

1. "Cotton is King!" What is meant by "Cotton is King?" How did its sovereignty extend beyond the South? What implications did its rule have?

2. Slaves and the Slave System What were the weaknesses of the South's dependence on cotton?

3. The White Majority Why did many whites who Did Not own slaves support slavery?

4. Free Blacks: Slaves Without Masters Would it have been better to be a free Black in the North or in the South? Explain.

5. Life Under the Lash Give evidence to show that slaves developed a separate, unique culture. What circumstances made this possible?

6. The Burdens of Bondage Thomas Jefferson once said that having slaves was like holding a wolf by the ears, you didn't like it but you couldn't let go. Explain this statement.

7. Early Abolitionism Describe some of the early abolitionists.

8. Radical Abolitionism How were the attitudes of William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass different? Give details.

9. The South Lashes Back How did the South defend itself against the attacks of abolitionists?

10. The Abolitionist Impact in the North How did Northerners view abolitionists? Did they have any success?

Ch. 18

1. The Popular Sovereignty Panacea What were the advantages and disadvantages of popular sovereignty? Give details.

2. Political Triumphs for General Taylor Why was the Free-Soil party formed? Was it important? Explain.

3. Sectional Balance and the Underground Railroad "The South was in a politically weak position in the 1850's." Assess this statement.

4. Twilight of the Senatorial Giants What effect did Webster's speech have? Give details.

5. Deadlock and Danger on Capitol Hill How did William Seward contribute to the tension between North and South in 1850? Details

6. Breaking the Congressional Logjam What factors led to the acceptance of the Compromise of 1850? Give details.

7. Defeat and Doom for the Whigs . What was important about the election of 1852?

8. Expansionist Stirrings South of the Border Explain the Ostend Manifesto. What consequences did it have?

9. Pacific Railroad Promoters and the Gadsen Purchase What was the reason(s) for the Gadsen Purchase?

10. Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska Scheme Why were northerners so opposed to popular sovereignty?

11. Congress Legislates a Civil War What were the effects of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Ch. 19

1. The North-South Contest for Kansas What went wrong with popular sovereignty in Kansas?

2. Kansas in Convulsion What was the effect of "Bleeding Kansas" on the Democratic Party?

3. "Bully" Brooks and His Bludgeon What was the consequence of Brook's beating of Sumner in the North? The South?

4. The Electoral Fruits of 1856 Interpret the results of the election of 1856.

5. The Dred Scott Bombshell Why was the Dred Scott decision so divisive?

6. The Great Debate: Lincoln versus Douglas What long term results occurred because of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

7. John Brown: Murderer or Martyr Why were the actions of one (crazy?) man so important in the growing conflict between North and South?

8. A Rail-Splitter Splits the Union Why was Lincoln chosen as the Republican candidate instead of Seward?

9. The Electoral Upheaval of 1860 Did the South have any power in the national government after Lincoln’s election, or were they helpless?

10. The Secessionist Exodus What did President Buchanan do when the South seceded? Why?

11. The Collapse of Compromise What was the Crittendon Compromise and why did it fail?

12. Farewell to Union . What advantages did southerners see in secession? Who did they compare themselves to?

13. Varying Viewpoints: The Civil War: Repressible or Irrepressible Was the Civil War irrepressible? Explain

Pageant Questions: Use your textbook. Write the questions first. Answers must have several details, not just one sentence answers. This will help prepare you for essay writing.

Ch. 20

1. South Carolina Assails Fort Sumter What action did Lincoln take that provoked a Confederate attack on Fort Sumter? What effects did the South's attack have?

2. Brothers' Blood and Border Blood How did the border states affect northern conduct of the war?

3. The Balance of Forces What advantages did the South have? The North? Give details.

4. Dethroning King Cotton Why did King Cotton fail the South?

5. The Decisiveness of Diplomacy What tensions arose with Great Britain during the Civil War?

6. President Davis Versus President Lincoln Describe the weaknesses of the Confederate government and the strengths of the Union government? Give details

7. Limitations on Wartime Liberties Give examples of constitutionally questionable actions taken by Lincoln. Why did he act with arbitrary power?

8. Volunteers and Draftees: North and South . Was the Civil War "a rich man's war but a poor man's fight?" Explain.

9. The Economic Stresses of War What was the effect of paper money on both North and South?

10. The North's Economic Boom . Explain why the Civil War led to economic boom times in the North?

11. A Crushed Cotton Kingdom Give evidence to prove that the war was economically devastating to the South.

Ch. 21

1. Bull Run Ends the "Ninety Day War” What effect did the Battle of Bull Run have on North and South?

2. "Tardy George" McClellan and the Peninsula Campaign Describe the grand strategy of the North for winning the war. Details!

3. The War at Sea What was questionable about the blockade practices of the North? Why did Britain honor the blockade anyway?

4. The Pivotal Point: Antietam Why was the battle of Antietam "...probably the most decisive of the Civil War?"

5. A Proclamation Without Emancipation The Emancipation Proclamation had important consequences. Explain with details.

6. Blacks Battle Bondage African-Americans were critical in helping the North win the Civil War. Assess with details.

7. Lee's Last Lunge at Gettysburg Why was Gettysburg a significant battle?

8. Sherman Scorches Georgia How did Sherman attempt to demoralize the South?

9. The Politics of War Describe Lincoln’s political difficulties during the war.

10. The Election of 1864 What factors contributed to Lincoln's electoral victory?

11. Grant Outlasts Lee What strategy did Grant use to defeat Lee's army?

12. The Martyrdom of Lincoln 13. Was Lincoln's death good or bad for the South? Explain with examples and details.

13. The Aftermath of the Nightmare Give details on the legacy of the Civil War.

Ch. 22

1. Freedmen Define Freedom How did African-Americans respond to emancipation in the decade following the war?

2. The Freedmen's Bureau Describe the Freedmen's Bureau and assess how effective it was.

3. Johnson: The Tailor President Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Andrew Johnson.

4. Presidential Reconstruction How did the President Johnson's plan for reconstruction differ from the plan of the Radical Republicans?

5. The Baleful Black Codes How were Black Codes used to keep the freedmen down?

6. Congressional Reconstruction Why did northern congressmen refuse to seat the southerners when they came to take their seats? (Hint: there are two reasons -- one moral and one practical)

7. Johnson Clashes with Congress How did Republicans use their dominance of Congress? What did President Johnson do in response?

8. Republican Principles and Programs How did the views of Moderate Republicans about reconstruction differ from the views of Radical Republicans?

9. Reconstruction by the Sword Describe military reconstruction.

10. The Realities of Radical Reconstruction in the South In what ways did African-Americans become politically involved in the years immediately following the Civil War? How did White southerners view their involvement?

11. The Ku Klux Klan In what ways did Southern whites attempt to keep former slaves down?

12. Johnson Walks the Impeachment Plank How did the Radical Republicans "manufacture" an impeachment of Andrew Johnson?

13. A Not-Guilty Verdict for Johnson Why were the Radicals unsuccessful in removing Johnson from office?

14. The Purchase of Alaska Explain why Alaska was called "Seward's Folly," but was purchased anyway.

15. The Heritage of Reconstruction Assess the success of Republican reconstruction.

16. Varying Viewpoints: How Radical Was Reconstruction? Do you believe that the primary motive in Reconstruction was revenge or the desire to help African-Americans? Explain with details.

Pageant Questions: Use your textbook. Write the questions first. Answers must have several details, not just one sentence answers. This will help prepare you for essay writing.

Ch. 23 Always use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. The "Bloody Shirt" Elects Grant Was General Grant good presidential material? Give Details. Why did he win?

2. A Carnival of Corruption Describe two major scandals that directly involved the Grant administration.

3. Depression and Demands for Inflation Why did some people want greenbacks and silver dollars? Why did others oppose these kinds of currency?

4. Pallid Politics in the Gilded Age Why was there such fierce competition between Democrats and Republicans in the Gilded Age IF the parties agreed on most economic issues?

5. The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction How did the end of Reconstruction affect African-Americans?

6. The Birth of Jim Crow in the Post-Reconstruction South Analyze the data in the lynching chart on page 513.

7. Class Conflicts and Ethnic Clashes What was the significance of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

8. Makers of America: The Chinese Why did most Chinese immigrants come to America?

9. Cleveland Battles for a Lower Tariff What were the reasons behind Cleveland's stance in favor of lower tariffs?

10. The Billion Dollar Congress Explain why the tariff was detrimental to American farmers.

11. The Drumbeat of Discontent What was the most revolutionary aspect of the Populist platform? Defend your answer with evidence.

12. Cleveland and Depression What could Cleveland have done to lessen the impact of the financial turmoil?

Ch. 24 Always use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. The Iron Colt Becomes an Iron Horse What were the advantages and disadvantages of government subsidies for the railroads?

2. Spanning the Continent with Rails Describe how the first transcontinental railroad was built. Specific details.

3. Railroad Consolidation and Mechanization What technological improvements helped railroads?

4. Wrongdoing in Railroading What wrongdoing were railroads guilty of?

5. Government Bridles the Iron Horse Was the Interstate Commerce Act an important piece of legislation? Explain with details.

6. Miracles of Mechanization What factors made industrial expansion possible?

7. The Trust Titan Emerges How did businesses organize to try to maximize profits? Give very specific details.

8. The Supremacy of Steel Why was steel so important for industrialization? Explain with details

9. Carnegie and Other Sultans of Steel Describe the careers of Andrew Carnegie and J.P. Morgan.

10. The Gospel of Wealth . How did the wealthy justify their wealth?

11. Government Tackles the Trust Evil What two methods were tried by those who opposed the trusts?

12. The Impact of the New Industrial Revolution on America . Describe the positive and negative effects of the industrial revolution on working Americans.

13. Labor Limps Along . Explain the similarities and differences between the National Labor Union and the Knights of Labor.

14. Unhorsing the Knights of Labor What factors led to the decline of the Knights of Labor? Explain with details

15. The AF of L to the Fore . How was the AFL different from previous unions?

Ch. 25 Always use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. The Urban Frontier . What factors led to the growth of cities in the second half of the 1800's?

2. The New Immigration How were the new immigrants different from the old immigrants?

3. Southern Europe Uprooted Why did the new immigrants come to America in such large numbers?

4. Reactions to the New Immigration How did political bosses help immigrants?

5. Churches Confront the Urban Challenge What role did religion play in helping the urban poor?

6. Darwin Disrupts the Churches What effect did the theory of evolution have on Christian churches?

7. The Lust for Learning What advances took place in education in the years following the Civil War?

8. Booker T. Washington and Education for Black People Explain the differences in belief between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois. Explain with details.

9. The Hallowed Halls of Ivy What factors allowed the number of college students to dramatically increase?

10. The Appeal of the Press How did the ability to produce newspapers inexpensively change their content?

11. Literary Landmarks What did many writers in the late 1800's have in common?

12. The New Morality What evidence demonstrated a battle raging over sexual morality?

13. Families and Women in the City What changes were occurring in the women's rights movement? Give details.

14. Prohibition of Alcohol and Social Progress What social causes were women (and many men) involved in the late 1800's?

15. The Business of Amusement What forms of recreation became popular from 1870 to 1900?

Pageant Questions: Use your textbook. Write the questions first. Answers must have several details, not just one sentence answers. This will help prepare you for essay writing.

Ch. 26 Always use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. The Clash of Cultures on the Plain Describe the effect of westward expansion on Native Americans.

2. Receding Native Americans How was the West "won?"

3. Bellowing Herds of Bison How were the Buffalo reduced from 15 million to less than a thousand?

4. The End of the Trail What did the government do to try to assimilate Native Americans?

5. Makers of America: The Plains Indians How was the culture of the Plains Indians shaped by white people?

6. Beef Bonanzas and the Long Drive Why was cattle ranching so profitable in the 1870's?

7. The Farmers’ Frontier Did the Homestead Act live up to its purpose of giving small farmers a descent life on the plains?

8. The Fading Frontier What effects has the frontier had on the development of the United States?

9. Deflation Dooms the Debtor What problems faced farmers in the closing decades of the 19th century?

10. Unhappy Farmers How did nature, government, and business all harm farmers?

11. The Farmers Take Their Stand How did the Grange attempt to help farmers?

12. Prelude to Populism What steps did the Farmers’ Alliance believe would help farmers?

13. Coxey’s Army and the Pullman Strike Why did President Cleveland send in federal troops during the Pullman Strike?

14. Golden McKinley and Sliver Bryan Was William McKinley a strong presidential candidate? Explain.

15. Class Conflict: Plowholders versus Bondholders “The free-silver election of 1896 was probably the most significant since Lincoln’s victories in 1860 and 1864.” Explain.

16. Republican Standpattism Enthroned Did McKinley possess the characteristics necessary to be an effective president?

Ch. 27 Always use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. America Turns Outward What factors caused America to turn its attention to the world beyond her borders?

2. Spurning the Hawaiian Pear Why did President Cleveland not want to annex Hawaii?

3. Cubans Rise in Revolt What was happening in Cuba that caused Americans to be concerned?

4. Dewey's May Day Victory at Manila Why did Commodore Dewey have such an easy victory over the Spanish fleet at the Philippines?

5. The Confused Invasion of Cuba Describe the fighting in Cuba.

6. America's Course (Curse?) of Empire What were the arguments for and against the annexation of the Philippines?

7. Makers of America: The Puerto Ricans How has U.S. citizenship caused Puerto Ricans to be different from other immigrants?

8. Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba Describe American treatment of Cuba after the Spanish-American War.

9. New Horizons in Two Hemispheres What were the outcomes of the Spanish-American War?

10. "Little Brown Brothers" in the Philippines In what way do the Philippines show the good and bad sides of American imperialism?

11. Hinging the Open Door in China Was American involvement in China beneficial to China? Explain with details

12. Imperialism or Bryanism in 1900? What issues were important in the 1900 election?

13. TR: Brandisher of the Big Stick Give evidence to show that Teddy Roosevelt was an unconventional president?

14. Building the Panama Canal Why was the Panama route chosen for the canal?

15. TR's Perversion of Monroe's Doctrine Explain the similarities and differences between the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary?

16. Roosevelt on the World Stage How did Teddy Roosevelt win the Nobel Peace Prize?

17. Japanese Laborers in California How did a school board in California act in a way that first hurt and then helped American-Japanese relations?

Ch. 28 Always use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. Progressive Roots What were the goals of the Progressives?

2. Raking Muck with the Muckrakers What issues were addressed by the major muckrakers?

3. Political Progressivism Define each of the major political reforms that progressives desired.

4. Progressivism in the Cities and States What changes did progressives make at the city and state level?

5. Progressive Women How successful were Progressives in combating social ills?

6. TR's Square Deal for Labor What were the three C's of the Square Deal? Explain with specific details.

7. TR Corrals the Corporations Assess the following statement, "Teddy Roosevelt's reputation as a trustbuster is undeserved."

8. Caring for the Consumer What was the effect of Upton Sinclair's book, The Jungle? Give details

9. Earth Control What factors led Americans to take an active interest in conservation?

10. The "Roosevelt Panic" of 1907 What were the results of the Roosevelt Panic of 1907? Give details

11. The Rough Rider Thunders Out What was the legacy of Teddy Roosevelt's presidency?

12. The Dollar Goes Abroad as a Diplomat What was dollar diplomacy and how was it practiced?

13. Taft the Trustbuster Who deserves the nickname "Trustbuster," Roosevelt or Taft? Give evidence and examples!

14. Taft Splits the Republican Party Why did the Progressive wing of the Republican Party turn against Taft?

15. The Taft-Roosevelt Rupture How did the Republican Party split at the party's 1912 convention?

Pageant Questions: Always use your textbook. Write the questions first. Answers must have several details, not just one sentence answers. This will help prepare you for essay writing.

Ch. 29 ALWAYS use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. The "Bull Moose" Campaign of 1912 Explain the difference between Roosevelt's form of progressivism and Wilson's.

2. Wilson: The Idealist in Politics How did Wilson's personality and past affect the way he conducted himself as president?

3. Wilson Tackles the Tariff What were the three parts of the "triple wall of privilege?"

4. Wilson Battles the Bankers How was the Federal Reserve System different than the banking system that existed in the U.S. in 1913?

5. The President Tames the Trusts How did Wilson curb the trusts?

6. Wilsonian Progressivism at High Tide Describe some of the positive and negative outcomes of Wilson’s progressive legislation and actions.

7. New Directions in Foreign Policy Contrast Wilson's ideas of foreign policy with those of Roosevelt and Taft.

8. Moralistic Diplomacy in Mexico Why did Mexico give such trouble to the Wilson administration?

9. Thunder Across the Sea What caused Europe to plunge into WWI in 1914?

10. A Precarious Neutrality What caused an officially neutral America to turn against the Central Powers?

11. America Earns Blood Money How did Germany's use of submarines lead to tense relations with the U.S.?

12. Wilson Wins Reelection in 1916 What were the keys to Wilson's electoral victory in 1916?

Ch. 30 ALWAYS use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. War by Act of Germany What events led Woodrow Wilson to ask Congress to declare war?

2. Wilsonian Idealism Enthroned Name Wilson’s twin war aims. How did these set America apart from the other combatants?

3. Wilson’s Fourteen Potent Points List several of Wilson’s Fourteen Points.

4. Creel Manipulates Minds How were Americans motivated to help in the war effort?

5. Enforcing Loyalty and Stifling Dissent How was loyalty forced during WWI?

6. The Nation’s Factories Go to War Why was it difficult to mobilize industry for the war effort?

7. Workers in Wartime How did the war affect the labor movement?

8. Suffering Until Suffrage How did the war affect women?

9. Making Plowboys into Doughboys Was the government’s effort to raise an army fair and effective?

10. America Helps Hammer the Hun Describe the effect of the American troops on the fighting.

11. The Fourteen Points Disarm Germany What role did America play in bringing Germany to surrender?

12. The Idealist Battles the Imperialists in Paris How did Wilson’s desire for the League of Nations affect his bargaining at the peace conference?

13. Hammering Out the Treaty What compromises did Wilson make at the peace conference?

14. The Domestic Parade of Prejudice Why was the treaty criticized back in America?

15. Defeat Through Deadlock Why was the treaty finally rejected?

16. The "Solemn Referendum" of 1920 What did the results of the 1920 election indicate?

17. The Betrayal of Great Expectations How much should the U.S. be blamed for the failure of the Treaty of Versailles?

Ch. 31 ALWAYS use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. Seeing Red Cite examples of actions taken in reaction to the perceived threat of radicals and communists during the red scare.

2. Hooded Hoodlums of the KKK Compare and contrast the new and old Ku Klux Klansmen.

3. Stemming the Foreign Flood Describe the immigration laws passed in the 1920's.

4. The Prohibition "Experiment" How and why was the eighteenth amendment broken so frequently?

5. The Golden Age of Gangsterism What was Gangsterism?

6. Monkey Business in Tennessee Describe the clash of cultures that took place in schools in the 1920's.

7. The Mass-Consumption Economy Give evidence to prove that America became a mass-consumption economy in the 20's.

8. Putting America on Rubber Tires What methods made it possible to mass-produce automobiles?

9. The Advent of the Gasoline Age What were the effects of the widespread adoption of the automobile?

10. Humans Develop Wings What effects did the early airplane have on America?

11. The Radio Revolution How did America change as the result of the radio?

12. The Dynamic Decade "Far-reaching changes in lifestyles and values paralleled the dramatic upsurge in the economy." Explain with details.

13. Cultural Liberation How did the arts of the 1920's reflect the times?

14. Wall Street's Big Bull Market Was government economic policy successful in the 20's?

Ch. 32 ALWAYS use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. GOP Reaction at the Throttle What pro-business policies were taken by the government during the Harding administration.

2. The Aftermath of War What effects did the war have on the economy (post-war)?

3. Hiking the Tariff Higher What effects were produced by high American tariffs?

4. Frustrated Farmers What had changed for the farmer since 1890? What had remained the same?

5. A Three-Way Race for the White House in 1924 Why did Calvin Coolidge easily win the 1924 election?

6. Foreign-Policy Flounderings What are the arguments for America canceling the WWI debt of European countries?

7. Unraveling the Debt Knot What were the world-wide repercussions of America’s insistence on debt repayment?

8. President Hoover's First Moves Did Hoover’s attempts to help farmers produce positive results? Explain.

9. The Great Crash Ends the Golden Twenties What were the immediate effects of the stock market crash?

10. Hooked on the Horn of Plenty What causes contributed to the Great Depression?

11. Rugged Times for Rugged Individualists How did President Hoover’s beliefs affect the way he handled the Depression?

12. Routing the Bonus Army in Washington What happened to the Bonus Army? Why?

13. Japanese Militarists Attack China How did the Japanese attack on Manchuria demonstrate the weakness of the League of Nations?

14. Hoover Pioneers the Good Neighbor Policy What was President Hoover’s policy toward Latin America?

Ch. 33 ALWAYS use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. The Humiliation of Hoover in 1932 What were the immediate results of Roosevelt's victory?

2. FDR and the Three R's: Relief, Recovery, Reform Describe the New Deal. (Give several details)

3. Roosevelt Manages the Money What were the key aspects of FDR's monetary policy?

4. Creating Jobs for the Jobless Explain the difference between New Deal agencies and what radical critics wanted the government to do.

5. New Visibility for Women Explain the factors that made it possible for these women to gain fame - Francis Perkins, Mary McLeod Bethune, Ruth Benedict, Margaret Mead, Pearl Buck

6. Helping Industry and Labor How did the NRA attempt to restore industry?

7. Paying Farmers Not to Farm How did the federal government attempt to help farmers?

8. Dust Bowls and Black Blizzards How did nature cause problems for some farmers on the plains?

9. Battling Bankers and Big Business Reformist New Dealers were determined from the outset to curb the `money changers....'" Explain.

10. The TVA Harnesses the Tennessee River What arguments were used for and against the TVA project?

11. Housing Reform and Social Security How did the FHA and Social Security attempt to help some of society's least fortunate?

12. A New Deal for Labor How did labor respond to the improvement of conditions brought about by the New Deal?

13. Nine Old Men on the Supreme Bench Why did Roosevelt ask Congress for a bill that would allow him to add justices to the Supreme Court?

14. The Court Changes Course What were the consequences of FDR's attempt to pack the Court?

15. The Twilight of the New Deal Assess the successfulness of FDR in his second term.

16. New Deal or Raw Deal? What criticism of the New Deal seems most fair to you? Least fair?

17. FDR's Balance Sheet What is the textbook author's opinion of Roosevelt? Do you agree?

Ch. 34 ALWAYS use the book to answer the questions and give very specific details (more than one sentence answers)

1. The London Conference What were the results of Roosevelt's decision not to help stabilize currencies?

2. Freedom for (from?) the Filipinos and Recognition for the Russians What was the reason for America's decision to free the Philippines?

3. Becoming a Good Neighbor Was the United States serious about the Good Neighbor policy? Explain.

4. Secretary Hull's Reciprocal Trade Agreements Were reciprocal trade agreements a good idea? Explain.

5. Storm-Cellar Isolationism What were the reasons for American isolationism?

6. Congress Legislates Neutrality How did the Neutrality Acts attempt to keep the U.S. out of war?

7. America Dooms Loyalist Spain How did the Spanish Civil War contribute to WWII?

8. Appeasing Japan and Germany What actions were taken by fascist governments that showed that they were a threat?

9. Hitler's Belligerency and U.S. Neutrality How did the United States respond to the start of WWII in Europe?

10. The Fall of France What further steps did the United States take after the fall of France?

11. Bolstering Britain with the Destroyer Deal (1940) Describe the conflict between interventionists and isolationists in America in 1940.

12. Congress Passes the Landmark Lend-Lease Law What was so controversial about Lend-Lease?

13. Hitler's Assault on the Soviet Union Spawns the Atlantic Charter What was the reaction in America to the Nazi attack on the Soviet Union?

14. U.S. Destroyers and Hitler's U-Boats Clash How did America's implementation of the Lend-Lease policy bring us closer to war?

15. Surprise Assault at Pearl Harbor How did American actions contribute to Japan's decision to attack Pearl Harbor?


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