Stephen king outsider book review


Stephen king outsider book review

Clowns lurking in storm drains. Twins at the end of an abandoned hotel hallway. A sad girl covered in blood on prom night. Honestly, it's hard to think of a Stephen King book that hasn't left at least one image permanently scorched into our brains. Stephen King's horror stories scarred many of our childhoods (and adulthoods, for that matter), but the most upsetting thing of all might be that all of King's books are connected. Yes, Shawshank State Prison, the children of the corn, and the lone Gunslinger walking through the desert are all part of one huge, terrifying narrative. Here are just ten of the ways in which all of King's books are connected, and why you should be very, very scared.Between the new movie of It, the new movie of The Dark Tower, the new movie of Gerald's Game, and several dozen other TV and film adaptations (not to mentions new novels), it seems like Stephen King must run the universe. But that's simply not true: King runs the multiverse. Many of his books share locations and characters across parallel universes, as neatly explained in this flowchart. Or, if you don't have time to follow every line between Annie Wilkes and the Crimson King, here are some of the creepiest connections between King's novels:Check out the entire What's Up, Boo? series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.1The Man in Black keeps showing upHe goes by Randall Flagg, or Walter o'Dim, or simply the Man in Black. He appears in The Dark Tower books,The Stand, The Eyes of Dragon, 'Salem's Lot, Children of the Corn, and several other King stories. He's never good news. As King's self-described best villain, the Man in Black takes on various forms throughout the multiverse to sow conflict and bring down entire civilizations in service of some even greater evil force.2Pennywise LivesPennywise, or "It," is another King villain who spans multiple books and even universes. In Tommyknockers, a character glimpses "a clown with shiny silver dollars for eyes" while driving through Derry, Maine. In Dreamcatcher, someone has spray painted the words "Pennywise Lives" on the standpipe. In 11/22/63, the protagonist asks two of the children from It about a crime in their town, and overhears one say to the other "that wasn't the clown." The creepy character of Dandelo from the Dark Tower books has a lot of Pennywise qualities as well, but King has said that they're not the same character... although they're probably from the same species. So there's an entire species of killer clowns out there. So that's fun.3The EclipseThis one's not quite as all-encompassing, but two of King's novels hinge on the same solar eclipse. In Gerald's Game and Dolores Claiborne, an eclipse in Maine becomes a major plot point, and the titular Dolores Claiborne senses that Jessie, the protagonist of Gerald's Game, is in some kind of trouble, despite being an entire novel away.4Everyone is from Derry or Castle RockStephen King in famous for setting his stories in Maine, and a lot of those stories center around the fictional towns of Derry and Castle Rock. Even when the book doesn't take place in Derry, Castle Rock, or the surrounding area (like Jerusalem's Lot or Shawshank Prison), chances are that at least one of the characters hails from a small town in Maine that just so happens to be the nexus for ultimate evil.5One character gets a 29 year, 4 book redemption arcA lot of the characters who crop up in multiple books, like the Man in Black, Pennywise, or the Crimson King, are pretty clearly evil. Father Callahan from 'Salem's Lot gets to redeem himself over the course of several different books, though. After getting bullied by vampires, losing his faith, and leaving the town of Jerusalem's Lot in shame, Callahan heads to New York and pops up in the Dark Tower books, where he gets to stop feeling sorry for himself and help our heroes in their quest to save the multiverse.6The cook from the Overlook Hotel appears in "It"It's impossible to pick one single scariest King book, but The Shining and It are both top contenders. Dick Hallorann appears in both novels: he was an army cook who lived in Derry, Maine, and used his shining to save the life of Mike Hanlon's father before the events of It. He later took a job as a cook at the Overlook Hotel, where he warned a young Danny Torrance about his "shine."7All nasty things come from "The Macroverse" or "Todash Space"Almost all of the creepy, supernatural elements in Stephen King's books can be traced back to the mysterious dark reality known as "The Macroverse" or "Todash Space." These two realms seem to be connected, if not one and the same, and they are home to Pennywise, the mist, the deadlights, Cthun, and many more King monsters.8Stephen King is a characterPerhaps the biggest connection between all the Stephen King books is that Stephen King appears in the Stephen King books. He's a character in the Dark Tower series, in which he plays a writer in our world who writes the Dark Tower series. Apparently, King's near-fatal car accident in 1999 was an attempted murder by the Crimson King, but the author was saved by Jake Chambers, one of the protagonists of The Dark Tower.9The Shop is behind it allThe secretive government agency known as The Shop is behind the horror in several of King's novels. The Shop has tapped into Todash Space before with the Arrowhead Project, releasing the mist from The Mist. They experimented with the chemical Lot Six in Firestarter. They appear in Tommyknockers and The Lawnmower Man, and they're mentioned in The Stand. Basically, you don't want to end up involved in one of their "science projects."10Everything connects to the Dark Tower The Dark Tower stands at the nexus of every universe, and the Dark Tower series serves as the huge, over-arching plot of the King multiverse. You can certainly enjoy his other novels as standalone stories, but since The Dark Tower is a fight for existence itself, it encompasses all of the other stories. As King himself puts it:I have written enough novels and short stories to fill a solar system of the imagination, but Roland's story is my Jupiter--a planet that dwarfs all the others . . . a place of strange atmosphere, crazy landscape, and savage gravitational pull. Dwarfs the others, did I say? I think there's more to it than that, actually. I am coming to understand that Roland's world (or worlds) actually contains all the others of my making... amazon As one of the most prolific horror and suspense writers in the biz, Stephen King has enough books in his extensive oeuvre to last thriller readers quite some time. Those who really follow the genre have probably dipped their toes into his work, and even those who don't consider themselves King fans can hardly avoid coming across the characters who have become part of pop culture as a whole. You may have come to his work from one of the many horror film and TV adaptations that have come out of his books, including The Outsider series on HBO, Stanley Kubrick's iconic film The Shining, and of course, the creepy clown classic, It. And while you have probably heard of his most popular books, like Pet Sematary, The Stand, and 'Salem's Lot, some of his deeper cuts will also send shivers down your spine. For those who like to read through an author's entire catalog, King's collection will give you plenty to check off the list. Or for readers who just need a new thriller book to give them a good scare, take a wander into King's impressive imagination. Here's a few we think make a great place to start. Just don't blame us if you end up having nightmares. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 17 'Salem's Lot Anchor Books King's second book cemented his place as the master of horror. In it, Ben Mears returns to Jerusalem's Lot to find inspiration for his book, and maybe exorcise some personal demons. But then, two young boys go into the woods and only one comes out alive. Something sinister is afoot, and it's up to Mears and his allies to contain it. RELATED: The 35 Best Books of 2020 to Add to Your Reading List ASAP 16 The Outsider: A Novel Stephen King An 11-year-old boy's corpse shows up in a park and all evidence points to beloved citizen and Little League coach Terry Maitland. He's quickly arrested, but he has an alibi. The thriller twist in this one will take your breath away as only King's imagination can. RELATED: The Most Popular Scary Movie the Year You Were Born 15 Night Shift Stephen King This collection of short stories offers King's bone-chilling creations in bite-sized packages. It includes stars like Children of the Corn and deeper cuts like Gray Matter, wherein a reclusive alcoholic begins to change in a horrifying way. 14 Doctor Sleep Stephen King This sequel to The Shining brings back Danny Torrence, who now works at a nursing home and specializes in ushering dying patients into the great beyond. When he meets a young girl who has an even stronger version of the shining than he did, the two find their lives unexpectedly in peril (again). 13 The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger Scribner Another Stephen King book that became a major motion picture, this first installment in The Dark Tower series introduces readers to Roland of Gilead: The Last Gunslinger. His world represents a haunting mirror of ours, through which he relentlessly tracks The Man in Black. The entire series is more than worth a read. 12 The Stand Stephen King When a deadly flu wipes out 99 percent of the world's population, the survivors are shellshocked. Randall Flagg, or The Dark Man, emerges as an agent of chaos and destruction who's ready to take advantage of the instability. But Mother Abigail urges peace, and a terrible choice soon emerges. This dystopian suspense both feels like an escape, and horribly current. 11 The Institute: A Novel Stephen King One of the newer offerings from the super-prolific King takes us inside a creepy institute that houses kidnapped children with special abilities. A 12-year-old resident discovers the staff are extracting the kids' powers and discarding them, and he soon hatches a plan to escape. The problem? No one ever has. 10 Under the Dome: A Novel Stephen King On an otherwise normal day in Chester, Maine, an invisible dome suddenly seals off the town from the rest of the world. Nothing can go in or out and cars burst into flames upon contact. A crew of intrepid citizens try and figure out how to deal with it, while a crooked politician wants to hold onto his power at any cost. 9 Rose Madder: A Novel Stephen King Rose Daniels has just barely survived an abusive marriage for 14 years, but she finally manages to flee. Her ex-husband Norman isn't only a psychotic monster ? he's also a cop. An aura of foreboding pervades the whole story, and you won't be able to put it down. 8 11/22/63: A Novel Stephen King Jake Epping is a teacher whose whole life changes when his buddy Al reveals that his diner has a secret storeroom door that leads to one day in 1958. Al's obsessed with stopping the JFK assassination and soon enlists Jake to help, who soon takes on the 1958 life of George Amberson. This time-travel story is as chilling as it is engrossing. 7 Finders Keepers: A Novel Stephen King The second installment in the Bill Hodges trilogy covers the murder of a reclusive writer by an obsessed fan, who squirrels away his idol's collection of notebooks before getting locked up for another awful crime. But when he gets out 35 years later, he discovers someone has stolen his haul. It's up to Hodges and crew to prevent his revenge. 6 Misery: A Novel Stephen King When Annie comes to nurse the author Paul Sheldon back to health, she brings not only her medical expertise, but an obsession with Sheldon's work. She didn't like the way Sheldon killed off his main character, Misery, and wants him to make it right. And she's got some macabre ways to convince him. 5 Pet Sematary: A Novel Stephen King After Dr. Louis Creed moves his family to a small town in Maine, accidents on the highway outside their house tragically takes his cat and later, his son. Rather than coming to terms with the permanency of death, Creed interferes with the natural order, with horrifying results that show why drivers speed past the town so quickly. 4 Needful Things: A Novel Stephen King Nothing in the little curiosity shop owned by Leland Gaunt has a price tag, but everything's for sale. The residents of Castle Rock, Maine, can find whatever they desire in Needful Things, for a little money and a lot of menace. And the deals the residents will make will turn your blood cold. 3 It: A Novel Stephen King $12.99 Unless you live under a rock, you probably know at least some of the story of monster that terrorizes the small ton of Derry, Maine. But even if you've seen the movie, this expansive horror tome is worth your time. 2 The Shining Stephen King When Jack Torrence gets the chance to move his family to the picturesque Overlook Hotel for the winter, it seems like the perfect chance to work on his novel while taking care of a beautiful place. But the hotel has its own agenda, and his five-year-old son Danny is the first to sense it. If you liked the iconic Jack Nicholson movie, you'll love the book it was based on. 1 Carrie Stephen King $118.63 Unless you grew up under a rock, you're probably already aware of the Carrie story. But if you haven't read the chilling tale of the outcast teenager who uses her telekinetic powers to punish her cruel classmates, you should definitely check it out. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at

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