Stephen king outsider book characters


Stephen king outsider book characters

¡®The Outsider¡® added to Stephen King¡¯s streak of more than 30 best-selling novels, with it topping the Sunday Times Bestseller¡¯s list. The authenticity of character description and refined dialogues between characters made ¡®The Outsider¡¯ possess an extra layer of originality and realism. Terry Maitland Terry is the main character on which the story

of ¡®The Outsider¡¯ begins. Being the father to two girls, Sarah and grace, the coach of the boys¡¯ little league, an English teacher, and a well-respected person in Flint City, Terry is arrested for the murder of Frankie Peterson, an 11-year-old red-head boy. Though he tried to maintain his innocence throughout his predicament, Terry struggles to clear his

name due to eyewitnesses and overwhelming DNA evidence against him. Soon, Frankie¡¯s brother, Ollie, shoots and kills him. Ralph Anderson Ralph Anderson is a detective of the Flint City police department and is a fat and tall man in his early 50s. Being the lead detective on the murder case of Frankie Peterson, Ralph believes that Frankie¡¯s killer

was none other than Terry Maitland due to the overwhelming evidence and the witnesses against Terry. However, after leading a public arrest on Terry, Ralph doubts Terry¡¯s guilt as footage of Terry being in Cap City emerges defending the little league coach. Though with doubts, Ralph still adamantly refuses to accept that Terry may be innocent but

after Terry proclaims his innocence on his dying breath, Ralph¡¯s doubt become more persistent. Diving deeper into Terry¡¯s case, Ralph discovers that what happened with Frankie¡¯s murder had to be nothing short of abnormal and supernatural, and his doubt gets confirmed after meeting Holly Gibney. Holly Gibney Holly is a middle-aged woman with

grey hair and pale skin, who gets hired as a private investigator by Alec Pelley, a retired police officer working for Howie Gold, Terry¡¯s lawyer. Holly gets hired to investigate Dayton. Soon, Holly discovers that Terry¡¯s case was similar to that of a man named Heath Holmes. Soon, Holly discovers an evil entity she called The Outsider was responsible

for the murders of both Frankie and the girls. Frankie Peterson Though having a minute appearance in the story, Frankie is also the main character in ¡®The Outsider.¡¯ Frankie is an 11-year-old red-haired boy, raped and brutally killed with a tree branch. Howie Gold Howie is Terry¡¯s lawyer, and he believes that Terry is innocent of the allegations

against him. Howie helps Terry and his wife Marcy navigate the legal ground of trying to acquit Terry of the crimes labeled against him and is happy when video evidence of Terry being in Cap City emerges. Hiring Alec Pelley to help out, Howie tries his best to see that Terry is released from police custody but is devastated when Terry is shot and

killed. Later teaming up with Ralph, Holly, and Alec, A psychotic Jack Hoskins shoots Howie, killing him. Jack Hoskins Jack is lazy and corrupt police, who is the antagonist in ¡®The Outsider.¡¯ Being Ralph¡¯s colleague and a fellow detective, Jack¡¯s vacation ends when he reaches a site of interest in Terry¡¯s case. Jack encounters a scary entity, who

touches him on arrival. The next day Jack is visited by the same entity in his house who claims to have infected him with cancer. Out of fear and a promise to get cured of cancer, Jack does The Outsider¡¯s bidding and fulfills his wish to kill the group comprising Ralph, Holly, Howie, Alec, and Sable. However, Jack successfully kills two members of the

group before meeting his end at the hands of Ralph. The Outsider is the main antagonist of ¡®The Outsider¡¯ story. Being an entity who takes the form of whoever he injures, The Outsider kills his victims, mainly children, in a horrible way and spreads their fat over his body. Also referred to as Elcuco, an ancient Mexican entity, The Outsider gets away

with his murders by utilizing the law which does not acknowledge the supernatural. The Outsider kills his victims in the appearance of a well-known person and uses this as a way to get away with killing, making the innocent victim pay for a crime they never committed. Alec Pelley Alec Pelley is a retired police officer who works as a private

investigator due to the guilt of putting innocent men behind bars. Alec works as a freelance private investigator for Howie, Terry¡¯s lawyer, and after hiring Holly Gibney to help out, works with the rest of the group to uncover more about The Outsider. Alec, however, is killed by a psychotic Jack under the influence of The Outsider. Marcy Maitland

Being the wife to Terry Maitland, the man accused of brutally murdering an 11-year-old boy, Marcy sticks beside Terry as she fights for him to get free. Though Marcy¡¯s efforts go down the drain as Terry dies, Marcy still works with Ralph, Howie, and the rest of the group to ensure that Terry is exonerated. Ollie Peterson Ollie is Frankie¡¯s older

brother, and after Frankie¡¯s death, everything goes sour for his entire family as his mother, Arlene, dies of a heart attack leaving only him and his father, Fred. Unable to handle the pain and with a growing rage for revenge, Ollie storms Terry¡¯s arraignment, where he fires two shots at Terry, killing him. Ralph jumps to the rescue and kills Ollie

preventing any further casualty. Claude Bolton Claude is a man with a criminal history and a dodgy reputation. After Terry¡¯s death, Holly Gibney and the rest of the group deduce that The Outsider may have chosen the next victim to frame. They discover Claude Bolton is next as an inscription of CAN¡¯T and MUST on The Outsider¡¯s hands reveal his

intentions. Other characters from the book include Grace Maitland, Terry¡¯s youngest daughter. Sarah Maitland. Jeanie Anderson, Ralph¡¯s wife. Fred Peterson, Frankie and Ollie¡¯s father, and Yune Sablo, a detective who assists Ralph, Howie, Alec, and Holly in their investigation. FAQs The main characters in ¡®The Outsider¡® are Terry Maitland and

Ralph Anderson. The antagonists in ¡®The Outsider¡¯ are The Outsider himself and detective Jack Hoskins. Yes, Stephen King loved the 2020 film adaptation of his book which had the same name. ¡®The Outsider¡¯ saw the death of its main character Terry Maitland, his lawyer, Howie Gold, and Alec Pelley, a private investigator working for Howie. Other

characters who died too include Ollie Peterson, Frankie¡¯s brother, and Arlene, Frankie¡¯s mother. Home ? Stephen King ? The Outsider ? Characters The following version of the novel was used to create this study guide: King, Stephen. The Outsider. Scribner, May 22, 2018. Kindle.In The Outsider by Stephen King, Detective Ralph Anderson was

stumped when physical evidence placed a suspect for the brutal murder of a child in two different places at one time. Taught to follow the physical evidence, Ralph encountered amateur detective Holly Gibney who showed him that sometimes the supernatural does impact the natural world. The unlikely pair use the fable of El Cuco, a Mexican ghost

or monster, to keep the creature from killing again. Little League coach Terry Maitland did not have a criminal history. However, the district attorney and lead investigator had such a tight case against him in the murder and mutilation of Fred Peterson that Maitland was arrested in the middle of the semifinal game. Ralph began to feel uneasy about

what he had once thought was a slam-dunk arrest when Terry presented the cops with an alibi as well as witnesses who were with him in another town at the time of the murder. The damage was done by the public arrest. Terry was shot by a bystander, the brother of Fred, when Terry was taken from the jail to the courthouse for arraignment. In his

dying breaths, Terry told Ralph he was innocent and asked Ralph how he was going to clear his conscience after playing a role in Terry¡¯s death. Even though Ralph still believed Terry was guilty, he continued to investigate the murder not only to solve the mystery of Terry¡¯s apparent ability to be in two places at once but also to make sure there was

not a child killer still on the loose. After Ralph¡¯s wife, Jeannie, was visited by a strange man who warned her that he would kill Ralph if Ralph did not stop meddling in the case, Jeannie tried to convince her husband that he was dealing with some sort of supernatural creature. Ralph refused to believe her and continued the investigation. Meanwhile,

Holly Gibney, an amateur detective, was hired by the lawyer representing Terry¡¯s family to follow up a lead in Ohio. Holly discovered that a similar pair of murders had taken place in Ohio about the same time Terry and his family had been there. Like Terry, the man accused of the murder also claimed to be innocent and had an alibi for his

whereabouts the day of the paring what she had learned about the murder in Ohio with the one in Flint City, Holly decided they were dealing with a form of a monster known in Spanish legend as El Cuco. This monster had the ability to transform himself so that his appearance and DNA matched that of a normal person. Holly met with

Ralph and others working on the case, but Ralph made it clear he thought her explanation was crazy. Ralph began to change his mind about Holly when she used a black light to find traces of liquid that sloughed off the creature when it visited Ralph¡¯s house. Presented with evidence, Ralph found it difficult to continue to deny that something had been

in their house. Ralph and Holly tracked the creature to the Marysville Hole. The day before they went to find and kill it, Holly told Ralph that she needed him to believe that the creature really existed. Ralph promised to set aside his disbelief. They found the creature hiding in a cave. Holly killed it.

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