(2-Digit) Compare the numbers using , =. “greater than,” “less than ...

[Pages:11]1. Comparing Numbers


Compare the numbers using , =.

27 ___ 36

2. Comparing Numbers


Compare. Write the words "greater than," "less than," or "equal to."

19 ________ 91

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

3. Comparing Numbers


Compare the numbers using , =.

22 ____ 20 + 2

4. Comparing Numbers


Copy the sentence that is true.

87 is less than 78.

78 is less than 87.

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

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5. Comparing Numbers


Compare the numbers using , =.

63 ___ 62

6. Comparing Numbers


Compare. Write the words "greater than," "less than," or "equal to."

39 ________ 50

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

7. Comparing Numbers

(2-Digit) Compare the numbers using , =.

40 + 7 ____ 38

Write the full expression.

8. Comparing Numbers


Copy the expression that is true.

45 < 52 60 < 39

Write the full expression.

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9. Comparing Numbers


Compare the numbers using , =.

3 ___ 13

10. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

Compare. Write the words "greater than," "less than," or "equal to."

50 ________ 49

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

11. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit) Compare the numbers using , =.

30 ____ 10 + 2

12. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit) Copy the sentence that is true. 30 is greater than 20. 30 is less than 20.

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

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13. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

14. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

Compare the numbers using , =.

Compare. Write the words "greater than," "less than," or "equal to."

17 ___ 15 93 ________ 97

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

15. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

16. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

Compare the numbers using , =.

70 + 1 ____ 73

Write the full expression.

Copy the expression that is true.

52 > 53 52 < 53

Write the full expression.

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17. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

18. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

Compare the numbers using , =.

Compare. Write the words "greater than," "less than," or "equal to."

80 ___ 80 73 ________ 75

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

19. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit) Compare the numbers using , =.

12 ____ 6 + 6

20. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit) Copy the sentence that is true.

41 is less than 47. 47 is less than 41.

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

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21. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

Compare the numbers using , =.

22. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

Compare. Write the words "greater than," "less than," or "equal to."

55 ___ 50 68 ________ 86

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

23. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit) Compare the numbers using , =.

68 ____ 50 + 9

Write the full expression.

24. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

Copy the expression that is true.

90 > 73 73 > 93

Write the full expression.

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25. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

26. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

Compare the numbers using , =.

Compare. Write the words "greater than," "less than," or "equal to."

40 ___ 39 16 ________ 16

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

27. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit) Compare the numbers using , =.

38 + 1 ____ 40

28. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit) Copy the sentence that is true.

28 is less than 20. 32 is equal to 32.

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

29. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit) Compare the numbers using , =.

66 ___ 64

30. Comparing Numbers (2-Digit)

Compare. Write the words "greater than," "less than," or "equal to."

65 ________ 56

Write the full expression.

Write the full sentence.

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