Bradford Reading Record

Bradford Reading Record

Reading progression document linked to the new national curriculum

Y1 – Y6

AP/April, 2015

(with input from Bradford

Literacy Co-ordinators)

Suggested reading non-negotiables

Supporting children with accessing text

• Choose guided reading texts that are linked to what the children are learning to write in Literacy to support them with gathering ideas from their reading to use in their writing

• Give children the tools they need to be able to access the text – use prior knowledge activation’ to support them with this – discussions/activities/research around the characters, settings and new vocabulary – BEFORE they begin to access the text

• Use guided reading sessions as a book group for children – plan questions around what they need to learn next and spend some time discussing them as a group, asking children to find evidence, give reasons, justify depending on their reading ability

• Do children’s formative assessment levels match their test outcomes ?

- Children in KS2 need to know how to write the answer to a question

- This should be regularly modelled by teachers

- Children should be given lots of opportunities to practise writing answers to questions

Gathering evidence to feed into assessment judgements

Use the following to support with gathering evidence -

• Phonics tracker/individual phonics assessment

• Guided reading sessions which deepen children’s comprehension skills

• Assessment during guided reading – use the progression in the Bradford Reading Record

• Independent tasks during guided reading to be linked to a previous or future guided reading session – children use reading journals to record their responses

• Video/audio/scripts – film, record or scribe children’s responses to their reading

This reading record can be used to assess and plan from in Literacy and other areas of the curriculum, not just in guided reading sessions

Year 1

|Word |Decoding |Reads on sight 100 HF words |

|reading | |Reads on sight irregular high frequency words from Phases 2, 3 and 4 |

| | |Reads on sight irregular high frequency words from Phases 4 and 5 |

| | |Consistently blends CVC and CCVC/CVCC words |

| | |Recognises and reads alternative spellings for vowel phonemes |

| | |Recognises and blends consonant clusters |

| | |Recognises and blends consonant digraphs |

| | |Recognises full range of vowel digraphs and trigraphs |

| | |Identifies syllables in order to read polysyllabic words |

| | |Identifies and reads words with common plurals |

| | |Identifies and reads words with ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ endings |

| | |Reads other familiar and important words |

| | |Makes 1 to 1 correspondence between written and spoken words |

| | |Becoming more fluent |

| | |Reads fluently and for meaning, checking that the text makes sense to them as they read and correcting inaccurate reading |

| | |Uses punctuation to support fluency |

Year 1

|Comprehensi|Retrieval |Sequences a simple story or event recalling main points |

|on | |Uses structure of a simple story when reacting or retelling |

| | |Talks about the themes of simple texts |

| | |Answers literal retrieval questions about a text |

| | |Can discuss the significance of a book title and events |

| | |Begins to retell simple stories accurately |

| | |Can recite some poems by heart |

| |Inference |Shows reasonable inference at basic level, e.g. identifying who is speaking in a story |

| | |Comments/questions about meaning of parts of text, e.g. details of illustrations, opening and impact of cover |

| | |Makes simple deductions with support from prompts |

| | |Begins to make predictions about characters |

| | |Uses information from the text to predict events and talk about the character traits |

| | |Relates incidents from reading to own experience and that of others |

| |Structure |Understands and use correctly terms referring to conventions of print: book, cover, beginning, end, page, word, letter, line |

| | |Identifies print effects, e.g. bold, italics and capitalisation |

| | |Use patterns and structures of text to support retelling/reciting |

| | |Understands the sequence of a story |

| | |Understands the difference between fiction and non-fiction |

| | |Understands the way non-fiction texts are organised and uses this when reading |

| | |Understands difference in how fiction and non-fictions texts are organised |

| | |Uses organisational features to support reading |

| |Language |Begins to comment on particular words, phrases and sentences |

Year 2

|Word |Decoding |Begins to take account of a wider range of punctuation when reading, e.g. exclamation marks, question marks |

|reading | |Can blend syllables silently and out loud |

| | |Recognises and reads simple and continuous past tense |

| | |Recognises and reads a variety of suffixes – ing, ed, er, est, ful, ly and y |

| | |Reads on sight irregular words and other familiar and important words |

| | |Confidentially blends alternative spellings of vowels and consonants |

| | |Reads fluently, taking into account punctuation and text features, e.g. bold or italic print |

| | |Confidently reads polysyllabic words |

| | |Recognises common prefixes and suffixes and regular verb endings to construct meaning of words |

| | |Reads on sight 300 HF words |

| | |Recognises a full range of alternative spellings of phonemes |

|Comprehensi|Retrieval |Can recount main events, themes and information |

|on | |Is able to generate some questions before reading |

| | |Retells more complex stories clearly with appropriate detail and balance |

| | |Can discuss with reference to the text |

| | |Can recite poems by heart with appropriate intonation |

| | |Can participate in discussion about books, taking turns and listening to what others say |

| |Inference |Begins to predict more than one event using reading experience of same author/themes or content of non-fiction |

| | |Makes simple inferences about thoughts and feelings |

| | |Identifies key themes and discusses reasons for events in stories |

| | |Makes confident inferences/predictions based on wider reading experience |

| |Structure |Understands and comments on the structure and presentation of narrative and how information is presented in non-fiction texts |

| | |Makes comparisons between fiction and non-fiction texts noting similarities and differences |

| | |Offers suggestions for organisational features |

| |Language |Begins to identify words, phrases and sentences used for effect |

| | |Begins to identify voices in stories |

| | |Begins to discuss the effect of specific word or phrase choices on meaning, e.g. to create humour, images and atmosphere |

| |Author |Makes choices about texts based on prior reading experience and can express opinion about elements of text, eg character |

| | |Can express opinion about how an author has presented a text |

| | |Offers opinions on the purpose and audience of fiction and simple non-fiction texts |

| | |Begins to identify themes and underlying ideas in texts |

| | |Can identify general features of a few text types |

| | |Shows some awareness that books are set in different times and places |

| |Traditions |Makes some simple connections between texts identified, eg similarities in plot/topic or books by same author, about same characters |

| | |Recognises some features of the context of texts, eg historical setting, social or cultural background |

Year 3

|Word |Decoding |Begins to recognise a wider range of prefixes, suffixes and punctuation and responds by using appropriate intonation and expression |

|reading | |Confidently decodes digraphs and trigraphs including silent letters |

| | |Uses a range of strategies independently to establish meaning of words in context |

|Comprehensi|Retrieval |Begins to read in different ways for different purposes |

|on | |Shows understanding of main points. Begins to skim and scan whole text to identify relevant pieces of information |

| | |Provides evidence/information making specific reference to text |

| | |Can confidently skim and scan to locate information |

| | |Shows increasing accuracy in information retrieval |

| | |Makes use of non-fiction features to locate information |

| | |Prepare poems and play scripts to read aloud |

| |Inference |Can offer sensible reasons for predictions about plot and character |

| | |Begins to make connections across a text |

| | |Justifies ideas and predictions based on knowledge of the text |

| | |Links ideas and information across texts more confidently |

| |Structure |Identifies some different genres and key features in fiction and non fiction |

| | |Can consider and comment on the effect on the reader of the main features of fiction and non fiction texts |

| |Language |Uses a dictionary to check the meaning of words |

| | |Understands the use of different voices in stories |

| | |Identifies languages used to create moods and build up tension, e.g. powerful verbs, adjectives and connectives |

| |Author |Begins to identify themes and underlying ideas in texts |

| | |Can offer opinions about texts and explain personal point of view |

| | |Can compare different versions of the same story |

| | |Begins to identify subtle messages in a text |

| |Traditions |Identifies themes & conventions in a wide range of books |

| | |Makes some simple connections between texts identified, e.g. similarities in plot, topic, or books by same author, about same characters |

| | |Recognises some features of the context of texts e.g. historical setting, social or cultural background |

Year 4 (Keep revisiting knowledge and skills from Y3)

|Word |Decoding |Uses a range of strategies independently to establish meaning of words in context |

|reading | | |

|Comprehensi|Retrieval |Can use more than one source when researching & recording information |

|on | |Can support understanding and point of view by finding information and begins to text mark |

| | |Identifies main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarises these |

| | |Prepares poems and playscripts to read aloud, and to perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action |

| |Inference |Can justify predictions based on knowledge of the text, making connections across a text |

| | |Can offer sensible reasons about predictions |

| | |Refers to text to support opinions and predictions (Point + Evidence) |

| | |Begins to recognise the difference between fact and point of view |

| |Structure |Begins to identify structural features of a wider range of fiction and non-fiction texts |

| | |Recognises different forms of poetry (e.g. free verse, narrative poetry) |

| |Language |Begins to offer reasons for use of voice and language choices |

| | |Considers the effect of these on the reader |

| |Author |Begins to comment on overall effect of a text and how the writer has achieved this, justifying opinions |

| |Traditions |Makes some simple connections between texts identified, e.g. similarities in plot, topic, or books by same author, about same characters |

| | |Recognises some features of the context of texts, e.g. historical setting, social or cultural background |

Year 5

|Word |Decoding |Understands how word order, punctuation, order and connectives can shame the meaning of sentences |

|reading | |Uses knowledge of word formation and derivation to construct meaning of words in context |

|Comprehensi|Retrieval |Empathises with characters’ viewpoints |

|on | |Begins to text mark and annotate when skimming and scanning to identify main ideas |

| | |Can retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction |

| | |Identifies and justifies selection of key points by using wide range of strategies to locate information/ideas across a text |

| | |Can identify key details in a text and begin to team the skills of summarising |

| |Inference |Learn a wider range of poetry by heart |

| | |Can participate in discussions about books, challenging others’ views courteously |

| | |Can empathise with different points of view |

| | |Understands main events, characters, ideas and themes. Infers meaning and motives using text and wider experiences |

| | |Uses clues from action, dialogue and description to interpret meaning |

| | |Infers and deduces moods, messages, feelings and attitudes |

| | |Refers to text to support opinions and predictions (Point + Evidence + Explanation) |

| | |Begins to identify implicit and explicit points of view |

| |Structure |Confidently recognises key features of a range of text types and genres |

| | |Uses structural and organisational features of text types to support understanding, recognising how paragraphs are linked |

| |Language |Identifies and comments on use and effect of author’s language including imagery and figurative language when conveying moods, feelings and attitudes |

| | |Offers suggestions for writer’s choice of technique |

| |Author |Begins to show awareness of authorial viewpoint in fiction and non-fiction, e.g. narration, characterisation, time shifts, bias |

| | |Recognises ways in which writers present issues and viewpoints in fiction and non-fiction |

| | |Can discuss techniques for development of plot |

| |Traditions |Notes features common to different texts or versions of the same text identified, with simple comment, e.g. characters, settings, presentational features |

Year 6

|Word |Decoding |Read confidently, using knowledge of grammar and word roots to read for meaning |

|reading | |Consolidates knowledge of word roots, derivations and spelling patterns to read unknown words |

| | |Uses connectives as signposts to indicate a change of tone |

| | |Secure and confident in use of knowledge of word roots, derivations and spelling patterns to read unknown words |

| | |Wide ranging and accurate use of morphemic and etymological knowledge |

|Comprehensi|Retrieval |Confident in using a wide range of strategies when locating information/ideas across a text |

|on | |Can summarise the main ideas from one paragraph |

| | |Retrieves and collates essential pieces of information from a range of sources |

| | |Can explain and discuss their understanding of what they have read, including through formal presentation and debates, maintaining focus on the topic and using |

| | |notes where necessary |

| |Inference |Refers to text to support opinions and predictions (Point+Evidence+Explanation+Evaluation) |

| | |Identifies and explains implicit and explicit points of view |

| | |Compares and contrasts explicit and implicit points of view |

| |Structure |Understand and uses the structure of a range of text types to support understanding |

| | |Understands and can comment on the effect of structure and organisation of different text types |

| | |Sustains understanding over extended texts by using structural and organisational features effectively |

| |Language |Can confidently identify and begin to explain viewpoint in texts |

| | |Can discuss implied and multi-layered meanings |

| | |Explains and begins to evaluate success of use of imagery and figurative language |

| | |Identifies and analysis authors techniques and vocabulary when creating moods, messages, feelings and attitudes and can offer reasons for choice considering the |

| | |effect on the reader |

| |Author |Begins to give reasons for adoption of viewpoint in texts |

| | |Analyses and comments on success of texts and writers in evoking particular responses |

| | |Can consider how implied and multi-layered meanings are created |

| |Traditions |Can identify similarities and differences between texts, or versions, with some explanation, e.g. narrative conventions in traditional tales or stories from |

| | |different creatures, ballads, and newspaper reports |




Recommended book list

Compiled by Alison Philipson and Bradford Literacy Co-ordinators – Autumn 2013

(N.B. many of these texts are easily transferrable to year groups other than those mentioned in the notes and can be used in other contexts)

| | | |


|Pigs Might Fly |Jonathan Emmett |EYFS/Y1 – alternative version of The Three Little Pigs |

| | | |

| | |EYFS |

|Peace at Last |Jill Murphy | |

| | |EYFS |

|The Very Hungry Caterpillar |Eric Carle | |

| | |EYFS |

|Mixed Up Fairy Tales |Hilary Robinson | |

| | |EYFS |

|The Animal Boogie |Debbie Harker | |

| | |EYFS – great rhyming book/boys love this book |

|Superworm |Julia Donaldson | |

| | |Y2 – Stories from Other Cultures |

| | | |

|Amazing Grace |Caroline Binch |Y2 – Stories from Other Cultures |

| | | |

|Gregory Cool |Caroline Binch |Y2 – Stories from Other Cultures |

| | | |

|Mama Panya’s Pancakes |Mary and Rich Chamberlain | |

| | |Y2 – nocturnal animals |

| |Jill Tomlinson | |

|The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark | | |

| | |Y2 – nocturnal animals |

|Daft Bat |Jeanne Willis | |

| | |Y2 – fits in with SATs task about the magic pebble |

|The Magic Bed |John Burningham | |

| | |Y1/Y2 – good for travelling/journeys/Africa |

| | | |

|Meerkat Mail |Emily Gravett | |

| | | |

| | |KS1 – good links with Science |

|Wolf Won’t Bite ! |Emily Gravett | |

| | |KS1 |

|Percy the Park Keeper stories |Nick Butterworth |KS2 – dialogue |

| | | |

|The Tiger Who Came to Tea |Judith Kerr |KS1 - planets |

| | | |

| | | |

|Whatever Next ? |Jill Murphy | |

|The Terrible Plop |Ursula Dubosarsky |KS1/humour/boys love it |

| | | |

|Room on the Broom |Julia Donaldson |Great for KS1 |

| | | |

|What the Ladybird Heard |Julia Donaldson | |

| | | |

|The Jolly Postman |Allan Ahlbert |KS1 – useful for letter and invitation writing and |

| | |good link to fairy tales |

| | | |

| | |KS1 – a story with a twist/rhyming |

|Our Cat Cuddles |Gervase Phinn | |

| | | |

| | | |

|The Magic Faraway Tree |Enid Blyton |PSHCE |

| | | |

|Dogger |Shirley Hughes |PSHCE |

| | | |

|Lost and Found |Oliver Jeffers |Believing in yourself/great for PE/rhyming |

| | | |

|Giraffes Can’t Dance |Giles Andreae |Stories with Dilemmas/mystery stories/adventure |

| | |stories/could be used with Pie Corbett |

| | |imitation/innovation, developing imagination etc. |

|The Tunnel |Anthony Browne | |

| | |Good for Pie Corbett retelling and a Summer/seaside|

| | |theme |

| | | |

| | |Bear theme/feelings |

| | |/imagination/good for Pie Corbett’s Boxing Up |

| | | |

|The Lighthouse Keeper stories |Ronda Armitage |Character relationships/inference/ |

| | |Prediction/characters’ personalities |

| | | |

|The Teddy Robber |Ian Beck |Geography |

| | |(explorers)/dialogue/inference/ |

| | |how has the author made feelings clear? |

| | | |

|A Visitor for Bear |Bonny Becker |Prediction/rhyme |

|The Sniffles for Bear | | |

|Bedtime for Bear | | |

|A Birthday for Bear | | |

| | | |

|Emily Brown and the Elephant Emergency |Cressida Cowell | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Who’s in the Loo? | | |

| |Jeanne Willis | |

|The Bog Baby |Jeanne Willis | |

| | | |

|Misery Moo |Jeanne Willis | |

| | | |

|Handa’s Surprise |Eileen Browne | |

| | | |

|Huge Bag of Worries |Virginia Ironside | |

| | | |

|The Three Horrid Pigs and the Big Friendly Wolf |Liz Pichon |Link to traditional tales with dialogue – different|

| | |version |

|The Pea and the Princess | | |

| |Mini Grey |The story from the pea’s point of view ! |

| | | |

|Stick Man | | |

| |Julia Donaldson | |

|Jack and the Flumflum Tree | | |

| |Julia Donaldson | |

|A fish Out of Water | | |

| |Helen Palmer | |

|The Queen’s Knickers | | |

| |Nicholas Allan | |

|The Giant Jam Sandwich | | |

| |John Vernon Lord | |

|006 and a Bit | | |

| |Kes Gray | |

|A Bit Lost | | |

| |Chris Haughton | |

|The Story of the Little Mole who knew it was none | |A little bit rude – boys love it ! |

|of his business |Werner Holzwarth | |

| | | |

|The Forest | | |

|The Flower | |KS1/KS2 – Stories in Familiar |

| |Helen Ward |Settings/environmental issues/ |

| | |how plants grow well |

|Tin Forest | | |

| | | |

|The Dragon Machine |Helen Ward | |

| | | |

|The Tailypo: A Ghost Story |Helen Ward | |

| | |KS1/KS2 |

|Traction Man meets Turbo Dog |Joanna Galdone | |

| | |KS1 book but used in Y6 as a follow-on to Traction |

| |Mini Grey |Man (Heroes) |

|Until I Met Dudley |Roger McGough |Explanation text/fiction vs non fiction |

| | | |

| | |Y3 – Stories in Familiar Settings/unit on wolves – |

|The Wolves in the Walls |Neil Gaiman |non-chronological reports/ |

| | |Instructions on how to trap the wolves |

| | | |

| | |Y3 – Stories in Familiar Settings |

| | | |

| | |Y4 – Stories in Historical settings/World War 1/ |

|The Hodgeheg |Dick King-Smith |Friendship/promises |

| | | |

| | |Y4 – Stories from Other Cultures |

|The Butterfly Lion |Michael Morpurgo | |

| | |Y4 – Science links |

| | | |

| | |Y5 – Stories in Historical Settings/Victorians |

|Akimbo and the Elephants |Alexander McCall | |

| | |Y5 – World War II |

| | | |

|The Iron Man |Ted Hughes |World War II/ |

| | | |

|The Secret Garden |Frances Hodgson-Burnett | |

| | |Y5 – World War II topic – looked at pictures and |

| | |covered up writing – pupils wrote their own version|

|Goodnight Mr Tom |Michelle Magorian | |

| | |Y5 – World War II/AF3 |

|The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips |Michael Morpurgo | |

| | |World War II/PSHCE |

|Rose Blanche | | |

| |Ian McEwan | |

| | |Y5 – Stories from Other Cultures/South |

| | |Africa/democracy |

| | | |

|A Skull in Shadows Lane | |Y5 – adventure story and linked with topic of |

| |Robert Swindells |exploration/survival |

|Professor Nutter and the Siren’s Wail | | |

| |David Webb | |

|Journey to Jo-burg | | |

| | | |

| |Beverley Naidoo | |

| | | |

|Kensuke’s Kingdom | | |

| | | |

| |Michael Morpurgo | |

| | | |

|Henry VIII and his Chopping Block |‘Dead Famous’ series |Y5 – a good example of a non-fiction text/biography|

| | |humour – linked to our Tudor topic |

| | | |

| | |Y5/Y6 – horror based picture book |

|The Water Tower | | |

| |Gary Crew |Y5/Y6 – treatment of aboriginals in Australia |

| | | |

|The Rabbits | |KS2 |

| |Shaun Tan | |

| | |KS2 |

|The Arrival | | |

| |Shaun Tan |KS2 |

|The Lost Thing | | |

| |Shaun Tan |KS2 |

|Tuesday | | |

| |David Wiesner |KS2 – ‘Reading Book Club’ text – very popular fun |

|The Mysteries of Harry Burdick | |book |

| |David Wiesner | |

|Gangsta Granny | |Science/PSHCE |

| |David Walliams | |

|Grandma’s Teeth | | |

| | | |

|I want my Hat Back |David Webb |Upper KS2 – PSHCE/SEAL/friendship issues/boys who |

| | |find it difficult to achieve at school/bullying |

|The Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom |John Klasson | |

| | |Victorians/adventure/PSHCE |

| |Louis Sachar | |

| | |Good for looking at strategies for building |

| | |tension/suspense in writing |

|I was a Rat | | |

| | |Egyptians |

|Room 13 |Philip Pullman | |

| | |PSHCE |

| |Robert Swindells | |

| | |Feeling unwanted |

|Ma’at’s Feather | | |

| | | |

|Cool |Juliet Desailly | |

| | |Environmental theme |

|Stitch Head |Michael Morpurgo | |

| | | |

|Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book |Guy Bass | |

| | | |

|George Scares the World by Lunchtime |Julia Donaldson | |

| | | |

| |Dr Jo Readman | |

|Weslandia |Paul Fleischman |Bullying/PSHCE/new beginnings/other |

| | |worlds/friendship |

| | | |

| | | |

|How to Live Forever |Colin Thompson | |

| | |Narrative/cross curricular links/Native |

|The Garden |Gillian Linscott |American/powerful descriptive language |

| | | |

| | |Stories by the same author/author is from |

| | |Cleckheaton – children wrote their own Mr or Miss |

| | |story to promote reading |

|Mr Men and Little Miss Stories |Roger Hargreaves | |

| | |Water cycle |

| | | |

| | |Rock cycle |

| | | |

| | |Problem solving |

|The Drop in my Drink |Meredith Hooper | |

| | |Good for speaking and listening/diary |

|The Pebble in my Pocket |Meredith Hooper |entries/letters/PSHCE |

| | | |

|Stuck |Oliver Jeffers |Adventure stories/great images |

| | | |

|Gorilla |Anthony Brown |Stories in Imaginary Worlds |

| | | |

| | |Life Cycles/prediction/PSHCE |

| | | |

|Jumanji |Chris Van Allsburg | |

| | | |

| | |The environment (no words) |

|The Green Ship |Quentin Blake | |

| | | |

|Tadpole’s Promise |Jeanne Willis | |

| | |Stories from other cultures |

|Two Frogs |Chris Wormell | |

| | |Stories from other cultures |

|Window |Jeannie Baker | |

| | |A book of very short stories – great for guided |

|Mirror |Jeannie Baker |reading |

| | | |

|The Colour of Home |Mary Hoffman |Compares technology with a book – very funny and |

| | |clever |

|Siddharth and Rinki |Addy Farmer | |

| | | |

|Short ! |Kevin Crossley-Holland | |

| | | |

| | | |

|It’s a Book ! |Lane Smith | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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