The Age of Reformation – Study Guide

The Age of Reformation – Study Guide

The Western Heritage, since 1300.10th Ed. Kagan, Ozment, and Turner.

Name: _______________________________ Class: _________________

ATTENTION: Read the instructions carefully as you move through this study guide.

MAJOR THEMES / BIG QUESTIONS: (as you work through the chapter, bear these questions in mind)

1. Prior to the Reformation, what were the prevailing social and religious conditions in Europe?

2. What was Martin Luther’s challenge to the Church and what course did the Reformation take in the German states?

3. How did the Reformation take root in Switzerland, France, and England? What similarities and differences can be noted to Luther’s “reform”?

4. How did family life transition between medieval and modern times?

5. Is it fair to call the Reformation a period of reform or is something much more decisive happening here? How would you label the events of the Reformation and why?

**The Reformation was one of the most, if not THE most important event in European history. It impacted not only religious history but all aspects of European social, economic, political, and cultural history.**

Reading Comprehension Questions Start HERE!!!

pp. 317-323

1. Describe the political environment at the onset of the Protestant Reformation (hereafter referred to as PR).

Society and Religion – Social and Political Conflict

2. Write DEFINITIONS for the words: Reformation sectarianism

3. Give at least two reasons why some guilds were at the forefront of the PR?

4. What had even peasants hoped for from the PR?

Popular Religious Movements and Criticism of the Church

REVIEW – [Review questions such as these are intended to get you to stop for a second and to think back on what you know about a particular topic before you continue reading in order to make the new information you are about to encounter more meaningful]

REVIEW - Take a moment to write about what you remember about the following events/time periods. If nothing comes to mind, look them up in your textbook or on-line.

a. Avignon Papacy c. Conciliar Period

b. Great Schism d. Renaissance papacy

5. What are some of the things that drove some people to attempt to reform the Catholic Church from the outside?

6. What ideas did the lay religious movements of the 13th and 15th centuries have in common?

Modern Devotion

7 Define Brothers/Sisters of the Common Life, Modern Devotion.

8. In what way(s) was the Modern Devotion conservative (traditional) and in what way(s) was it modern?

Lay Control over Religious Life

9. Identify three issues that hastened the decline of the authority of the Catholic Church across Europe in the early 16th century.

10. What is the benefice system and in what way did it fail to meet the needs of the faithful?

11. What is an indulgence? (For more information read pg. 322) Who could benefit financially from the sale of an indulgence?

12. How did rulers’ financially benefit from the PR?

13. What special clerical rights in both property and person did clergy enjoy prior to the PR? How did secular governments begin to alter these rights?

Martin Luther and the German Reformation to 1525

14. Was Martin Luther alone in the German territories in his criticisms of the Church? Explain.

15. Choose 3 of the moments of Luther’s life listed and try to explain why you think they were so instrumental in his personal/spiritual formation.

16. In your own words define the Protestant idea of “justification by faith alone.”

17. Explain the Lutheran understanding of good works or charitable service.

The Attack on Indulgence

18. Describe the change that took place in the granting and dispensing of indulgences between Pope Clement VI in 1313 and Pope Leo X in 1517.

19. What did Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz hope to gain from the selling of indulgences in Saxony?

20. Who was Johann (John) Tetzel and why was he well-suited for his job?

Election of Charles V

21. REVIEW the “family tree” of Isabella and Ferdinand’s extended family (see pg. 301) and study Map 11-1 on pg. 324. Now contemplate the fact that Pope Leo X supported French king Francis I as future Holy Roman Emperor. Why did he support Francis and not Charles, the king of Spain, the most-Catholic nation in Europe?

22. Charles V revived the Imperial Supreme Court, and the Council of Regency. He also agreed to consult with an imperial diet on major domestic and foreign affairs. In what way(s) did these concessions end up helping the PR in Germany?

pp. 323-330: Luther and the Reformation Elsewhere

Luther’s Excommunication and the Diet of Worms

1. What were the 3 main ideas of Luther’s debate w/ John Eck in Leipzig (June 27, 1519)?

2. Did Luther retract his ideas before the church? before Emperor Charles V? What was the result in both cases?

Imperial Distraction: War w. France and the Turks

3. What were the Habsburg-Valois Wars and how long did they last?

4. Define German Diet of Speyer, 1526.

How the Reformation Spread

5. What fundamental change occurred in the way the PR was carried out once rulers began to mandate reform?

6. What is the Schmaldkaldic League?

The Peasants’ Revolt

7. What types of Freedom did the peasants hope to achieve by revolting?

8. Why did Luther and Lutherans ultimately not support the peasants in their uprising?

Compare and Contrast pp. 326-327 – Read these primary excerpts and answer the bolded questions on pg. 326.

Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation

9. How is Switzerland organized politically?

10. Who was Ulrich Zwingli? What religious practices was he critical of?

11. _________________ became the center of the Swiss Reformation.

12. What was the Marburg Colloquy?

13. What were the foundations and results of the Swiss Civil Wars?

14. Read Zwingli Lists the Errors of the Roman Church and answer the question in bold on pg. 330

pp. 330-337

Anabaptists and Radical Protestants

1. Who were the Anabaptists?

2. What were the Anabaptists’ beliefs about baptism? Where does the concept of human freedom fit into their philosophy?

3. What were the tenets of the Schleitheim Confession, 1527?

4. What happened in Münster?

5. What do/did Spiritualists believe?

6. Write DEFINITIONS for sedition dogmatism predestination

John Calvin and the Genevan Reformation

7. What denomination replaced Lutheranism as the dominant Protestant force in Europe in the second half of the 16th century?

8. In what do Calvinists strongly believe?

9. Who was John Calvin?

10. Why/how did Geneva become an important Calvinist city? How was the Genevan Church organized (what were its offices)?

11. Why would some people find predestination hard to accept while others might find consolation in this idea?

12. Why was Calvin’s Geneva considered a “woman’s paradise”?

Political Consolidation of the Lutheran Church

13. What did Emperor Charles V attempt to do at the Diet of Augsburg? What was the Lutheran response? Write a DEFINITION for Augsburg Confession.

14. What are “consistories”?

15. In addition to religious conviction, what other motives did Scandinavian rulers have to convert to Lutheranism?

16. How did Poland become a “model of religious pluralism and toleration”?

17. What was Charles’ military solution to the Protestant & Catholic conflict? Was it successful?

18. What religious group(s) did the Peace of Augsburg officially recognize? What group(s) did it not recognize? Write a DEFINITION for cuius regio, eius religio.

The English Reformation to 1553

19. What were the preconditions of English reform? What role did Tyndale, Wolsey, and More play in this movement?

20. What title did Pope Leo X bestow upon Henry VIII? Why?

21. How did Henry VIII’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon bring about the English (Henrician) Reformation? What role did Thomas Cranmer and Thomas Cromwell play?

22. What was the Reformation Parliament?

23. What were the Act of Succession, 1534 and the Act of Supremacy, 1534?

24. Make a list of Henry VIII’s six wives and state their significance (if any).

25. What kind of religious beliefs and ideals did Henry maintain?

26. What irony is present in Henry’s attitudes toward English clergy?

27. In your opinion do the Six Articles of 1539 define a Protestant church? Explain.

28. What religious changes did Edward VI’s reign bring about? In what ways did the Church of England become more Protestant? How long did these changes last?

pp. 337-347

Catholic Reform and Counter-Reformation

1. Which new religious orders were created by the desire to reform Catholicism? What were they called to do?

2. What is the Society of Jesus?

Who was its founder?

What were its goals?

How did it achieve its goals?

3. What was the Council of Trent? When did it meet?

4. What measures did the CofT sanction in order to reform internal church discipline?

5. Which church doctrine did the CofT reaffirm?

The Social Significance of the Reformation in Western Europe

6. Why did reformers want their reform movements to “take shape within the laws and institutions of the 16th century”?

7. Compare and contrast how the Church affected 15th and 16th century life. Create a chart or graphic organizer of your choice.

8. What effect did the Reformation have on education?

9. What important role did the Genevan Academy play in the spread of Calvinism?

10. How did Erasmus feel about the way reformers were representing humanism?

11. What was the medieval view of women?

12. What was the Protestant view of women?

13. What was the purpose of education for young Protestant girls?

Family Life in Early Modern Europe

14. Why were men and women married at later ages than in medieval times?

What economic factors made later marriage more desirable?

What was a possible result of motherhood for older mothers?

15. How were marriages arranged?

16. What is the definition of a “nuclear family”? How large was the average family?

17. What is wet nursing? Why did different social classes feel differently about this practice?

18. What was the purpose of sending children into the workplace (between the ages of 8-13)?

19. OPINION: Did early modern parents “love their children”?

20. What were two major influences on Spanish literature? Who was Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra? What is considered to be his most famous work? What are the main themes of this book?

21. Above and beyond what you’ve learned in English class – who was William Shakespeare?

22. In what ways do the works of Cervantes and Shakespeare epitomize 16th century? In what ways are they unique?


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