The Reformation of Christianity

Section 2 “_______________________________________”

Main Ideas

1. The influence of the church created ______________________ culture in Spain.

2. Catholic reforms emerged in response to the _______________.

3. _____________________ worked to spread Catholic teachings.


The effort to reform the Roman Catholic Church from within is called the _________________________.

Throughout the late-1500s and 1600s, Catholic leaders worked to strengthen the church and _________________________ the spread of Protestantism.

Many leaders came from southern Europe, especially _________________________.

For centuries the region we now call Spain had been home to _________________________ religions.

Christians, _________________________, and Jews had all lived and worked together there, making great advances in art, literature, philosophy, mathematics, and science.

But in _____________________ the new king and queen of Spain unified the country.

The new Spanish _________________________ forced all Jews and Muslims to convert to Catholicism or leave Spain.

The dreaded Spanish _________________________ hunted down and punished any non-Catholics who remained in Spain.

The Spanish _________________________ were the first to fight against the Protestant Reformation.

Describe What was Spain like before the late 1400s for non-Christians?

Recall What was the job of the Spanish Inquisition?

Analyze Why might societies where different cultures interact have especially rich cultures?


In an attempt to win back support for the church, Catholic reformers created many new religious _________________________ in southern Europe in the 1500s.

Ignatius (ig-NAY-shuhs) of _______________________ founded the Society of Jesus, or the _________________________.

Ignatius had been a soldier and he expected his Jesuits to be _________________________ as soldiers in their religious duties.

Catholic leaders assembled at the ________________________to discuss reforms in the church. This council met three times between 1545 and 1563.

Bishops were now required to ______________________ in the areas they oversaw.

The Council of Trent rejected _________________________, Calvin, and other Protestant reformers.

The pope also created special religious ____________________ designed to try any Protestants from heresy, and threatened excommunication for those who read Protestant books.

Identify What did reformers in the Catholic Church create in southern Europe?

Recall What was the purpose of the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits?

Analyze Why was the Council of Trent important?

Identify Who created the Ursuline Order? How did it differ from the Society of Jesus?

Explain How did Ignatius of Loyola inspire the discipline in the Jesuit order?


Rather than change the church, many Catholics decided to dedicate their lives to helping to grow by becoming ___________.

Many missionaries were Jesuits, including the most important, the priest _________________________.

He traveled throughout Asia in the mid-1500s, bringing Catholicism to parts of _________________________ and Japan.

As a result of his efforts, many _________________________ in those regions became Catholics.

Catholic missionaries _________________________ millions of people around the world.

Through their efforts the effects of the Catholic Reformation reached ______________________________Europe.

Identify What was the job of a Catholic missionary?

Recall Where did Francis Xavier travel in his missionary work, and what did he accomplish?

Draw Conclusions How much of an impact do you think Catholic missionary work had on the growth of the church during this period?


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