Mr. Holmes Wonderful World of History - APWHM Unit 2

Unit 2: “New Empires Emerge” Review Guide; SSWH4/ SSWH5Directions: Please complete the following study guide in preparation for your Quiz/Test. Remember that this is only a guide; please consult all unit materials (Powerpoints/ Graphic organizers/ videos on the class website *mrcoachholmes.*, Read Ch. 11 Sec. 1 and 2, Ch. 12 Sec. 2 and 3, Ch.10 (Or Look at your Cooperative Group Summaries), Shared World History, when studying for your Quiz/ Test! *************************************************************************************************The Byzantine EmpireWhere was Constantinople located? How did this impact the economy of Constantinople & the Byzantine Empire? Explain the rule of Justinian and Theodora. In what ways did Theodora have an impact on Justinian? Were they Roman rulers?What were the accomplishments (Religion, art/architecture, Government) of the Byzantine Empire? How did it influence early Russia?Conflict in the Church – the Schism of 1054Define the term icon and describe why iconoclast (breaker of idols) is important to the Schism.For what reasons did the Christian church split in 1054? After the Schism, what were the resulting branches of Christianity called? Early Russia & the MongolsImportant Russian LeadersExplain the contributions & significance of:Czars and what culture they borrowed from in terms of government, religion, culture, and art/architecture.The Mongol PeopleMongolsOrigins?Impact?Extent of Empire?Treatment of Russians?What are Tribute states and what is a tribute?How did they affect trade across Europe and Asia?Genghis Khan How did Genghis Khan impact the Mongols?What were the accomplishment of Kublai Khan in terms of trade and control of China?The Development & Spread of IslamThe Origins of IslamMonotheistic or Polytheistic?How, where, and by whom was Islam founded? What led to the split between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims? Values, Practices and BeliefsWhat is the holy book of Islam? What is believed in regards to this holy book?What are the five pillars of Islam? Explain the significance of:Faith (Shahadah) Prayer (Salah)Alms ( Zakat)Fasting (Sawm)Pilgrimage (Hajj_Identify the key beliefs and customs of IslamExplain the key similarities and differences of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.The Spread of IslamWhat were Muhammad’s successors called?How did Islam spread? Why was Islam able to spread so quickly?What was the significance of Islamic Trade Routes between 600 CE and 1300 CE in Europe, Asia, and North Africa?What are the Islamic accomplishments in terms of culture (science, math, geography, medicine, astronomy, literature, etc.)The Crusades1. Describe the impact of the Crusades on the Islamic World and Christian Europe? ................

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