The United Kingdom's Flag - The Union Jack

The United Kingdom's Flag - The Union Jack



Is this the English flag? No, it isn't, although so many people think it is. It is in fact the Union Jack, or so its nickname. Its real name is the United Kingdom's Flag.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

This flag is a combination of the flags of:

England (the cross of St George),

Scotland (the cross of St Andrew),

and Ireland (the cross of St Patrick) .

All the flags are named after the patron saint of each country! So you see there is more to it than meets the eye [pic]. It isn't just one flag after all, like most people think! Just have a look and see what happens if you put these three flags on top of each other.

[pic]To tell you the truth it shouldn't even be called the Union Jack because a jack is flown on a jackstaff, which is a small pole on the back of a small naval ship! It should really be called the Union Flag!

Now you may ask why the Welsh dragon is nowhere to be seen on the flag. In actual fact this would be a very good question indeed. Well, I'll let you into this little secret, too. The Welsh dragon doesn't appear on the flag, because Wales was already united with England at the time when the first Union Flag was created, which was in 1606. As a result of this, Wales is represented by the English Flag instead of the Welsh dragon.

However, things might change in the near future, because each of the countries, which form the United Kingdom, is fighting for its own independence. © by: Nicola Jayne Dökel (Dixon)

Fill in the missing words.

All the flags are ………… after the …………………. saint of each country!

So you see there is ……..…….to it than ………………………. the eye.

It isn't ……………….. one flag after all, like …………………. people think!

Just have a look and see what happens if you ……………… these three flags on ………….. of each other.

To tell you the truth it shouldn't even be called the Union Jack because a ………………is flown on a …………………………., which is a small ………………………… on the back of a small naval ship!

It should really be called the …………………………… Flag!

Now you may ask why the Welsh ……………………… is nowhere to be …………… on the flag.

In actual fact this …………………….. be a very good …………………………… indeed.

Well, I'll ……………….. you into this little ……………………………., too.

The Welsh dragon doesn't ……………………… on the flag, because Wales was already ……………………. with England at the time when the first Union Flag was ………………, which was in 1606.

As a …………………. of this, Wales is represented by the ……………………. Flag instead of the Welsh dragon.

However, things might …………………… the near future, because each of the countries, which form the United Kingdom, is fighting for its own …………………………..

Draw the Union Jack on the back. Draw as large as possible and use colours.


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