Family Living

Grades 9-12


Students will study the role of the family and its importance in society. The course begins with a self-study of individual values, personality and cultural and ethnic background. Individual choices for dating and mate selection are discussed in terms of current trends in society regarding relationships and commitments. Topics such as stress, communication, abuse, violence, divorce, and remarriage are also focused upon in this course.


Class Periods: Six (6) per six (6) day cycle

Length of Class Periods (minutes): fifty-six (56)

Length of Course: Nine (9) Weeks

Unit of Credit: .25

Updated: June 2014

|COURSE: Family Living |GRADE(S): 9-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 Quarter |

|11.2 Balancing Family Work and Community Responsibility | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.2.12.F: Assess the relationship of family functions to human developmental stages |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


|N/A |


|Textbook – Contemporary Living; Ryder/Harter, 2010 |

|Magazine pictures |

|Art Supplies |

|Teacher created student packet |

|Current Event Articles |


|The learner will develop an understanding of the factors that influence their personalities, traits, and behavior. |


|Identify the forces that shape personality. |

|Explain the role of heredity in personality development. |

|Identify characteristics that a person inherits. |

|Describe environmental influences on personality development. |

|Explain the six stages of growth. |

|Describe how self-concept, value and worth are a strong influence in life choices. |

|Discuss how a value system is developed and why it is important. |

|Identify and prioritize personal values. |

|Distinguish between needs and wants. |


|Complete a self-evaluation about likes and dislikes. |

|Evaluate and interview peers and family about personality traits. |

|Create a graffiti wall describing and using symbols to identify personality characteristics. |

|Create a values collage highlighting positive attributes of one’s personality and influences. |

|Define and list the traits that best describe self-concept, worth and value. |

|Outline Maslow’s theories of needs and wants into a graphic organizer. |


|Rubrics |

|Information packets |

|Portfolio |

|Teacher made activities |

|Case Studies |

|Written Summaries |

|Tests |

|Observation |


|Correctives: |

|Complete section review questions and/or chapter review questions. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Analyze individual and family responsibilities in relation to environmental trends and issues. |

|COURSE: Family Living |GRADE(S): 9-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 Quarter |

|11.2 Balancing Family Work and Community Responsibility | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.2.12.G: Hypothesize the impact of present family life-cycle trends on the global community. |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


|N/A |


|Textbook – Contemporary Living; Ryder/Harter, 2010 |

|Magazine pictures |

|Art Supplies |

|Teacher created student packet |

|Current Event Articles |


|The learner will describe various types of families and describe the individual’s function within the family unit and in society. |


|Analyze the family as a basic unit of society. |

|Identify the various forms of influences that occur in the family due to birth order and multiple births. |

|Define culture and identify the role of family in teaching culture and traditions across a lifespan. |

|Give examples of how family members meet intellectual, physical, spiritual, social and emotional needs. |

|Explain the socialization process, why it is important and analyze the role of family in transmitting societal expectations. |

|Identify characteristics that contribute to a family's personality and management style. |

|Analyze global influences on today’s families. |


|Divide the class into cooperative groups. Ask groups to list the advantages in a society with no families. Ask several groups to |

|list the disadvantages of such a society. Discuss. |

|Show pictures expressing emotions. Ask students to identify the emotions. |

|Generate a list of emotions; identify those that are positive and negative. |

|Have students write down examples of family traditions that reflect their cultural heritage. |

|Research family history and complete a family tree/family study. |


|Rubrics |

|Information packets |

|Portfolio |

|Teacher made activities |

|Case Studies |

|Written Summaries |

|Tests |

|Observation |


|Correctives: |

|Complete section review questions and/or chapter review questions. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Read case studies throughout the chapter and discuss in cooperative groups. |

| |

|Design and create a brochure entitled, "Celebrating Your Cultural Heritage". Include background information that explains |

|cultural heritage as well as practical ideas. |

|COURSE: Family Living |GRADE(S): 9-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 Quarter |

|11.2 Balancing Family Work and Community Responsibility | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.2.12.H: Evaluate the effectiveness of using interpersonal communication skills to resolve conflict. |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


|N/A |


|Textbook – Contemporary Living; Ryder/Harter, 2010 |

|Magazine pictures |

|Art Supplies |

|Teacher created student packet |

|Current Event Articles |


|The learner will develop communication skills and practice conflict resolution techniques that will enable them to strengthen |

|relationships within the family and society. |


|Identify types of relationships and explain why they are important. |

|Describe good relationships and how they work. |

|List danger signals in relationships. |

|Recognize the inaccuracy and harmful effects of stereotypes. |

|Explain the relationship between role expectations and role conflict. |

|Define communication and give examples of verbal and non-verbal communication. |

|Name and describe the four basic elements of communication. |

|Distinguish between active and passive listening. |

|Identify and practice listening techniques that enhance communication. |

|Identify and describe problems in communication. |

|Define conflict and describe what causes it. |

|Name and describe the five stages of conflict resolution. |

|Explain what is meant by negotiation and compromise. |

|Name and describe five skills important in resolving conflicts. |

|Describe barriers to resolving conflict and ways conflict can be reduced. |


|Identify a character in a book or on television that serves as a role model. Explain what positive and negative influences these |

|role models have on others and why. |

|Divide students into groups to play verbal and non-verbal games. Ask students which type of communication they prefer and why. |

|Read case studies and discuss the following: causes of conflict, setting limits, constructive or destructive and possibilities for|

|negotiation or compromise. |

|Compare the relative merits of opposing points of view regarding current ethical issues. |


|Rubrics |

|Information packets |

|Portfolio |

|Teacher made activities |

|Case Studies |

|Written Summaries |

|Tests |

|Observation |


|Correctives: |

|Define vocabulary terms for each chapter and create crossword puzzles. |

|Extensions: |

|Have students keep a journal of conflicts they experience in a week. Analyze the techniques used or not used to resolve the |

|conflicts. |

|COURSE: Family Living |GRADE(S): 9-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 Quarter |

|11.2 Balancing Family Work and Community Responsibility | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.2.12.A: Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


|N/A |


|Textbook – Contemporary Living; Ryder/Harter, 2010 |

|Magazine pictures |

|Art Supplies |

|Teacher created student packet |

|Current Event Articles |


|The learner will discuss dating customs, practices, safety issues, and parental concerns, and describe their roles in modern dating|

|relationships. |


|Discuss the function and role of dating. |

|List the purposes of dating in society. |

|Describe stages in dating. |

|Explain how changes in society have affected dating patterns. |

|List qualities that help make a dating relationship positive. |

|Summarize the qualities of a serious relationship. |

|Discuss financial and parental concerns about dating. |

|Cite reason for ending a dating relationship and suggest ways of coping with a breakup. |

|Discuss the signs of a healthy breakup. |

|Discuss and read scenarios regarding date/acquaintance rape or violence. |

|List and explain the stages of love. |

|Distinguish between infatuation and mature love. |

|Suggest ways to cope with love related problems. |

|Describe ways to promote friendship. |


|Generate a list of the purposes of dating and ask students to rank order the purposes according to personal importance. Discuss. |

|Have students crate a want ad for a date and another for a marriage partner. Discuss the similarities and differences. |

|Discuss changes in dating customs over the years and the reasons for these changes. |

|Compare and contrast dating relationships and friendships. Discuss how being friends before dating affects a dating relationship. |

|In small groups discuss reasons for turning down a date, the effects of turning a date down on both people. Is accepting a date |

|you don't want fair to the other person? |


|Rubrics |

|Information packets |

|Portfolio |

|Teacher made activities |

|Case Studies |

|Written Summaries |

|Tests |

|Observation |


|Correctives: |

|Read and discuss advice column questions and responses for dating concerns. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Prepare a list of possible dates for different ages. Calculate/estimate the approximate cost for these types of activities. |

|COURSE: Family Living |GRADE(S): 9-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 Quarter |

|11.2 Balancing Family Work and Community Responsibility | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.2.12.G: Hypothesize the impact of present family life-cycle trends on the global community |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


|N/A |


|Textbook – Contemporary Living; Ryder/Harter, 2010 |

|Magazine pictures |

|Art Supplies |

|Teacher created student packet |

|Current Event Articles |


|The learner will recognize the individual roles and responsibilities that each family member has in a specific family unit. |


|Investigate and compare various forms of the family units in terms of structure. |

|Explain why readiness factors are important for marriage success. |

|Discuss the unrealistic attitudes about marriage. |

|Identify the family life stages. |

|Discuss the individual roles within the family unit. |

|Summarize local and global policies, issues and trends in the community that affect individuals and families. |


|Read case examples describing several couples. Identify the theory of mate selection. |

|Read a marriage contract and discuss prenuptial agreements. |

|Discuss stereotypes in terms of responsibilities of the family role. |

|Survey and investigate various roles in the family noting who has what responsibilities (note traditional and current trends). |

|Determine a monetary value of the jobs performed in the home. |

|Develop a life plan and identify skills needed to achieve individual and family goals. |


|Rubrics |

|Information packets |

|Portfolio |

|Teacher made activities |

|Case Studies |

|Written Summaries |

|Tests |

|Observation |


|Correctives: |

|Read wedding announcements to decide which couples are not ready for marriage. |

| |

|Extensions: |

|Research marriage laws for Pennsylvania, for other states, and other countries |

|Research reasons for the major causes of divorce. Compile a list that indicates the wrong reasons for selecting a mate. |

|COURSE: Family Living |GRADE(S): 9-12 |

|STRAND: 1.6 Speaking and Listening |TIME FRAME: 1 Quarter |

|11.2 Balancing Family Work and Community Responsibility | |

|CC1.2 Reading Informational Text | |

|CC1.5 Speaking and Listening | |


|1.6.12A Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate |

|questions, ideas, information or opinions. |

|11.2.12.H: Evaluate the effectiveness of using interpersonal communication skills to resolve conflict. |



|CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges|

|and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. |

|  |


|CC.1.5.9-10.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and |

|issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. |


|N/A |


|Textbook – Contemporary Living; Ryder/Harter, 2010 |

|Magazine pictures |

|Art Supplies |

|Teacher created student packet |

|Current Event Articles |


|The learner will identify types of family crises and coping strategies helpful in dealing with life changes. |


|Identify types of family crisis and explain the effects on the individual and family. |

|Describe the four stages of reaction to a crisis. |

|Define stress and describe how it can be managed. |

|Identify available resources and useful strategies in copies with stress and crisis situations. |

|Demonstrate how people use defense mechanisms as a coping tool. |

|Define the terms addiction and intervention. |

|List common symptoms of people with addictions (alcoholism, gambling, drug addictions, etc…). |


|Show pictures of a video segment of the devastation of a residential area following a flood, hurricane, tornado, etc. Discuss - |

|Imagine that this is what they see when they arrive home today. What would you do? |

|Complete the following sentence: "To me, crisis means _______." Discuss types of situations and ask if other students would view |

|it as a crisis. Discuss common reactions to a crisis situation. |

|Collect current event articles that discuss a crisis situation such as drug abuse and addiction, alcoholism, child abuse, elder |

|abuse, etc. Discuss possible effects on family members and possible coping strategies. |


|Rubrics |

|Information packets |

|Portfolio |

|Teacher made activities |

|Case Studies |

|Written Summaries |

|Tests |

|Observation |


|Correctives: |

|Create posters titled "Stress busters" that suggest/show ways to reduce stress. |

|Write a letter to an advice columnist about some aspect in the chapter. In groups, discuss possible advice you would give to the|

|situation. |

|Extensions: |

|Report on the metabolism of alcohol in the body. What effect does alcohol have on the stomach, liver and brain? |


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