
Abstraction and exaggerationThe dictionary definitions of each word:-Abstraction:abstractionnoun:?abstractionthe quality of dealing with ideas rather than events."topics will vary in degrees of abstraction"something which exists only as an idea.plural noun:?abstractions"the question can no longer be treated as an academic abstraction"synonyms:concept,?idea,?notion,?thought,?generality,?generalization,?theory,?theorem,?formula,?hypothesis,?speculation,?conjecture,?supposition,?presumption"his style of writing focuses on facts rather than abstractions"antonyms:fact,?material considerationfreedom from representational qualities in art."geometric abstraction has been a mainstay in her work"an abstract work of art."critics sought the meaning of O'Keeffe's abstractions"a state of preoccupation."she sensed his momentary abstraction"synonyms:absent-mindedness,?distraction,?preoccupation,?daydreaming,?dreaminess,?inattentiveness,?inattention,?wool-gathering,?absence,?heedlessness,?obliviousness;Moreantonyms:attentionthe process of considering something independently of its associations or attributes."the question cannot be considered?in abstraction from?the historical context in which it was raised"the process of removing something, especially water from a river or other source."the abstraction of water from springs and wells"synonyms:extraction,?removal,?separation,?detachment"the abstraction of metal from ore"Exaggeration:exaggeration?ɡ?zad???re??(?)n/nounnoun:?exaggeration; plural noun:?exaggerationsa statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is."it would be an exaggeration to say I had morning sickness, but I did feel queasy"synonyms:overstatement,?overemphasis,?magnification,?amplification,?aggrandizement,?overplaying,?dramatization,?overdramatization,?enhancement,?elaboration,?over-elaboration,?embellishment,?over-embellishment,?embroidery,?hyperbole,?overkill,?gilding the lily;?Morethe action of making exaggerations."he was prone to exaggeration"Visual examples of each in a computer game:ExaggerationHere you can see how the females tend to be exaggerated in the sense that they have elongated legs, and their torso is made to be extremely skinny. The male counterpart, however, is completely the opposite- being built to look very sturdy, you can see how his hands are much larger than that of a normal human being, he could be compared to the Hulk. Their eyes are also much larger than that of a human being, especially so for Asians. Of course, you could also say that they’re abstract because of the little people with ears and tails.AbstractionAn example of abstraction in a game would be ‘The adventure of Rayman’ because of the main character is supposed to be a humanoid feature, although the character does not look anything like a human, and doesn’t even have arms or a neck. The whole game features many physic defying situations and characters, which is also a form of abstraction.Why would you use exaggeration and abstraction?Abstraction and exaggeration are used for many different reasons, one of such is that it is able to put your point across visually, meaning that the player doesn’t need to put in the extra effort to read. In most cases, players don’t enjoy game dialogue anyway. It can also be to show the designer’s creative flare, and also to simply create a more visually appealing pression and bit depthWhy compress an image?So that it can free up storage space for more things to be downloaded, uploaded and shared. This doesn’t take away from the qualityTypical uncompressed file typesBit map is an uncompressed file type, png is also a uncompressed file type and is better than jpeg as it uses 16million different colours compared to jpegs 256 coloursTypical compressed file typesJpeg is a compressed file type, bpg ( better portable graphics) is another compressed file type and supports the same formats as jpeg whilst having more compressionExplain bit depth? Find a visual example1 bit equals two colours, 8 bit can store 256 colours. The more bit depth, the more colours you will have in an image as well as the size of the image and displays, with each thing having different bit depth.Can go into display settings to change bit depth from set options and you can go to paint and choose the bit depth of a fileThis is a shortened version of answering these questions since there is essay's worth of explanations for how compression and file type pros and cons.File ExtensionsBMPBMP stands for Bitmap or device independent bitmap. This file format was first introduced on Windows but now it is recognised by many programs not only of Windows but also PC and Macs. It is commonly used to save image files as raster graphics. Images are stored as bitmap digital images, independently of the display devise. The BMP stores colour data for each pixel in an image without compression meaning files will be bigger than they need to be. The image becomes higher quality than GIF and JPG as those compress. BMP is mostly used for printable images as it takes more space.PNGPNG stands for Portable Network Graphic. It works like a GIF but it is patent-free therefore software that is used to create this files can be created and distributed freely. This file format compresses images and is slowly taking over GIF’s. The PNG is an improvement over the GIF and it is not licensed. Unlike other formats this gives images the ability to move.GIFGIF stands for Graphic Interchange Format. It is widely used today on the internet. It is a bitmap image format that is owned by Unisys therefore if anyone wants to create a program that creates GIFs they need to arrange an agreement with Unisys before any development can be done. It is inferior to a PNG but it is older therefore more commonly used, but it slowly taken over by PNG. This format uses 8 bits per pixel for each image and allows a single image to have up to 256 different colours chose from 24-bit RGB colour space. Unlike other formats this gives images the ability to move.TIFFTIFF stands for Tagged Image File Format. It is used for high-quality graphics. Created in 1986 to be the file format for scanned images, this was an attempt to get all companies to use one standard file format. TIFF only supported black and white but it was updated in 1988. It now owned by Adobe. TIFF can be converted into JPG, GIF, and PDF.JPGJPG also known as JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Expert Group. This file extension creates lossy graphic files. This way of image saving reduce quality but also takes less storage. JPEG is used in a number of file formats. JPEG/Exif is most common in digital cameras along with JPEG/JFIF for transmitting photographic images on the World Wide Web.Photorealism Vs Cel-shadingPhotorealismCel-shadingPhotorealism is an extremely realistic style of painting and drawing, in which the artwork is based entirely on a photograph. Photorealist art is most appreciated for its huge WOW! Factor. People often mistake photorealist paintings for actual photographs. Pros:The reason we choose Photorealism is because the better looks allow the player to be greater immersed in the game.Cons: It takes too much memory space & sometimes processing power, for example on a phone and also on a desktop you will notice that games with this type rendering are usually in depth and can lag a lot.Cel shading or “toon shading” is a type of non-photorealistic rendering designed to make 3-D computer graphics appear to be flat by using less shading colour instead of a shade gradient or tints and shades.Pros:Less work to the final product & less rendering time taken.Cons: Can look tacky.Raster and Vector ImagesRasterRaster files store a lot of information and require large file sizes.Usually difficult to change without a loss of information (hassle to work with).Usual formats for Raster files are BMP, TIFF, GIF or JPEG files.They’re usually digital images. It’s usually a grid of x and y (or Z for a 3rd dimension) coordinates of a display space.Sometimes can also be referred to as a bitmap for its information that is directly mapped to the display grid.The word raster came from a term “raster scan” which was used on old display monitors. The main problem with this is that it has a focal point on resolution. It will need to be set to a resolution or it will start to get pixilated when zoomed in. The main benefit is that it can scale up to any resolution because of its geometry and mathematical equations to define images, Instead of mapping them directly in a grid. It’s not good for graphic design.Some usual programs which use raster graphics are Photoshop, GIMP and Corel Photo-Paint.Advantages:Raster graphics contain rich and detailed images also because each pixel can contain a different colour so you can create complex images with colour variations. Near enough any program can use raster files, the most recognised being Photoshop. Disadvantages:They cannot be scaled up very well, if you enlarge a file it can come out distorted even though some programs will try and fix this it, almost every time, comes out as a blurry image.Very large files, because they contain so much data they can be slow to edit and also are hard to work with.It is hard to get rounded edges because this uses jagged edges whereas vector has smoother edges.Links used: from google chromeProgram to use Vector: Inkscape for Mac, Win, LinuxThe Inkscape, is an open-source vector graphics editor, similar to Adobe Illustrator and Corel DRAW, but its use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an open XML-based W3C standard, as its native format sets it apart from others. Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. In Inkscape, it is veryeasy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. Inkscape has a powerful command-line interface and can be used in scripts for a variety of tasks, such as exporting and format conversations.Program description from: Advantages and disadvantages of Vector graphics: AdvantagesData can be represented at its original resolution and form without generalization.Graphic output is usually more aesthetically pleasing ( traditional cartographic representation );Since most data, e.g. hard copy maps, is in vector form no data conversion is required.Accurate geographic location of data is maintainedAllows for efficient encoding of topology, and as a result more efficient operations that require topological information, e.g. proximity, network analysis.DisadvantagesThe location of each vertex needs to be stored explicitly.For effective analysis, vector data must be converted into a topological structure. This is often processing intensive and usually requires extensive data cleaning. As well, topology is static, and any updating or editing of the vector data requires re-building of the topology.Algorithms for manipulative and analysis functions are complex and may be processing intensive. Often, this inherently limits the functionality for large data sets, e.g. a large number of features.Continuous data, such as elevation data, is not effectively represented in vector form. Usually substantial data generalization or interpolation is required for these data layers.Spatial analysis and filtering within polygons is impossibleInfo from: Ways of capturing imagesThere are several ways of capturing images but all have one thing in common; the visual information needs to be converted into an electronic signal before it can be stored, edited and ultimately displayed. We perceive images by the light that reflects off or passes through an object. This light or optical signal is captured and converted to an electronic signal which can be stored. The electronic information or data can be stored as either an analogue or digital signal.Ways of capturing images: Digital camera benefits and limitationsBenefits: high quality, images can be immediately seenLimitations: fragile, heavy, takes more memory Phone camera benefits and limitationsBenefits: easy to take everywhere, Limitations: takes more time to focus, not the best quality,Web cam benefits and limitationsBenefits: perfect for your pcLimitations: bad quality,Screenshot benefits and limitationsBenefits: easy to capture an image,Limitations: copyrights, Scanner benefits and limitationsBenefits: easy to import a paper drawing into a digital fileLimitations: you have to scan page by pageGraphic tablet benefits and limitationsBenefits: the ability of digital drawing, easy and fast, brush presets, Limitations: it is not working with any pen Mouse benefits and limitationsBenefits: being able to move the cursor on the screenLimitations: cable or changing the batteries ................

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