Vocabulary and Spelling Week #1

Generally assigned weekly homework

Daily Time Subject Details


20 – 60 minutes Math ----------- Assigned work sheets


20 - 60 minutes English ------- Assigned work sheets,

Weekly vocabulary

Roc Read independent reading –


20 - 60 minutes Soc. Stu.------ Assigned work sheets

Newspaper current events

Work-book (TBA)

– internet program

20 – 60 minutes Science ------ Assigned work sheets

Newspaper current events

Technology, Medicine, Science

20 - 60 minute Study Skill/------ study cards, worksheet, review sheets

Enhancement , essay prep., general review & study guides

Study cards, review sheets, notes and other support material provided in all course and supplemented through cross-curricular efforts.

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week #1

1. abandon - desert, leave without plan to come back

2. keen - sharp ;eager; intense; sensitive

3. jealous - fearful or wanting what some one else has

4. tact - ability to say the correct (supportive) thing

5. oath - a strong promise that something is true; a vile curse

6. vacant - empty; not filled

7. hardship - times or situations which are difficult to bear

8. data - information; facts

9. unaccustomed - not used to something

10. bachelor - a man who is not married

11. gallant - brave; showing respect for women

12. qualify - become fit; proof of ability



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The gallant young doctor not only paid for the stranded woman’s meal and accommodations, but selflessly advocated until the insensitive sheriff himself towed the torn hulk of a car into the local garage.

Def. gallant – brave; showing respect for women

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week #2

1. corpse - a dead body- usually human

2. conceal - hide

3. dismal - dark and depressing

4. frigid - cold and uninviting

5. inhabit - live in

6. numb - without the power of feeling; deadened

7. peril - danger

8. recline - lie down; stretch out; lean back

9. shriek -scream

10. sinister - evil; wicked; dishonest; frightening

11. tempt - entice, seduce, lure, or trick someone

12. wager - bet



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


Quinn tried to tempt his diet conscious sister into eating the decadent chocolate delights pudding pie, but resisted his trickery and enjoyed her sugar free gummy bear treats instead.

Def. tempt – lure or trick someone

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week #3

1. typical - usual; of a kind

2. minimum - the least possible amount; the lowest amount

3. scarce - hard to get; rare

4. annual - appears once a yearly or lasts for a year

5. persuade - change opinion; make willing; convince

6. essential - necessary, very important, basic

7. blend - mix together thoroughly

8. visible - able to be seen

9. expensive - costly; high-price

10. talent - natural ability

11. devise - think out; plan, invent

12. wholesale - in large quantity; less than retail in price



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


Hapless, the terrified, boy, Julius had to devise a way to make it ashore, since the thought of nightfall and the open ocean held too many untold horrors.

Def. devise – plan, invent, think carefully

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week #4

1. vapor - moisture that can be seen in the air; fog, mist

2. eliminate - get rid of; remove; omit

3. villain - a person with the least moral values

4. dense - material which is closely packed together

5. utilize - make use of

6. humid - moist; damp

7. theory - explanation based on observation and reasoning

8. descend - go or come down from a high place to a lower

9. circulate - movement from one level, place or person to another

10. enormous - very large; huge

11. predict - foretell, tell beforehand

12. vanish - disappear



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The weather forecast did predict heavy rains and squall like precipitation; however, the reality was bright skies and sunshine for that prognosticated day.

Def. predict – to tell of future events beforehand

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week #5

1. tradition - customs handed down from one generation to another

2. rural - areas in the country

3. burden - what is carried; a load

4. campus - land on which a school, college or university is located

5. majority - the greater part, larger number

6. assemble - to gather or be placed together

7. explore - to examine closely; to seek out

8. topic - subject that people thing, write or talk about

9. debate - logical discussion which follows the rules of reason

10. evade - get away from by trickery or cleverness

11. probe - careful search; thorough investigation

12. reform - make better; improve by removing flaws



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The police probe determined that Parry’s locker was broken into and therefore the investigation turned to another student of interest who may have planted the stolen evidence to implicate an unwary rival.

Def. probe – search or investigation

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week #6

1. approach - come near or draw near to

2. detect - discover

3. defect - faults; flaws; that which is broken

4. employee - a person who works for pay

5. neglect - give too little care or attention

6. deceive - make someone believed as true something that is false

7. undoubtedly - certainly; beyond doubt

8. popular - liked by most people

9. thorough - being all that is needed; complete

10. client - customer

11. comprehensive - including much; covering completely

12. defraud - loss of property through those use of deceit



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


Except the heart unit, the science comprehensive exam consisted of the culmination of every single lesson that Mr. Gregory taught since the beginning of the school year.

Def. comprehensive – to broad and all inclusive

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week #7

1. postpone - put of to another time; delay

2. consent - agree; give or get permission

3. massive - big and heavy

4. capsule - a small case or covering

5. preserve - keep from harm or change

6. denounce - condemn in public; express strong disapproval

7. unique - being the only one of its kind

8. resent - feeling injured, extreme anger

9. molest - interfere with and trouble; disturb

10. gloomy - in low spirits; dark, dim

11. torrent - flood, rushing water

12. unforeseen - not known beforehand



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


Abandoning the sinking boat, the terrified, boy, Julius struck out against the torrent swimming against the cascade of violent currents with scant still water between him and the distant wharves.

Def. torrent – violent fast moving water

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week #8

1. exaggerate - make something greater than it is; overstate

2. amateur - person who does something for pleasure

3. mediocre - average; neither good nor bad

4. variety - a number of different selections/ items

5. valid - supported by fact or authority; sound; true

6. survive - remain alive after a threat or challenge

7. weird - strange, mysterious, one of a kind

8. prominent - well-known; important

9. security - free from danger or fear; feeling safe

10. bulky - taking up much space

11. reluctant - unwilling

12. obvious - easily seen or understood



I alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five times each.

IV. Write 5 or more original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced us of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


The reluctant soldier could find no courage and hesitated so much that by the time the cowing infantryman dropped his rifle and ran away the decisive opposing enemy had moved out of firing range.

Def. reluctant – slow moving, fearful or unwilling.

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week #9

1. vicinity - area near where a person lives

2. century - a one hundred year period of time

3. rage - violent anger; intense enthusiasm

4. document - a written record; printed information

5. conclude - end; finish; decide

6. undeniable - so true as to be beyond doubt

7. resist - oppose; act against

8. lack - not enough of something

9. ignore - pay no attention; disregard

10. challenge - call to fight; a test of ability

11. miniature - a small scale copy of something

12. source - place from which something comes or is obtained



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


The source of the disruption originated at the back of the radio where a loose screw vibrated to the pitch-sound which came from the end caps of the newly installed speakers.

Def. source – starting point, beginning, terminal

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week #10

1. excel - be better than; to do better than

2. feminine - of or relating to girls or women

3. mount - a high point; get up on top

4. compete - trying hard to get something wanted by others

5. dread - anticipation of fear, pain or loss

6. masculine - of or relating to boys or men

7. menace - threat

8. tendency - a repeated pattern over time; habit or leaning

9. underestimate - set too low a value upon someone or something

10. victorious - win, conquering

11. numerous - many, several

12. flexible - easily bent; willing to change



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


Many of the students refused the more grade appropriate language involving several of the optional terms that Mr. Gregory’s vocabulary list provided in abundance and chose a few of more familiar words such as: because, so and a lot.

Def. many – a large number of

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 11

1. evidence - proof of an event

2. solitary - alone; single; one and only

3. vision - power of seeing; sense of sight

4. frequent - happening often; occurring repeatedly

5. glimpse - a quick look or brief view

6. recent - done, made or occurring not long ago

7. decade - a ten year span of time

8. hesitate - fail to act quickly; be undecided

9. absurd -foolish; plainly not sensible or true

10. conflict - struggle, disagreement, rivalry

11. minority - smaller number or part; less than half

12. fiction - that which is imagined or made up



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


Parry found himself in the minority of students who regularly passed Mr. Gregory’s major exams while remaining fairly unpopular among the clique of trendy (failing) students who occupied the rear of the class room.

Def. minority – small group

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 12

1. ignite - set on fire

2. abolish - do away with completely

3. urban - having to do with modern cities or towns

4. population - people who live in cities or towns

5. frank - freely expressing ones thoughts or opinions; blunt

6. pollute - make dirty

7. reveal - to uncover; make known

8. prohibit - forbidden by law; restricted

9. urgent - demanding immediate action

10. adequate - as much as is needed; fully sufficient

11. decrease - make or become less

12. audible - loud enough to be heard



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


Barely audible the faint sound of muffled tears reached the less steeled heart of the formerly cold father whose silent reflection forced him to yield to his daughter’s earlier request to go to the dance hall with the neighbor’s less than reputable son.

Def. audible – loud enough to be heard with the naked ear

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 13

1. journalist - one who writes for a newspaper or magazine

2. famine - starvation; a great shortage

3. revive - bring back to life or consciousness

4. commence - begin; start

5. observant - quick to notice detail or change; watchful

6. identify - recognize by name or virtue a person, place or thing

7. vessel - a hollow container; a ship

8. persist - continue firmly; refuse to stop or be changed

9. hazy - smoky, unclear

10. gleam - shining brightly

11. migrate - seasonal movement from one place to another

12. editor - a person who prepares and improves writing



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


Until people started feeding them, the feral water fowl would migrate moving several hundred miles, but now many stay and loiter at a variety of swimming pools.

Def. migrate – seasonal movement from one place to another

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 14

1. unruly - hard to control or rule’ lawless

2. rival - person enemy, competitor, foe

3. violent - acting or done with strong, rough force

4. brutal - coarse, savage, or cruel

5. opponent - enemy, competitor, foe

6. brawl - fight

7. duplicate - copy

8. vicious - evil, wicked, nasty disposition

9. whirling - spinning gas or liquid

10. thrust - push with force

11. underdog - a person who is expected to lose

12. bewildered - confused completely, puzzled



I Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


Often thought of as the extreme underdog, Parry’s wrestling prowess often startled the entire audience as he could prevail against people twice his size with such unlikely maneuvers as arm locks and causing opponents to step out-of-bounds.

Def. underdog – unlikely winner

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 15

1. expand - increase in size, enlarge, swell

2. alter - make different, change, vary

3. mature - fully grown or developed, ripe,

4. sacred - holy, worthy of honor

5. revise - bring up to date, change

6. pledge - promise

7. casual - happening by chance; not planned or expected

8. pursue - follow; proceed along

9. unanimous - in complete agreement

10. fortunate - having good luck

11. pioneer - one who prepares a trail for others

12. innovative - fresh, clever, having new ideas



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


The innovative astronauts of Apollo Thirteen owe their lives to the inventive thought and McGuiver spirit of the ground crew during the not so regular or routine lunar mission turned into an extraterrestrial rescue and recover effort.

Def. innovative – creative in thought and problem solving

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 16

1. slender - long and thin

2. surpass - do better than; excel

3. vast - spanning great area, enormous

4. doubt - not believe; not be sure of; feeling uncertain

5. capacity - amount of room or space inside

6. penetrate - get into or through

7. pierce - penetrate, puncture

8. accurate - correct, exactly right

9. microscope -scientific magnifying device

10. grateful - thankful

11. cautious - very careful

12. confident - firm belief in self & ability



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


The cautious astronauts of Apollo Thirteen were diligent to disassemble and reconfigure parts of the Lunar capsule and vigilant against wasting these items which happened to have secondary uses vital to their survival.

Def. caution – careful and intentional

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 17

1. appeal - attraction, interest; to urge

2. addict - one who cannot break away from a habit or practice

3. wary - on one’s guard against danger or trickery; cautious

4. aware - knowing; realizing

5. misfortune - bad luck

6. avoid - keep away from; out of the way of

7. wretched - miserably; unsatisfactory

8. keg - small barrel usually less than 10 gallons

9. nourish - make or keep alive and well with food; develop over time

10. harsh - rough to the sense; unpleasant

11. quantity - amount

12. opt - choose or favor; select



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


Parry’s grades were so high that he could opt out of his final exam, but chose, like his involuntary class mates, to take the test which unlike certain of his class provided the academically minded child little challenge or difficulty.

Def. opt – choose

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 18

1. tragedy - a very sad happening

2. pedestrian - person who travels on foot; walker

3. glance - to look at quickly;

4. budget - estimate of money to spend; money plan

5. nimble - active and sure-footed; agile

6. manipulate - handle or treat skillfully

7. reckless - careless; heedless; wild

8. horrid - terrible; frightful

9. rave -talk wildly

10. economical - not wasting money or time

11. lubricate - loosen with oil, grease or liquid substance

12. ingenious - having great mental ability; clever



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


The ingenious astronauts of Apollo Thirteen owe their lives to the clever thinking and inventive spirit of the ground crew during the not so average or routine lunar mission turned into an extraterrestrial rescue and recover effort.

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 19

1. harvest - gathering of grown food

2. abundant - more than enough; plentiful

3. uneasy - restless; disturbed; anxious

4. calculate - find answers in and by use of math

5. absorb - take in or suck up (liquid)

6. estimate - judgment; opinion; guess

7. morsel - a small bite; tiny amount

8. quota - a target or level to be attained within a specific

amount of time.

9. threat - sign or cause of possible evil or harm

10. ban - prohibit, forbid

11. panic - unreasoning fear spread as a chain reaction

12. appropriate - fit; set apart for a special use



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


The mob was in a panic as the two convergent tornadoes terrified the small community into wild and furious actions without any calming influence to rationally guide them to a safe outcome.

Def. panic – unreasoning fear spread as a chain-reaction

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 20

1. emerge - come out; come up; come into view

2. jagged - uneven edges

3. linger - stay on; go slowly as if unwilling to leave

4. ambush - a form of surprise attack

5. crafty - skillful in deception of others

6. defiant - openly resisting; challenging

7. vigor - active strength or force

8. perish - be destroyed; die

9. fragile - easily broken, delicate

10. captive - prisoner

11. valor - selfless bravery

12. devour - eat hungrily, absorb completely; take in greedily



I Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


Barely able to stand, the brave fire-fighter, Augustus, drew all his valor and pressed himself heroically against the smoldering blast doors in his last ditch effort to prevent the blaze from overwhelming the two frightened children --as the siblings retreated toward the only safe exit behind him.

Def. valor – selfless act of heroism

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 21

1. plea - request; appeal; that which is asked of another

2. weary - tired

3. collide - come together with force

4. confirm - prove to be true or correct; make certain

5. verify - confirm; prove to be true

6. anticipate - look forward to; expect

7. dilemma - a difficult choice

8. detour - a roundabout way; alternative path

9. merit - value; worth

10. transmit - send over; pass on; pass along; let through

11. relieve - make less severe; reduce pain or pressure

12. baffle - confuse; be too hard to understand or solve



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


No easy job, the fire fighters and rescue workers could not relieve one another in the midst of the crisis but fought the blaze relentlessly and without rest for well over twenty-four straight hours.

Def. relieve – to ease, make less severe; reduce pain or pressure

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 22

1. warden - keeper of the prison guard

2. acknowledge - admit to be true

3. justice - just conduct; fair dealing

4. delinquent - an offender; criminal; behind time

5. reject - refuse to us, deny

6. deprive - take away by force

7. spouse - husband or wife

8. vocation - occupation, profession, trade

9. unstable - not firmly fixed; easily moved or overthrown

10. homicide - murder

11. penalize - declare punishable under the law

12. beneficiary - person who receives benefits



I Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


The high court officer penalized the prize witness with a heavy fine and the added consequence of jail time for perjury.

Def. penalized – punish

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 23

1. reptile - cold blooded animal that creeps or crawls

2. rarely - not often

3. forbid - make a rule against; order against doing something

4. logical - reasonable

5. exhibit - show; display

6. proceed - go on after having stopped

7. precaution - measures taken beforehand; foresight

8. extract - pull or draw out

9. prior - come before; earlier

10. embrace - hug one another

11. valiant - brave

12. partial - incomplete



I Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


With in cupidity of service, the brave fire-fighter, Augustus, valiantly pressed himself against the smoldering blast doors in his last ditch effort to slow the advancing blaze and allow the two frightened children to retreat toward the only safe exit.

Def. valiant – heroic effort

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 24

1. fierce - animal like; wild; savage

2. detest - strong dislike; hate

3. sneer - show scorn or contempt by look or words

4. scowl - extremely angry frown

5. encourage - increase confidence of

6. consider - think about in order to decide

7. vermin - small troublesome animals; nasty creatures

8. wail - long loud cry or scream

9. symbol - a physical that represents an idea

10. authority - the right to command or enforce obedience

11. neutral - lack of reaction

12. trifle - small amount



I Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


The juvenile-minor considers his taunts a trifle, until officer Allen placed large hand cuffs on the youth and expressed the serious charges he would likely face before the law.

Def. trifle – insignificant, little, unimportant

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 25

1. architect - a person who makes plans

2. matrimony - marriage

3. baggage - trunks and suitcases

4. abroad - outside of one’s country

5. calamity - a great misfortune

6. pauper - an exceptionally poor person

7. envy -jealousy; the object of jealousy

8. collapse - a breakdown; fall apart; suddenly fail

9. prosecute - bring before a court of law; follow-up; carry on

10. bigamy - having multiple spouses at the same time

11. squander - spend foolishly, waste

12. fugitive - a runaway



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using words from the vocabulary list, write three (3) original(age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporate synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The escaped prisoner, trapped in the remote forest glade, had been a fugitive evading the authorities for almost a year before the dramatic (televised) capture.

Def. fugitive – one who runs from legal authority/law enforcement

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 26

1. possible - able to be done; likely to happen

2. compel - get by force

3. awkward - clumsy, not well suited to use

4. venture - a daring undertaking; take risk to gain profit

5. awesome - causing or showing great fear or wonder

6. guide - a person who shows the way

7. betray - to give away to an enemy; be unfaithful; trick

8. utter - speak; make known; express

9. pacify - make calm, quiet down; bring to peace

10. respond - answer; react

11. quench - put an end to; drown or put out

12. beckon - signal by a motion of the head or hand; attract



I Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


The fire-fighter, was able to quench the voracious blaze by tearing a hole in the side of the building and flooding the dry landing with copious amounts of highly pressurize water and flame retardant.

Def. quench – satisfy or end

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 27

1. despite - notwithstanding, in the face of, even though

2. disrupt - upset; cause to break down

3. rash - too hasty or careless; reddened skin spots

4. rapid - swift; very quick

5. exhaust - empty completely; use up; tire out

6. severity - strict, harsh; violence

7. unite - join together; become one

8. cease - stop

9. thrift -care used in spending money; thrive

10. miserly - cheap and not likely to share

11. feeble - weak

12. monarch - kings, queens and rulers



I Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV Write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentences which incorporates a balanced use of synonyms, antonyms and evoke a mind-movie


The feeble and elderly (retired) soldier was still more than strong enough to prevent the weak-minded crook from stealing from the convenience store.

Def. feeble – weak

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 28

1. outlaw - someone who functions outside of accepted ethics

2. promote - help to grow; advance in rank or station

3. undernourished - lack of enough healthy food in one’s diet

4. illustration - clear explanation; drawing

5. disclose - share or make known

6. excessive - too much; too many

7. disaster - an event which causes much suffering

8. culprit - offender; perpetrator; person guilty of a fault or crime

9. juvenile - young boys or girls; young people

10. bait - lures used to attract prey into trap situations

11. censor - ban or restrict behavior

12. insist - keep firmly to some demand, statement, or position



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

V. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

VI. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The city counsel censored the novel and banned its inclusion in the library system, due to the free use of excessive language and extreme violence.

Def. censor – restrict or limit access

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 29

1. toil - hard work; move with difficulty

2. blunder - stupid mistake; make awkward statement

3. daze - confuse

4. mourn - show sorrow

5. subside - sink to a lower level; grow less severe

6. maim - cripple; disable; cause to lose limb of the body

7. comprehend - understand

8. commend - praise

9. final - coming last; deciding

10. exempt - make free from; excused from consequence

11. hubris - having too much pride; vain, self-important

12. repetition - act of doing the same thing over and over



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The teenager’s hubris was so great that his youthful pride did not allowed him to see the humbling effects of negative behaviors or the detriment these choices had to society.

Def. hubris – too much pride/ vanity

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 30

1. depict - represent by drawing or painting

2. mortal - related or pertaining to the human condition

3. novel - new; type of fiction

4. occupant - persons who live or reside in a house, office or building

5. appoint - choose, equip or furnish

6. quarter - one part out of four; a specified district or area

7. site - position or place

8. quote - a written saying credited to a source

9. verse - a short chapter of the Bible; prose or poetry

10. morality - virtue; the right or wrong of an action

11. roam - wander; travel without a specific plan or aim

12. attract - draw to oneself; win the attention or affections of



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


Marley’s ghost was doomed to roam the earth wandering aimlessly except the one night a year he could intentionally contact a soul such as Scrooge.

Def. roam – to travel without a clear plan or goal; wander

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 31

1. commuter - one who travels regularly

2. confine - keep in; hold in

3. idle - not doing anything; in neutral

4. idol - a person or thing that is very much loved; worshiped

5. jest - a joke

6. patriotic - showing love, support and loyalty for one’s country

7. dispute - disagree; oppose; try to win; a debate or disagreement

8. intrepid - bravery; courage; valiant

9. lunatic - crazy person; insane; extremely foolish

10. vein - mood; a major blood vessel to the heart; a crack or seam

11. uneventful - without important or striking happening

12. fertile - bearing seeds or fruit; producing much of anything



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


Over the centuries, the fertile soil in the fruitful Nile valley with its aquifer was used to sustain the cities in the arid desert.

Def. fertile – reproductively healthy and able to support life

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 32

1. refer - direct attention to

2. distress - great pain or sorrow

3. diminish - decrease; shrink

4. maximum - largest possible amount

5. flee - to run or escape

6. vulnerable - weakness; capable of being attacked

7. signify - make known by symbol or gesture

8. mythology - story which attempt to explain the nature world

9. provide - to supply; to state as a condition

10. colleague - associate; fellow worker

11. torment - cause pain or annoyance

12. loyalty - faithfulness to a person, country, belief or custom



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The fatigue and muscle ache did not torment the otherwise stranded swimmer as much as the sight of land tortured his mind and frustrated him to the point where his anger became a the ironic source of his only comfort; he willed himself on.

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 33

1. volunteer - to offer one’s services for free

2. prejudice -an opinion (or policy) which lacks fairness

3. shrill - a sharp, high pitch sound

4. jolly - excessively happy

5. witty - clever and amusing

6. hinder - to prevent or stall

7. lecture - informative speech; verbal reprimand

8. abuse - improper or poor use of

9. mumble - talk which is too soft or confusing to understand

10. mute - silent

11. wad -crush soft material into a ball shape

12. retain - keep; remember; employ for a fee



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The devious boy wad paper into pitching sized balls until the teacher forced him to flatten each sphere.

Def. wad – crush soft material into a ball shape

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 34

1. candidate - person who is proposed for some office or honor

2. precede - go before; be higher in rank or importance

3. adolescent - a person between the ages of 13 and 22 years of age

4. coeducational - educating both sexes in the same school

5. radical - going to the root; fundamental; extreme opinion/behavior

6. spontaneous - on the spur of the moment; without rehearsal

7. skim - remove from the top; glide slightly on the surface

8. vaccinate - use of injected medication

9. untidy - not neat; disorderly

10. utensil - container or tool used for practical purposes

11. sensitive - easily influenced or hurt

12. temperate - comfortable; moderate; being neither too cold or too hot



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The temperate zone does not guarantee only mild or comfortable weather patterns, since it is possible for severe and even artic fronts to pass through.

Def. temperate – mild, comfortable

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 35

1. vague - not clear or define; indistinct

2. elevate - raise or lift above

3. lottery - to distribute prizes by use game of chance

4. finance - money matters; to provide money for

5. obtain - get; be in use

6. cinema - moving pictures; movies

7. event - important happening; planned activity

8. discard - throw aside

9. soar - fly upward or at great height; aspire

10. subsequent - later; following; coming after; next

11. relate - tell; give an account of; connect in thought or meaning

12. stationary - not moving; standing still



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The elderly grandfather tried to relate the success story of his life of hard and honest work to his children’s children, but they were not receptive to his account.

Def. relate – to tell

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 36

1. prompt - done at once; a gesture given as a clue or reminder

2. hasty - not well thought out; done quickly

3. scorch - slightly burned; criticize sharply

4. tempest - a violent storm

5. soothe - quiet; calm; comfort

6. sympathetic - having or showing kind feelings

7. redeem - buy back; pay off; carry out

8. resume - begin again; go on; take again

9. harmony - sweet sounding music; peaceful co-existence

10. refrain - stop; hold back

11. illegal - not lawful

12. narcotic - powerful drug used to ease pain



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


Although the prescription was legal, the narcotic – if misused—could cause drug addiction and a different kind of malady than the pain for which it was intended to ease.

Def. narcotic – a power pain reducing drug

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 37

1. heir - a person who inherits a property or thing

2. majestic - grand; noble; dignified; kingly

3. dwindle - become smaller; shrink

4. surplus - amount over and above what is needed

5. traitor - person who betrays one’s country or comrades

6. deliberate - to consider carefully; done on purpose

7. vandal - person who willfully destroy or damage beautiful things

8. drought - long period of dry weather; lack of rain or water

9. abide - accept and follow out; remain faithful; to dwell; endure

10. unify - make in one form

11. summit - highest point; top

12. heed - give careful attention to; take notice of; listen



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


After months of treatment, the patient finally heeded his doctors and listened to the warnings which cause his to turn a deaf ear to a number of bad health habits.

Def. heed – listen and obey counsel

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 38

1. biography - the written story of someone’s life

2. drench - thoroughly wet

3. swarm - a group of insect that circle or cover

4. wobble - unstable movement

5. tumult - noise; uproar; disturbance

6. kneel - go down on one knee

7. dejected - in low spirits; sad

8. obedient - doing what one is told

9. recede - go back; slope away or back from

10. tyrant - cruel or unjust ruler

11. charity - generous giving to the poor or sickly

12. verdict - decision of a jury; judgment



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The verdict of not guilty was the judgment which John way overjoyed to hear, but he knew a civil court could make this horrible experience an ongoing nightmare.

Def. verdict – legal decision

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 39

1. unearth - dig up; discover; find out

2. depart - go away

3. coincide - occurring at or occupying the same place/time

4. cancel - cross out; wipe out

5. debtor - person who owes money or service

6. legible - neat and easily read

7. placard - a posted notice or sign

8. contagious -, easily spread from one person to another

9. clergy - person in religious employment or work

10. customary - usual

11. transparent - easily seen; clear

12. scald - burned by hot water or liquid



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The engineer was careful not to scald himself and monitored the boiling water from the steam engine with great skill adding ice to prevent the liquid bubbling from causing a problem.

Def. scald – burn by hot water or heated liquid

7th Grade Vocabulary & Spelling Week # 40

1. epidemic - wide spread disease

2. obesity - being excessively over weight; fatness

3. magnify - to increase or make larger

4. chiropractor - bone and muscle manipulation therapy

5. obstacle - that which blocks or prevents

6. ventilate - circuit of free moving air; fresh/ clean air

7. jeopardize - risk; place in danger

8. negative - saying no; minus

9. pension - payments earned as post-retirement wage

10. vital - having to do with life; necessary to life

11. municipal - having to do with city or state affairs

12. oral - spoken; using speech; of the mouth



I. Alphabetize the list of spelling words

II. Label the part of speech of each (i.e. noun, adjective, adverb)

III. Copy each word and definitions five (5) times each.

IV. Using a term from the vocabulary list, write an original (age & grade-appropriate) sentence which incorporates synonyms & antonyms to evoke a mind-movie


The municipal workers took great pride in city maintenance and public works and few private citizens could complain of poor service.

Def. municipal – conditions which dealing common with the public, state, or city


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