Topic Choice Handout

HSB4U Midterm#2 Review

This midterm will include everything from the last midterm to now. Essentially, adolescent reading on growing trends and challenges, primary research e.g. how to analyze data or APA format, social challenges and trends in Canada including; immigration, refugees, the slut walk, and general social trends, also the political spectrum.

It will include information from power point lessons (both ones that you had work sheets to follow along, and ones that we went over and you did not have to make notes unless you wanted to); other types of lessons (group jigsaw; working in pairs and small groups deconstructing information); information from the readings; and information about the essay research and writing process.

There will be multiple choice questions and true and false questions, some of which will be challenging and collectively which count for a large portion of your midterm mark. There will be a written portion which you will be receiving ahead of time.

TIP… in order to do well on the multiple choice and true and false questions, most of you will need to study and complete the review.


census nuclear family same sex family

skip generation family extended family blended family

lone parent family common law family demographics

fledgling adult dual income family tween

upward comparison downward comparison competitive emulation

alienation conformity ingroup

outgroup deviance socialization

cyber bullying sexting egoistic suicide

altruistic suicide anomic suicide fatalistic suicide

political spectrum/ compass the “left” the “right”

liberal libearalism conservativism

moderate communist socialist

authoritarian libertarian(ism) “democrat”

“republican” equality NDP

Liberal Party of Canada Conservative Party of Canada Green Party

thesis antithesis annotated bibliography

in text citation references Running head / headers pagination

economic immigrants family class immigrants refugees

skilled workers illegal aliens Level C Nat. Occ Classification

social trend

refugee repouler asylum seeker

Internally displaced persons

affidavit consent slut

misogyny traumatizing prejorative

promiscuous re-appropriating oppressed

slut shaming gender expressions sex trade workers

victim blaming sexual profiling anti oppression framework

heterosexism homophobia cissexism

colonization racialized rape culture NEW

baby boomers generation “X” baby bust

generation “Y”/ echo boomers generation “Z” / millennials corporal punishment

counter revolution “me to we” desensitization

gender roles immigration

Perspectives, Theories, Experiments and Events

Sheriff’s Robbers Cave Experiment Kent State Shootings Ohio


Muzafer Sherif Emile Durkheim Jim McNiven immigration system

Stephen Harper Justin Trudeau Donald Trump

Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Dr. Benjamin Spock

Review Questions

1. Review the Growing trends and challenges for adolescents and their families (copied chapter) questions.

2. Review Reading #3 on immigration.

3. Review Reading #4 on the slut walk. What is rape culture?

4. Make sure you understand the differences between MLA and APA styles.

5. Review the lesson on refugees.

6. What are the differences between the left wing, the middle and the right wing?

7. What is the difference between valuing freedom and equality, and how are they possibly incompatible?

8. What is the difference between the authoritarian and libertarian poles; also between the libertarian and liberalism?

9. Which wing is more likely to value the individual and which one the community?

10. Approximately where does the current New Deomcrat Party, the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party of Canada fit on the political spectrum? What about the American Deomcrats and Republicans?

CAUTION if you are googling this, make sure the source is not biased left or right.

11. Review the current social trends including immigration, education, the economy, gender roles at work and in the home, media consumption, violence in the media, and violence in gaming, media and objectification, teen pregnancy, and same sex families. Some of these we will have covered in a PowerPoint lesson, the others via student made iMovies, if we haven’t got that far, then only worry about what we have covered.

12. Review the different generations – When were they born? How prevalent are they? What caused the trend for each generation to boom or bust? What are the characteristics of each generation?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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