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College Now – Edward R. Murrow High School Ms. E. RubinBSS 1 - Sociology Fall 2019Behavioral Science Presentation – Classwork GradeYou have spent the entire semester studying sociology. Now it is time to apply that knowledge. For this project you will be conducting your own sociological experiment and research.Part I: Topics1. Anti-Immigration Laws in the United States – Are anti-immigration laws justified in a world plague by terrorism? (Discuss the pros and cons of the laws. Ex – Arizona Immigration Laws, No Syrian Refugees, Trump’s Wall) 2. Technology and Communication – Should cyber bullying be illegal? (Look at specific laws and find a case study – a particular child who was cyber bullied) 3. School – Do students like their teachers more in younger grades or older grades? (Do a survey and decide why a certain group is preferred) 4. Advertising – Will not using Photoshop and using plus size models change women’s self-esteem issues in the future? (Show specific examples and explain)5. Gender – Do toys teach stereotypical gender roles? (Show specific examples and explain)6. Teenager Parents - Do shows that fail to show the teenage father’s experience encourage absentee fathers? (Give examples of specific shows) 7. Book vs. Movie – Is the book better than the movie? (Are movies “dumb” down for the general audience?)8. Sports –Are white quarterbacks portrayed more positively than black quarterbacks (NFL) team? (Create a case study between two quarterbacks – one black and one white)Part II: Research and PresentationCreate a clear thesis based on the questionCreate a 15 minute presentation where you present your research and defend your thesis. Everyone must speakPick one sociological perspective and apply it to your research (funtionalist, conflict, interactionist, feminist) All research must be written in the PowerPoint. Presentation must be engaging. You can make it interactive – use videos (no more than 2 minutes) or activities.Part III: MechanicsYou must demonstrate appropriate grammar usage in writing and mechanics of languageLATE: You will lose five points per day the project is late. This includes days we do not have school and days the band does not meet. You may email me the ENTIRE project ONLY on days school does not meet in order to stop accruing late points, but a hard copy must be submitted the day we return to school. If a group member is absent on the day the project is due and they do not have a note the ENTIRE group loses 5 points.Plagiarism (presenting someone else’s work or idea as your own) is unacceptable. If done you will fail for the project. Part IV: Bibliography/Citations Your paper must include a bibliography. You must have at least three sources. Wikipedia and encyclopedias are NOT sources. Your bibliography must be properly formatted. Part V: Group Work –Evaluation Will be distributed. If there are problems in your group, it should be brought to my attention immediately. A late project will not be excused because of problems that your group is experiencing. Each member must hand in their own evaluation. Not including a group evaluation will cost you five points. If no group evaluation is included in the project, each member will lose five points and will receive the same overall grade. Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement ScorePar t I – Topic(5 points)An approved topicAn approved topicAn approved topicUnapproved Topic Part II– Research and Presentation (85 points) Very informative and explanatory texts to examine and express ideasResearch clearly doneClear ThesisSociological perspective clearly appliedPresentation 12-15 minutesThoroughly engagingEvery member spokeInformative and explanatory texts to examine and express ideasResearch doneThesisSociological perspective appliedPresentation 10-14 minutesEngaging Most members spokeResearch done Partially informative and explanatory texts to examine and express ideasUnclear ThesisSociological perspective adequately appliedPresentation under 10 minutesNot engaging Speaking was dominated by 1 personPlagiarized or MissingDoes not address the task Research not donePart III – Mechanics(10 points)12point Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins(when applicable)Double SpacedStapled/AttachedAlmost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errorsDemonstrates appropriate grammar usage in writing and mechanics of language 12point Times New Roman Font1 inch margins (when applicable)May contain a few spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errorsMay demonstrate appropriate grammar usage in writing and mechanics of languageNot proper font/size/marginsNot stapled/attachedNot double spaced (when applicable)May contain several spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errorsPartially demonstrates appropriate grammar usage in writing and mechanics of languageContain several spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errorsDoes not demonstrate appropriate grammar usage in writing and mechanics of languagePart IVBibliography and CitationsYou will only receive credit for doing this correctly. Any incorrect or incomplete bibliographies will NOT receive ANY credit and the project will be returned to you. Without a bibliography your entire project will not be graded and you will need to resubmit it. You will lose points for lateness if this occurs.Group Work/ LatenessIf done in a group includes evaluation from each member. You will lose five points per day (regardless if school is in session or if the band meets or not) if late.Total Score ................

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