Renaissance and Reformation Test - World History

Renaissance and Reformation Test

Instructions: Read each question carefully and select the best possible response. If you write/mark on the test, put your name on it.

1.The Renaissance was a rebirth of these two classical cultures

A. France and England

B. Greece and Rome

C. Ottoman and Mughal

D. China and Japan

2. The Renaissance began in the city-states of this European country

A. England

B. France

C. Germany

D. Italy

3. The Renaissance means

A. Rebirth

B. Reread

C. Revive

D. Relive

4. What is the best definition of humanism?

A. The belief that all humans are important and valuable and that they all have equal potential to succeed.

B. The belief that there is only one God and that he determines all events.

C. The belief that all humans are sinful and greedy and need a king to keep them under control.

D. The belief that only certain people have talents and only those people should receive an education.

5. In 1450, this man invented the movable type printing press in Europe

A. Martin Luther

B. Leonardo Da Vinci

C. Johannes Gutenberg

D. Michelangelo

6. The printing press increased these two things in Europe

A. Knowledge and literacy

B. Wars and literacy

C. Corruption and knowledge

D. Religious belief and wars

7. What was the first and most widely printed book in Europe?

A. The almanac

B. The Qur'an

C. The Bible

D. The dictionary

8. All of the following were Renaissance artists EXCEPT

A. Michelangelo

B. Da Vinci

C. Raphael

D. Medici

9. All of the following are considered to be humanities subjects EXCEPT

A. Rhetoric

B. Literature

C. History

D. Math

10. Which of the following statements would be made by a humanists?

A. "Religion holds the key to all life's questions."

B. "Education can make every man great."

C. "Only nobles will be successful in business and life."

D. "Alien life controls life on earth."

11. Which of the following characterized thinking in the Renaissance?

A. A devotion to God and the upkeep of a strict social hierarchy.

B. A return to classical learning and a belief in human potential.

C. A reliance on Eastern traditions and the belief that life is suffering.

D. A dark age devoted to hard work and little else.

12. All of the following are characteristics of Renaissance art EXCEPT

A. The use of perspective

B. Central or important figures are larger than other figures

C. Interest in nature and incorporation of nature into the scene

D. Figures have facial expressions that reflect their emotion

13. The period or European history known as the Renaissance roughly covers the time from

A. 500 to 1000

B. 1000 to 1200

C. 1300 to 1600

D. 1900 to 2000

14. The piece of art below was sculpted during what time period?


A. Classical

B. Medieval

C. Renaissance

D. Modern

15. The piece of art below was created during which time period?


A. Classical

B. Medieval

C. Renaissance

D. Modern

16. What kind of person represented the ideal of the "Renaissance man"?

A. Someone who enjoyed worldly pleasures.

B. Someone who excelled in many areas of study.

C. Someone who specialized in a particular field of study.

D. Some one who supported and appreciated the arts without creating art.

17. Leonardo Da Vinci was an excellent example of the ideal Renaissance man because he

A. was a politician and politicians were considered the pinnacle of human achievement.

B. came from a wealthy family and greatly improved his family's status in society.

C. wrote grand romantic poetry and insightful political treaties

D. was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician

18. What action did Martin Luther take to begin the Protestant Reformation?>

A. He went to Rome and spat on the Pope's face.

B. He posted 95 theses to a church door in Wittenberg.

C. He started a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland.

D. He invented the printing press to spread his ideas.

19. Martin Luther and other supporters of the Protestant Reformation objected to the selling of indulgences, which allowed

A. wealthy people to buy positions in the church.

B. merchants to establish joint-stock companies in Rome.

C. people to buy pardons for their sins so they would get to heaven faster.

D. the Catholic Church to buy plots of land at very low prices.

20. Martin Luther believed that salvation could be achieved only through

A. attending regular church services.

B. doing an exceptional amount of good deeds while on Earth.

C. studying to be a monk, nun, or priest.

D. faith and an emphasis on the Bible.

21. Henry the VIII was different from Luther and Calvin mainly because

A. his break with the church was more political and personal rather than based on issues of faith.

B. he maintained close ties with the Catholic Church.

C. his new church did not recognize the authority of the Pope.

D. he considered card playing, dancing, and singing to be sinful.

22. The best definition of predestination is

A. the belief that only people who become priests will achieve salvation

B. the belief that all people, no matter what actions they take, have the ability to achieve salvation.

C. the belief that only Martin Luther and his followers will achieve salvation.

D. the belief that God already knows who will achieve salvation before they are even born.

23. How did King Henry VIII react when the pope refused to annul his marriage?

A. He started a war with Italy.

B. He made himself head of a new English church.

C. He started the Reformation.

D. He imposed the fines on the pope and the Catholic Church.

24. A major effect of the Reformation in Europe was the

A. decline of religious unity with Protestant reformers starting their own church.

B. increase in use of indulgences.

C. increase in the number of men becoming priests.

D. decline in people attending church.

25. All of the following were effects of the Protestant Reformation EXCEPT for

A. The Catholic Church created the order of Jesuit priest

B. No longer was the Catholic Church the only Christian branch

C. People started to convert to Buddhism and Hinduism

D. Protestant Reformation caused wars of religion in parts of Europe


26. . Which name is correctly matched with a box in this diagram?

A. Leonardo da Vinci Box 1

B. William Shakespear Box 1

C. Machiavelli Box 2

D. Michelangelo Box 2

Renaissance and Reformation Test

Answer sheet

Name:_____________________ Date:__________________

Circle the right answer:

1. A. B. C. D.

2. A. B. C. D.

3. A. B. C. D.

4. A. B. C. D.

5. A. B. C. D.

6. A. B. C. D.

7. A. B. C. D.

8. A. B. C. D.

9. A. B. C. D.

10. A. B. C. D.

11. A. B. C. D.

12. A. B. C. D.

13. A. B. C. D.

14. A. B. C. D.

15. A. B. C. D.

16. A. B. C. D.

17. A. B. C. D.

18. A. B. C. D.

19. A. B. C. D.

20. A. B. C. D.

21. A. B. C. D.

22. A. B. C. D.

23. A. B. C. D.

24. A. B. C. D.

25. A. B. C. D.

26. A. B. C. D.


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