Thinking English: Oliver Twist 1_MPEG1 16x9 BITC

Thinking English: Oliver Twist 1

|Speaker ID |Transcription |

|Mr Bumble |Bow to the board. |

| |This is the boy. Born here in the workhouse. Moved to the parish farm. Nine years old today. Time to be moved |

| |back here. |

|Mr Limbkins |What's your name, boy? |

|Oliver Twist |Oliver Twist. |

|Mr Limbkins |What, what? |

|Board member 1 |The boy's a fool. |

|Mr Limbkins |Boy, listen to me. You know you are an orphan I suppose. |

|Oliver Twist |What's that? |

|Board member 1 |The boy is a fool. I thought he was. |

|Mr Limbkins |You know you've got no father or mother and that you were brought up by the parish, don't you? |

|Oliver Twist |Yes, sir. |

|Board member 1 |What are you crying for? |

|Board member 2 |I hope you say your prayers every night. Pray for those that feed you and take care of you, like a Christian. |

|Oliver Twist |Yes, sir. |

|Mr Limbkins |Well, you have come here to be educated and to be taught a useful trade. |


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