Thinking English: Sherlock Holmes 2_MPEG1 16x9 BITC

Thinking English: Sherlock Holmes 2

|Speaker ID |Transcription |

|Sherlock Holmes |It seems you have a lot of rooms to let. |

|Prison Guard |We had to move the prisoners, sir. Otherwise we were gonna have a riot on our hands. He has a peculiar effect |

| |on the inmates. As though, he can get inside their heads. |

|Sherlock Holmes |I'm sure I can find my own way if you have other duties to perform. |

|Prison Guard |Much obliged, sir. Thank you, sir. |

|Lord Blackwood |And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten |

| |horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy, and they worshipped the dragon|

| |which gave power unto the beast and they worshipped the beast saying, Who is like unto the beast? The beast |

| |which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were the feet of a bear and the mouth was the mouth of a |

| |lion. The dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority. |

|Sherlock Holmes |I love what you've done with the place. |

|Lord Blackwood |So glad you could accept my invitation. |

|Sherlock Holmes |I just have a small point of concern. |

|Lord Blackwood |How can I help? |

|Sherlock Holmes |I'd already followed the murders with some interest and while my heart went out primarily to the families of |

| |the victims I couldn't but notice a criminal mastery, in the stroke of your brush. |

|Lord Blackwood |You're too kind. |

|Sherlock Holmes |However, by comparison, your work in the crypt looks more akin to a |

| |finger painting. |

|Lord Blackwood |So now you're curious as to whether there's a larger game afoot? |

|Sherlock Holmes |Either that or, shortly my friend will pronounce you dead and I thought I might keep him company. |

|Lord Blackwood |Your mistake is to imagine that anything earthly has led us to this moment. Your error of judgement is to |

| |assume that I'm holding the brush at all. I'm merely the channel. |

|Sherlock Holmes |Well my only wish is that I could have caught you sooner. You see? Five lives might have been spared. |

|Lord Blackwood |Those lives were a necessity. Sacrifice. Five otherwise meaningless |

| |creatures called to serve a greater purpose. |

|Sherlock Holmes |I wonder if they'd let Watson and me dissect your brain. After you hang, of course. I'd wager, there's some |

| |deformity that'd be scientifically significant. Then you too, could serve a greater purpose. |

|Lord Blackwood |Holmes, you must widen your gaze. I'm concerned, you underestimate |

| |the gravity of coming events. You and I are bound together on a journey |

| |that will twist the very fabric of nature. But beneath your mask of logic |

| |I sense a fragility... that worries me. Steel your mind, Holmes. I need you. |

|Sherlock Holmes |I'd say, you've come a long way down from a house of Lords. |

|Lord Blackwood |Then I will rise again. |

|Sherlock Holmes |Bon voyage. |

|Lord Blackwood |Pay attention! Three more will die and there is nothing you can do to save them. You must accept that this is |

| |beyond your control or by the time you realise you made all of this possible it will be the last sane thought |

| |in your head. |

|Inspector Lestrade |What did he want? |

|Sherlock Holmes |I'm not sure. But I don't think you're needed father. Not for this one. |

|Judge |Lord Henry Blackwood, you are sentenced to death for the practice of black magic, the unholy murder of five |

| |innocent young women and the |

| |attempted murder of a sixth. Do you have any final words? |

|Lord Blackwood |Death... is only the beginning. |


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