America Revision GridASThe American Republic(Constitution, Federal government, role of the President, role of the Supreme Court)The Northern States(social, economic, and political characteristics)The Southern States(social, economic, and political characteristics)Legacy of the Past(Missouri Compromise and Nullification Crisis, Southern fears of modernisation)North and South in c.1845How is power divide in the United States?Youtube – TED-Ed and Balances Youtube – Crash Course Between the House and the SenateYoutube – gregorysember for both The Northern and Southern States.The Pre-Civil War Era (1815–1850) Economics of Slavery in the South & North.Crash Course History. was the Missouri compromise?Youtube – The History Channel nullification crisisYoutube – Derek Orme expansion & its impact (Manifest destiny, controversy over land acquired from the Mexican War)Attempts at political compromise (Wilmot Proviso, 1850 Compromise, Texas and California, Fugitive Slave Law)The growth of abolitionist sentiment in the North(Popular literature and press)Reactions against abolitionism in the South(Popular literature and press)Attempts to maintain the Union, 1845–1854The Mexican – American War in 5 minutes.Youtube – Thought Monkey Mexican – American War and its impactYoutube – The History Channel interesting way to explain the Wilmot Proviso!Youtube – Tom Richey 1850 compromise & the Fugitive Slave law.Youtube – Hip Hews did the abolitionist sentiment grow in the North? (Including Uncle Tom’s cabin)Youtube – RTHS_jeffguilford Reaction to Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Kansas(Destabilisation of balance)Emergence of the Republican Party(Kansas-Nebraska Act, spread across the north, 1856 election)Hardening of positions(Dred Scott, Lincoln-Douglas, Harper’s Ferry, local conflicts, split in the Democrats)The drive for secession of the South(1860 election, proclamation of the Confederacy, outbreak of hostilities)The outbreak of Civil War, 1854–1861Bleeding KansasYoutube - History Channel formation of the Republican Party and the Kansas – Nebraska Act. History of the Republican PartyYoutube – Khan Academy –Douglas DebatesYotube – History Channel Scott, Harper’s Ferry and the road to the Civil War.Youtube – Crash Course History Election of 1860Youtube – Hip Hughes strengths/weaknesses of the Confederate cause(military resources, political/military leadership, economic/geographic factors, relations with foreign powers)The strengths/weaknesses of the Union cause(military resources, political/military leadership, economic/geographic factors, relations with foreign powers)Course of the War(key battles, reasons for the defeat of the Confederacy)The end of the Civil War(costs for the north/south, prospect of reconciliation)The War 1861–1865Causes and motivations of ordinary soldiers of the war.Youtube – Crash Course of the North and South during the Civil War.Youtube – Clips from History of the war. (Not Pivotal) Youtube – History Channel Civil War Youtube – Crash Course events of the Civil WarYoutube – John D Ruddy of the Civil WarYoutube – Crash Course Battle of GettysburgYoutube – American Battlefield Trust’s Gettysburg addressYoutube – Ken Burns for the future after the war(Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln’s aims, approach to preparing for post-war Reconstruction)The Thirteenth Amendment(origins and impact)The Fourteenth Amendment(origins and impact)Johnson’s Presidency (personality/aims, conflict with Congress, break with Republicans, impeachment)Early Reconstruction1865–1867Reconstruction and 1876.Youtube – Crash Course History Emancipation Proclamation.Youtube – Biography and Reconstruction Youtube Thirteenth Amendment Youtube - Hip Hughes Fourteenth Amendment Youtube – Hip Hughes Presidency(1868 election, Christmas day amnesty, Grant’s aims/personality, policies, conflict with Congress)Radial Reconstruction in the South(Reconstruction Acts, spread of Republican parties across northern states, Southern Unionists, role of the army, campaign for the 15th amendment)Resistance to Radical Reconstruction in the South(Southern Democrats and ‘redeemers’, KKK, issues over voter registration)The end of Radical Reconstruction(Position of African Americans in the north and south by 1877)Radical Reconstruction1867–1877The 1868 election Youtube – Hip Hughes & Reconstruction Youtube & Ulysses. S. Grant Youtube – Crash Course History (Play between 0-7 minutes) Reconstruction Youtube – Hip Hughes 15th AmendmentYoutube – History Channel Southern Resistance to Reconstruction 15th Amendment and reconstruction (Including KKK).Youtube ................

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