Standards-Based Weekly Lesson Plan for …

Unit Outcome(s)

1. Relate literary, historical, and visual elements in poetry of the British Romantic Period.

Unit Essential Question(s)

1. How do modern and 17th Century themes differ? How are they similar? | |

EXAMPLES OF INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: (i.e. demonstration, explanation, discussion, lecture, lecture—discussion, cooperative learning, discovery learning, problem based solving, scaffolding)

Guided discussion, reading aloud, focused questioning, summarizing.


Reading : SD 28-32 Locate and interpret minor or subtly stated details in more challenging passages.

RESOURCES NEEDED (for the week): (those that may deviate from the usual materials, texts, visuals, and/or technology)

Laptop/projector, overhead projector.


Optimal seating (all days), oral reading (all), visual examples (all), pair/share (as needed).


Monday 03/07/11 Pulaski Day

No classes.

Tuesday 03/08/11

Daily Objective:

Skills: Students will be able to extrapolate on themes found in a poem of the Victorian Period.

Activities and Strategies (Include do now, instructional activities, student activities [guided/independent], and closure):

Entrance activity: Read silently the right column of p. 882 about Rudyard Kipling. On a half-sheet, summarize the information found in the first two paragraphs in 3-4 sentences.

In-class: Read together and discuss “Recessional” (pp. 887-888). Include themes such as colonialism, militarism, imperialism, and religion. Distribute a half-sheet and do together Review and Assess questions 1-3 on p. 888. Finish by answering questions 4 and 5 individually.

Exit Activity: None.

Alternative Instructional Activities and Strategies: (anticipating student confusion, please include other strategies to help students who do not understand after the first set of instructional activities and strategies)

Pair/share. Instructor one-on-one.



Wednesday 03/09/11

Daily Objective:

Skills: Students will be able to extrapolate on themes found in a poem of the Victorian Period.

Activities and Strategies (Include do now, instructional activities, student activities [guided/independent], and closure):

Entrance activity: Read silently p. 916 about Emily Bronte and Thomas Hardy. On a half-sheet, describe at least three related differences between them. .

In-class: Read together and discuss “Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?” (pp. 923-924). Distribute a half-sheet and do together Review and Assess questions 1-4 on p. 924. Finish by answering question 5 individually.

Exit Activity: None.

Alternative Instructional Activities and Strategies: (anticipating student confusion, please include other strategies to help students who do not understand after the first set of instructional activities and strategies)

Pair/share. Instructor one-on-one.



Thursday 03/10/11

Daily Objective:

Skills: Students will be able to extrapolate on themes found in a poem of the Victorian Period.

Activities and Strategies (Include do now, instructional activities, student activities [guided/independent], and closure):

Entrance activity: Read silently the right column of p. 928 about A. E. Houseman. On a half-sheet, for each paragraph, write one sentence paraphrasing some information found in it.

In-class: Read together and discuss “To an Athlete Dying Young” (p. 933) and “When I was One-and-Twenty” (p. 934). Distribute a half-sheet and do together Review and Assess questions 1-3 on p. 934. Finish by answering question 4 individually.

Exit Activity: None.

Alternative Instructional Activities and Strategies: (anticipating student confusion, please include other strategies to help students who do not understand after the first set of instructional activities and strategies)

Pair/share. Instructor one-on-one.


Meet in Social Room tomorrow to take CPS My School, My Voice Survey.

Friday 03/11/11

Meet in Social Room to take CPS My School, My Voice Survey online.

• Go to cps-students..

• Select a language (English or Spanish).

• Enter Student ID# and birth date in MMDDYY format.

• Click “Submit”.

• Complete the survey.

• Click “Submit survey”.


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