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The Victorian Period 1832–1901:Paradox and ProgressWrite the letter of the best answer to each of the following items.1. All of the following elements contribute to the musical effect of a poem except —A rhymeB personificationC meterD alliteration2. Which of the following statements about theme is false?F Writers rarely state their themes directly.G Readers may have different interpretations of the theme of a work.H The theme of a work is the same as the subject.J Sometimes the theme of a work is related to the time period in which the work was written.3. A dramatic monologue is a poem in which —A the speaker is the voice of the poetB the poet uses heightened language to tell a storyC two characters address each other in turnD a speaker who is not the poet addresses a silent listener4. A traditional Petrarchan, or Italian, sonnet —F is divided into an octave and a sestetG does not rhymeH contains three quatrainsJ has more than one speaker5. The mood in a literary work —A never changes in the course of the workB is defined by the subject of the workC is always established in the opening of the workD can shift at various points in the work6. Which of the following word pairs is assonant?F sun and shadeG hill and daleH erase and fadeJ daily and dull7. Which of the following statements about couplets is true?A Couplets are elements that repeat throughout a poem.B A couplet consists of two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme.C A pair of rhyming words forms a couplet.D Couplets always appear at the end of poems.8. What is the difference between an internal conflict and an external conflict?F An internal conflict takes place between two characters, while an external conflict takes place between a character and society.G An internal conflict takes place within a character, but an external conflict takes place between a character and a group, a force of nature, or another character.H An external conflict is the major conflict in a work, and an internal conflict is a struggle that takes place between subordinate characters.J Whereas an external conflict relates to the historical context of a literary work, an internal conflict relates to the particular lives of the characters.9. Which of the following statements about allegories is true?A They can be understood on both a literal and symbolic level.B They do not use traditional plot devices.C They are meant to be read literally.D They are not open to multiple interpretations.10. Which of the following statements about antonyms is true?F The definition of antonym is “a word with a prefix meaning ‘not’ added to it.”G Every word has only one antonym.H Antonyms differ from synonyms only in their connotations.J An antonym has the opposite or nearly the opposite meaning as another word.11. On the whole the Victorian era was characterized by A prolonged warsB economic recessionC peace and prosperityD revolution12. An immediate influence on the Victorian era was the —F Industrial RevolutionG Age of ReasonH Restoration of the MonarchyJ High Renaissance13. For writers such as Thomas Babington Macaulay, progress was measured in —A spiritual contentmentB the size of the EmpireC material improvementsD population growth14. The social problems in Queen Victoria’s reign led to many different types of —F warsG electionsH political partiesJ reforms15. The word that best describes the ideal behavior of literary Victorians is —A immoralB genteelC defiantD slothful16. The scientific and technological advances of the period gave early Victorians a sense of —F confidenceG inferiorityH pessimismJ uncertainty 17. Many Victorian writers hoped that their work would —A create new styles of comedyB reestablish Romantic idealsC eliminate povertyD raise doubts about materialism 18. John Ruskin used the term plague wind to describe what we now refer to as —F hurricaneG smogH epidemicJ economic depression 19. By the end of the nineteenth century, many writers, finding it difficult to believe in an infinite power, became —A optimisticB patrioticC skepticalD trusting 20. Late Victorian literature, such as the work of Thomas Hardy and A. E. Housman, focused on —F emigration and fantasy as escapes from miseryG the experience of transcendent joy in natureH admiration for literary devices and classical allusionsJ human troubles in an indifferent worldAnswer KeyCollection 6 Diagnostic TestLiterature,Vocabulary, page 2391. B 6. H2. H 7. B3. D 8. G4. F 9. A5. D 10. JLiterary Period Introduction Test,page 24111. C 16. F12. F 17. D13. C 18. G14. J 19. C15. B 20. J ................

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