
6286500-685800Idea 3When discussing the third idea for a thriller opening with my group, we decided to use elements from the past ideas we had and put them into one, so that the best elements from each idea could be shown. The third idea uses the idea of loss sense of identity and follows a female protagonist who wakes up, tied up and gagged in a dark room with only one light shining on her. She has no recollection of what happened, her memory has disappeared and she doesn’t know who she is. Around the room are different types of safes, which all included a separate clue to her finding out her identity. Such as family photos, id cards and entries from her diary she had when she was little. 0Idea 3When discussing the third idea for a thriller opening with my group, we decided to use elements from the past ideas we had and put them into one, so that the best elements from each idea could be shown. The third idea uses the idea of loss sense of identity and follows a female protagonist who wakes up, tied up and gagged in a dark room with only one light shining on her. She has no recollection of what happened, her memory has disappeared and she doesn’t know who she is. Around the room are different types of safes, which all included a separate clue to her finding out her identity. Such as family photos, id cards and entries from her diary she had when she was little. -685800-800100Idea 1My first original idea for our thriller opening was based around the main protagonist being a young woman, who was born deaf and the scenario of someone intruding into her home. The intruder is a mysterious figure and his identity reminds unknown, however it is known that the woman has a past relationship with the intruder, but the relationship status is unknown. As the intruder knew the woman, he is aware of her disability and uses this to his advantage to get into her home without her knowing.0Idea 1My first original idea for our thriller opening was based around the main protagonist being a young woman, who was born deaf and the scenario of someone intruding into her home. The intruder is a mysterious figure and his identity reminds unknown, however it is known that the woman has a past relationship with the intruder, but the relationship status is unknown. As the intruder knew the woman, he is aware of her disability and uses this to his advantage to get into her home without her knowing.6172200877570Idea 4The last idea that we came up with was the story of an ex murderer who is dealing with the outcome of one of his most famous murders of a young girl. However the man has no memory of the murder but has recurring nightmares and flashbacks to what happened. The man suffers with a severe personality disorder and committed his murders as his most sadistic personality. The opening follows the man gathering gradual clues as to what happened. 0Idea 4The last idea that we came up with was the story of an ex murderer who is dealing with the outcome of one of his most famous murders of a young girl. However the man has no memory of the murder but has recurring nightmares and flashbacks to what happened. The man suffers with a severe personality disorder and committed his murders as his most sadistic personality. The opening follows the man gathering gradual clues as to what happened. -685800877570Idea 2Our second idea was discussed as a group with all members collaborating ideas to create one story. This idea was the opening showing a young man who has a recurring dream of war and starts to believe he is living someone else’s life as he starts to get the memories of a soldier from the Second World War. The man is in fact gaining memories from a past life but gradually starts to lose his own sense of identity. The first scene of the opening would be the dream sequence, which we would use different war clips. 0Idea 2Our second idea was discussed as a group with all members collaborating ideas to create one story. This idea was the opening showing a young man who has a recurring dream of war and starts to believe he is living someone else’s life as he starts to get the memories of a soldier from the Second World War. The man is in fact gaining memories from a past life but gradually starts to lose his own sense of identity. The first scene of the opening would be the dream sequence, which we would use different war clips. Thriller Opening Ideas ................

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