Florida Atlantic University | Florida Atlantic University

Greek Week | Spring 2015TABLE OF CONTENTSPg. 3 – Pairings & EventsPg. 4 – Greek Week Code of ConductPg. 5 – Greek Week Policies & ProceduresPg. 6 – Social Media InitiativePg. 7 – Kick Off & Education NightPg. 8 – Greeks Got Talent: General Rules & GuidelinesPg. 9 – Greeks Got Talent: Dance Preview, Dress Rehearsal, & Final Performance Pg. 10 – Greeks Got Talent: Video Requirements & Approved Musical ListPg. 11 – Greek Games: Flag FootballPg. 12 – Greeks Giving Back: PhilanthropyPg. 13 – OwlThon & Closing CeremoniesGREEK WEEK EXECUTIVE BOARDExecutive Director | Cassie Smith | csmit273@fau.eduDirector of Public Relations | Morgan Donnelly | mdonne13@fau.eduDirector of Philanthropy | Erica Elsesser ?| eelsesse@fau.eduDirector of Development & Unity | McKenzie Miller | mmill187@fau.eduDirector of Entertainment| Jason Twigger | jtwigger@fau.eduDirector of Sports | Javonte Wilkerson | jwilkerson2012@fau.eduDirector of OwlThon Relations | Dakotah Radabaugh | dradabaugh2013@fau.eduGreek Week Advisor | Aneal Ramkissoon | aramkis1@fau.eduPAIRINGSAlpha Delta PiAlpha Psi LambdaSigma Phi EpsilonPhi Mu AlphaAlpha Xi DeltaAlpha Tau OmegaKappa Alpha PsiOmega Psi PhiDelta Sigma ThetaDelta Tau DeltaDelta Phi EpsilonSigma Lambda GammaAlpha Epsilon PiTheta Phi AlphaPi Kappa PhiSigma KappaPhi Delta ThetaAlpha Nu OmegaSigma ChiPhi MuTriangleEVENTSMonday, March 16thKick-Off & Education NightTime: 5:30 PM-9:00 PMLocation: Live Oak Patio & Barry Kaye AuditoriumPhilanthropy: Shamrock Selling Instagram Challenge: New MemberTuesday, March 17thPhilanthropy: St. Patrick’s Day Time: 10:00 AM-2:00 PMLocation: BreezewayInstagram Challenge: Community Service/Philanthropy EventWednesday, March 18th Talent RehearsalTime: 5:00 PM-8:00 PM (By Appointment)Location: Barry Kaye AuditoriumInstagram Challenge: Badge/Pin Day Thursday, March 19thGreeks Got TalentTime: 6:00 PM-9:00 PMLocation: Barry Kaye AuditoriumInstagram Challenge: TBT Greek WeekFriday, March 20thGreek GamesTime: 2:00 PMLocation: Housing LawnInstagram Challenge: Open Creed/Motto/Vision StatementSaturday, March 21stOwlThon & Closing CeremoniesTime: 11:00 AM-12:15 AMLocation: FAU Recreation & Fitness CenterInstagram Challenge: Inspirational Greek LeaderGreek Week Code of ConductAll student teams will be required to follow all policies outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, which can be found online at fau.edu.Any team whose members are deemed by any member of the Greek Week Executive Board to be acting in an unprofessional manner, including but not limited to, disorderly conduct, vandalism, theft, unauthorized entry, verbal or physical threats, will be referred to the Greek Week Advisor and/or the Student Involvement/Fraternity and Sorority Life office to decide appropriate action, which may include disqualification from Greek Week.Any team that violates the Student Code of Conduct may be referred to the Dean of Student Affairs Office, in addition to disqualification from Greek Week.Any and all issues regarding a team’s eligibility and/or disciplinary actions are ultimately up to the discretion of the Greek Week Advisor and/or based on any alleged violation referred by the Greek Week Executive Board.It is the obligation of each team to read and fully understand this packet and its entire content. The packet will be considered FINAL upon being released. A list of shared expectations and assumptions on Greek Week will be created and abided by for all teams participating in Greek Week. The agreement below must be signed by all member organizations of the team’s Greek Week Representative and Chapter President if they wish to compete in Greek Week 2015.All dates, times, rules, and regulations are subject to change.We encourage the Greek Week Representatives to stress the severity of adhering to the Code of Conduct to your team. Please represent Florida Atlantic University with dignity and respect.We, the undersigned, have thoroughly read the 2015 Greek Week Rules Packet and agree to adhere to all the Rules and Regulations pertaining to the 2015 Greek Week Rules Packet.Chapter: ________________________________________________________________Chapter President’s Name: ________________________________________________Chapter President’s Signature: _____________________________________________Greek Week Representative’s Name: ________________________________________Greek Week Representative’s Signature: _____________________________________Greek Week Representative’s Phone: ________________________________________Greek Week Representative’s Email: ________________________________________**Note: Only the Greek Week Representative can speak for the group in any Greek Week matters**Policies and RulesOnly FAU students listed on your chapter’s ICS roster will be eligible to participate in ANY Greek Week event. ICS Rosters will be pulled the night before Greek Week begins.All roster members must have a valid OWL CARD present at the time of check-in.Participation awards for Greek Week 2015 and the Talent night winner will be announced following the final Greek Week event.Greek Week 2015 is designed to promote Greek Unity. All unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated in any manner throughout the week. Any of these actions can be grounds for disqualification. The Greek Week 2015 Advisor and the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life will assess penalties. Do not forget that you are representing the FAU Greek community.Any questions regarding Greek Week 2015 or a specific event should be directed to the student leaders on the Greek Week 2015 Executive Board through your team representative.Questions regarding points or penalties should be directed to Tiffany Ledgister, Director of Logistics or Cassie Smith, Executive plaints can be made by filling out an official Greek Week 2015 Grievance Form available in this packet or on the Greek Week website at: fau.edu/fslife/GreekWeek.php Changes regarding dates, times, rules, etc. will be expressed on the FAU FS Life Facebook page. All teams will be notified as soon as possible through their team representatives.All dates, times, rules, and regulations are subject to change.Decisions made by the Greek Week 2015 Executive Board are FINAL.Attendance & participation in Greek Week 2015 is voluntary.ALL Florida Atlantic University policies and procedures will be enforced during this program. Any student who violates those policies will be referred through the student conduct process to the Dean of Students Affairs Office.The Greek Week Executive Board will not tolerate complaints in reference to the official rules/policies. There are representatives from each of your councils that are coordinating the process and should be contacted respectfully for clarification NOT to argue about the details of the packet.The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life will be the only group who will have the authority to disqualify a team from an event completely, known as "Complete DQ" or DQ. In the event of a Complete DQ, attendance and placement points will not be awarded.Every chapter must have a signed Greek Week Code of Conduct form on file before they are allowed to participate in any event associated with Greek Week.Teams should not begin planning Greek Week together until the joint team captain meeting has occurred (Team captains will be emailed regarding date and times).Greek Week Social Media InitiativeInstagram Photo ChallengeEach team must correctly hashtag (#) the official Greek Week hashtag, their team’s name, as well as the hashtag provided for the corresponding day below (that makes three total hashtags per picture). Team members can post as many photos as they wish and each day photos will be counted and in ranking order points will be awarded for everyday of the challenge. The following corresponding days, please post:Monday: A photo of you as a new memberTuesday: A photo of a community service or philanthropy eventWednesday: Badge/Pin Day (A photo of you dressed in appropriate pin/chapter/business casual attire)Thursday: Throwback Thursday to previous Greek Week (or prior event from Greek Week 2015)Friday: Open Creed, Motto, or Vision Statement of your organizationSaturday: Inspirational Greek LeaderPoints Breakdown:First Place: 50Second Place: 40 Third Place: 30Fourth Place: 20Fifth Place: 10Sixth Place: 0Facebook Photo ChallengeTeam Photo:Take a creative team photo and submit your photo via flash drive to the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office by Friday, March 13, 2015 by 5:00pm. The team photo will be uploaded and shared on the Fraternity & Sorority Life Facebook page. Your team will have until Friday, March 20, 2015 at 11:59 PM to get as many likes on the photo as possible. Your team will then be awarded the corresponding points in ranking order.Points Breakdown:First Place: 100Second Place: 80Third Place: 60Fourth Place: 40Fifth Place: 20Sixth Place: 0YouTube Video ChallengeGreeks Got Talent Legend Video (Please look to Pg. 10 for further details):Submit your video via flash drive to the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office by Friday, March 13, 2015 by 5:00pm (this will be included with the team photo). We will upload your video to YouTube after the night of Greeks Got Talent and provide each group with a link (to be posted on the Fraternity & Sorority Life Facebook). 50 Bonus points will be awarded to each team that receives at least 250 views on their video by Saturday, March 21, 2015 at 12:00 PM.Follow us on Social Media!Instagram: @FAUFSLIFE | Twitter: FAUFSLIFE | Facebook: Greek Week @ FAU | Snapchat: FAUFSLifeGreek Week Kick Off & Education NightMonday, March 16, 2015To kick off Greek Week 2015, a gathering on the Live Oak Pavilion Patio will take place starting at 5:30 PM. This is where check in for your Greek Week team will take place for Education Night as well. After you check in your team will have the pleasure of mingling with other teams as well as participating in a Step-and-Repeat. Suggested Attire for both the Greek Week Kick Off and Education Night will be semi-formal business attire.After the Kick Off on the Live Oak Patio, all members of organizations and teams who are checked in will be ushered into the Barry Kaye Auditorium to enjoy speaker, Rasheed Ali Cromwell, who will present his speech, Greek Life: Where Legends Are Made. Education Night will begin promptly at 7:00 PM. We encourage all listeners to take interest and be respectful of the speaker. Misconduct will not be tolerated in any way and those who are disruptive will be asked to leave and attendance will not count for this individual. Greek Week scoring for Education Night will be based on attendance. The attendance will be based on the percentage of team members that are available to attend, meaning that those who are excused because of class do not count toward that percentage calculation. In order to have those members of your team that cannot attend due to class excused and not counted toward your percentage calculation, the team must send the following information: team member’s name, course name, instructor name and email. The Fraternity and Sorority Life Office will confirm the information and excuse them from attending and from being part of your team’s percentage calculation. Please note any disrespectful comments on social media will result in point deduction as determined as the Greek Week Executive Board. Upon check in each member of your team will receive a color-correlated wristband for your team to ensure attendance. Percentage Points Breakdown:0%-74% ???????075% ?????????????10080% ?????????????15085% ?????????????20090% ?????????????250100% ???????????400Additional Points Available: Each member dressed in semi formal business attire will receive an additional point for his or her organization/team. No additional points will be added to organizations/teams whose members’ show up later than 6:50.Are We Legends, or Are We Dancers?The purpose of the event is to demonstrate Greek Unity and to showcase the blended talents from each team.General Rules and GuidelinesEach team’s performance may include but is not limited to: stepping, singing, strolling, dancing, lip-syncing, marching, etc. with no fewer than ten people participating in the performance.The Greek Week theme MUST be incorporated in each team’s performance. The theme for Greeks Got Talent 2015 is “Musical Legends.”Teams can only use songs from the Greek Week E-Board’s list of Musical Legends. (Please see following page for approved list of Musical Legends.)Performance times will be selected at random with a representative of each team the day of the performance (March 19th).Choreographers from outside of your teams organizations may not be usedParticipating MembersThe performance may not exceed 50 participants on the stage at once. ?There is no limit to how many members may be in the dance but ONLY 50 members on the stage at once. (Members will be counted at Dance Rehearsal)At least one person from each organization in a team MUST participate in the performance. (Failure to do so will result in a disqualification from the event.)All performers must be active members of the individual organizationsTiming: Each team will have exactly 5 minutes to set up and breakdown and 10 minutes maximum to perform (10 minutes does not include video)Teams will be penalized for exceeding the 10-minute performance time limit (this does not include the video). However, no penalties will be incurred if you are under the time limit.Judging and Scoring:Performances will be judged on the basis of:ChoreographySynchronizationShowmanship Musicality Panel of judges will be responsible for all scoring of performances based on a rubric provided.Scoring will be available on Saturday, March 21stPoints Breakdown:First Place: 300Second Place: 250Third Place: 200Fourth Place: 150Fifth Place: 100Sixth Place: 50Are We Legends, or Are We Dancers? Cont.Dance Preview (Scheduled between March 9-12, 2015):Team Captains must schedule a Dance Preview with the Director of Entertainment, Jason Twigger, between March 9th and March 13th to ensure all portions of the talent meet regulations (props, dances, songs, costumes, etc.) Jason and any or all members of the Greek Week Executive Board team will visit your team’s practice location for a rehearsal session to observe your dance to ensure the appropriateness of the content. Note that any material added after the Dance Preview observation is subject to be reviewed and potentially removed if found inappropriate when presented at the Dance Rehearsal. Failure to proceed/schedule a Dance Preview may result in disqualification of your team for the performance day. Dress Rehearsal (Wednesday, March 18, 2015): All participating teams must perform a mandatory dress rehearsal (On Wednesday, March 18, 2015). Failure to have team representation at dress rehearsal may result in disqualification of your team for the performance day. You will have 20 min to arrive, block the dance, and exit the auditorium. A representative will establish the teams lighting cues and production needs for the performance during the rehearsal.Teams are subject to Greek Week Executive Board mandating the rehearsal and will stop the performance at various times to count participating members or for any reason they see fit. Dress rehearsal performances may not be altered after approval from Greek Week Executive Board. If unapproved performances occur team will face disqualification.A finalized CD with your music must be submitted at the commencement of your dress rehearsal.The team with the highest amount of money donated for the Shamrocks, will pick their time. The rest of the teams times will be selected by the Greek Week Executive Board. The Executive Board will notify them by noon on Tuesday March 17, 2015Final Performance (Thursday, March 19, 2015):All of the music used for the performance must be on one CD.A designee from the team must be in the production box throughout the entire performance.Any necessary props will be provided by teams and their corresponding chapters.No clothing, props, or items portraying or displaying vulgar themes, images, or messages will be permitted.Inclusions of profanity, lewd conduct, obscene gestures or scenes (i.e. disrespecting other organizations), or any other inappropriate acts or behaviors will result in an immediate disqualification from the event and possible punitive actions by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life.Glitter or any materials that could alter the stage for the following performance (including confetti, food/liquids, etc.) may NOT be used.Projection screens and videos during the dance are prohibited.Are We Legends, or Are We Dancers? Cont.Video Requirements: Teams will be required to make a video that relates to the Greek Week theme “Legends”. ?This video will be played before the team goes on stage and performs. The purpose of this video is to showcase why your organization is legendary!Guidelines:Video may not exceed 2 minutesVideo will be played before team performs danceVideo must relate to why your organization is legendaryThings you can include in your video but not limited toLegends from your organization(s) that have made an impact on this world.Legends from your own chapter(s) here at FAU. (A brother or sister that makes huge contributions to our Greek community as well as our community as a whole)How your chapter is Legendary. ?(What your chapter has done to disprove negative Greek stereotypes)Be creative!Video must be turned in by 5:00 PM, Friday March 13th and be approved by the Greek Week E-board. ?If E-board feels video is inappropriate for any reason, it will be returned to team and asked for a new and improved one before dress rehearsal. Approved List of Musical Legends:CountryLuke BryanGeorge StraightTaylor SwiftCarrie UnderwoodTim McGrawDolly PartonKenny ChesneyBrad PaisleyShania TwainKeith UrbanRascal FlattsHip Hop/RapBiggie Smalls2 PacJay-ZNasKayne WestBeastie BoysWu-Tang Clan2 Live CrewDrakeLil WayneSalt & PepaMissy ElliottT.I.BeyoncéNicki MinajRun DMCRock and RollJon Bon JoviKISSThe BeatlesQueenElvis Presley Guns N’ RosesAerosmithElton JohnDef LeppardPopNysncBack Street boys98 DegreesNew Kids on the BlockBritney SpearsMichael JacksonMariah CareyJustin TimberlakeSpice GirlsDestiny’s ChildMiley Cyrus Katy PerryChristina AguileraPharellBlack Eyed PeasFergie Calvin HarrisDavid GuettaLady GagaGreek GamesFriday, March 20, 2015Sports Day is to include members of your team with representation from individuals in all organizations. Be prepared to use your athleticism as well as your brain in the 2015 Greek Week Sports Day. Greek Week Executive Board would like to remind participants that this event is to promote Greek Unity and proper action will be taken if any misconduct occurs. Flag Football:Two brackets of flag football will be held, male and female. Therefore each Greek Week Team will have two teams representing them. Each team will check in between 2:00 PM and 2:45 PM, to the Housing Lawn. If you are participating in a sport and not checked in by 2:45 PM, your team will be disqualified. Each team player must be a member of a Greek organization in good standing at Florida Atlantic University. Games will begin at 3:00 PM.Each team will have a roster of 7 players with the option of three alternates. A list of your players (max of 10) will be due by Friday, March 13, 2015 at 5:00 PM. The list must indicate who will be the Team Captain. The list can be submitted via the Fraternity & Sorority Life email, fslife@fau.edu . Games will consist of 2 (two) 15 minutes halves with clock running. Each team player must wear closed-toed sneakers, be without jewelry and be sure to have his or her shirt tucked in. Players may not wear shorts or pants with any belts, belt loops, pockets, or exposed drawstrings. Each team is expected to practice good sportsmanship on and off the field. Failure to do so will result in deducted points off of the team’s total. Executive board will rule on whether or not points need to be deducted. A coin toss will determine which team has possession of the ball at the start of the game.Each team is entitled to one 60-second time out per 15 minute half.Referees will have the power to warn or disqualify any player who goes against his or her rules for the game or practices unsportsmanlike conduct. Arguing with the referee will automatically result in disqualification of your team for that game and a deduction of points.The Team Captain will speak with executive board and referees on the teams behalf.Any player who tries to tackle another player or who gets involved in any kind of scuffle with a member of another team will be automatically disqualified and asked to leave the event.Referees will go over official rules for the sport before the beginning of the game.Out of the three winning teams from round 1, the team with the highest score gets an automatic bi to the championship game. In the event of a tie, the team that allows the least points will advance. If any team is concerned about official rules for flag football, please visit for more information. Points Breakdown:First Place: 100 Second Place: 80Third Place: 60Fourth Place: 40Fifth Place: 40Sixth Place: 40PhilanthropyShamrock Sales (Monday, March 16, 2015)After you have checked in at the Kick Off your team can visit the table where shamrocks are being sold from 5:30 PM-6:50 PM. Each shamrock will be $1. Members of your teams are encouraged to purchase shamrocks and provide: their name, Greek Week team name, and Chapter name on the shamrock. The money raised by this event will be donated to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, and go toward your Greek Week Team total for OwlThon. Shamrocks will then be on display on the windows of the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office on Tuesday, March 17th. The sale of shamrocks will be tallied by the end of the night and the teams will be awarded points as followed:First Place: 150 pointsSecond Place 125 pointsThird Place: 100 pointsFourth Place: 75 points Fifth Place: 50 points Sixth Place: 25 points The teams in ranking order of most shamrocks sold to least shamrocks sold will be rewarded with selecting which time slot they would prefer for their Talent Dress Rehearsal.St. Patrick’s Day (Tuesday March 17, 2015) You can find Greek Week Executive Board on the breezeway from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. ?A table will be set up with an empty cylinder for each team. For each dollar donated, green water will be added to your team’s cylinder. Money will be counted every 30 minutes and water will be added periodically according to funds raised. This will showcase to the teams throughout the afternoon who is in the lead. The point of this day is to once again raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals; total dollars raised by each team will also go towards the team’s funds raised for OwlThon.The teams with the most water in their cylinders will receive the following points:First Place: 150 pointsSecond Place 125 pointsThird Place: 100 pointsFourth Place: 75 points Fifth Place: 50 points Sixth Place: 25 points OwlThon & Closing CeremoniesSaturday, March 21, 2015The OwlThon rules and regulations will dictate the winners of the OwlThon portion of Greek Week. The Greek Week Executive Board will take the OwlThon scoring and grant Greek Week points based on each teams ranking. Points Breakdown: First Place: 750Second Place: 600Third Place: 500Fourth Place: 400Fifth Place: 300Sixth Place: 200Attached is the official OwlThon packet which outlines rules and regulations for OwlThon, as well as how to register your members. 50 members are required to dance for OwlThon per team; we encourage members from all organizations of your team to be represented in the dancing portion of OwlThon. Greek Week team members who are not dancing are encouraged to visit and support their team members. Closing Ceremonies will take place starting at 11:00 PM, so all visitors looking to attend are encouraged to start arriving by 10:30 PM. Due to capacity constraints attendance for visiting will be on a first come first serve basis. March 21, 2015Official Team Rules Packet Team Captains,On behalf of the Florida Atlantic University OwlThon Overall Team, I would like to thank you for selecting to support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital in Gainesville, Florida. Our teams are very eager to be working with you and your teams for the upcoming months. We will be here to help your team raise awareness and funds for an amazing cause. The Overall Team is working hard to insure an incredible year, so get pumped! Make sure to mark off your organizations calendars for March 21, 2015. This year we will be standing for 13.1 hours FOR THE KIDS!OwlThon is truly a remarkable experience, both for the children we are helping as well as the Dancers. The time we spend and the dedication we give will help the quality of care and quality of life for the children treated at Shands Children’s Hospital. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals are non-profit organizations that depend on fundraising efforts like ours to help them treat thousands of patients each year. Please use this rules packet as a reference and guide for you and your teams as you begin your efforts for OwlThon here at FAU. Communication and commitment will be essential to helping make this a successful year. This year we want to unite as a program and make our mark on campus for years to come. If you have any questions feel free to contact our Dancer Relations Chair, Ashley Ackerman at OwlThonDancerRelations@Sincerely,Jordan Klein Overall DirectorOWLTHONDirector@What I need to know about...OWLTHONThe Mission of OwlThonThe mission of OwlThon, Florida Atlantic University’s Dance Marathon is to educate, inspire, and unite our campus and community to provide ongoing support for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Through our efforts, we will forever stand for the children and families we are privileged to serve.The Vision of OwlThonWe will stand together, as Florida Atlantic University, to change the lives of children, families, and students alike.Why OwlThon?The main purpose of OwlThon is to raise money and awareness for Children's Miracle Network. But why do we stand for 13.1 hours? Majority of the children who are admitted into our local hospitals go through discomfort and suffering that most of us cannot even understand. The act of staying on our feet for 13.1 hours is meant to give Dancers a greater appreciation and understanding of the struggles these kids go through every day. Dancers are faced with both mental and physical challenges in an effort to support these strong children. OwlThon is more than just a fundraiser; it is FAU's way to stand in support of the courageous and fearless, children being treated at our local Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.Who Does OwlThon Support?Children's Miracle Network Hospitals is the alliance of premier children's hospitals. This network of hospitals treats over 32 million children each year for diseases and illnesses such as cancer, pediatric AIDS, muscular dystrophy, heart disease, leukemia, and accident trauma, to name a few. As these are non-profit hospitals, they rely heavily on community support. Since 1983, the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals have raised over $5 Billion to support the children, families, and hospitals.FOR THE KIDS!What I need to know about...REGISTRATIONTeam Registration Only FAU students, alumnae, faculty, and staff may register as OwlThon Dancers. To be eligible to participate, each team must pay an initial Registration Fee and set their fundraising goal accordingly. Each Dancer may only participate on one team.Each team must designate at least one Team Delegate that will serve as a liaison to the OwlThon Executive Board. Team Delegates are responsible for attending scheduled Team Delegate meetings and relaying information back to their organization. *Team Delegates can be your designated Greek Week Chair*Greek Week TeamsIf your team is a part of Fraternity and Sorority life, you will register as a "Greek" team.Greek teams will have to be signed up on Donor Drive by 5pm February 21st, 2015Once a designated delegate has been chosen, the delegate will be considered the account administrator. The team's account will then be transferred from the general Donor Drive account to the specified Team Delegate.New teams will need their designated Team Delegate to manually register their own team under Donor Drive.Registered Student Organizations TeamsIf your team is a Registered Student Organization (RSO), you will register as just that.Registered Student Organizations must be signed up on Donor Drive by 5pm February 21st, 2015 Once a designated delegate has been chosen, the delegate will be considered the account administrator. Other TeamsIf you are not part of a registered student organization, but want to participate as a team (i.e. a FAU Residence Hall, Office/Department staff, group of friends), you can register as an “Other Team.” Other Teams must be signed up on Donor Drive by 5pm on February 21st, 2015Once a designated delegate has been chosen, the delegate will be considered the account administrator. How to use Donor Drive….Log InLog into your Donor Drive account by going to our Website: and click registerScroll down to OwlThon and once found click register as dancer. For Delegates, you will initially sign up to register as a dancer and it will give you the option of forming a team. Once your team is formed your members will be able to join.Personalize Your PageThis is a really easy way to go from zero to hero. To modify your fundraising page, scroll to the bottom of your dashboard and click Your Fundraising PageThen select Edit Your Page from the drop down menu. Here, you can customize the content that appears on your fundraising page by changing your profile picture, adding photos, personalizing your message, and uploading videos.Utilizing Social MediaClick on your name in the top right cornerThen select Settings from the dropdown menu. Connect your DonorDrive page with Twitter and Facebook to use social media to promote your fundraising. By occasionally sharing your page with friends and family on social media, you can spread Dance Marathon awareness and raise money FTK!What I need to know about...FUNDRAISINGTeam Fundraising ObligationsFraternity and Sorority LifeEach person on the team must raise a minimum of $50$50 minimum raised = 1 Dancer at OwlThonEvery Dancer registered is 20 pointsMinimum of 50 dancers registered for every Greek Week Pairing Registered Student OrganizationsEach Person on the team must raise a minimum of $50$50 = 1 Dancer at OwlThonEvery Dancer registered is 20 pointsOther TeamsEach person on the team must raise a minimum of $50$50 = 1 Dancer at OwlThonEvery Dancer registered is 20 pointsIndividual FundraisersWe encourage all registered as an "Individual" to set a minimum goal of $50. *More Dancer Spots may be available pending team fundraising leading up roster turn in*Teams may receive additional points for organizing other large-scale fundraising events or activities. For approval, teams must submit ideas in advance to OwlThondirector@.What I Need to Know About···THE COMPETITIONCompetition PointsCompetition points are divided into categories for organizational purposes. All points earned will go towards your overall total. All points are subject to change at the discretion of the OwlThon overall team. Teams and Dancers will be notified of any changes. Additional opportunities will be added and communicated to all teams accordingly.There will be two Overall Winners per tier, Money Raised and Overall Points.Point Category: ADMINISTRATIVEOwlThon Team Registered Team Registration 200 pointsAll Registered Dancers Attend Event (March 21, 2015)Finalized Team Rosters will be turned into OwlThon via emailOn March 15, 2015. If your team has 100% attendance meaning all chapter members registered for the event, you will receive an additional 1000 points. Substitutions may be made within 1 week of the event by emailing OwlThondirector@ for emergencies ONLY.500 pointsOn Time Check-In at EventBe on time for OwlThon 2014 and get some bonus points.Your team will not be able to check-in until every Dancer is present.500 pointsPoint Category: OWLTHON MARKETINGFollowing All Social Media i.e. Twitter, Facebook and InstagramWebsite: Twitter: @FAU_DMFacebook: OwlThon at Florida Atlantic UniversityInstagram: OWLTHONFAU10 point/personFacebook Profile Picture/Cover PhotoThe week prior to OwlThon 2014 for each team member attending OwlThon 2015 that changes their profile picture to the OwlThon image that will be provided will receive 25 points per person. A list of the participating team members needs to be emailed to Ashley Ackerman, OwlThon.dancerrelations@. If anyone takes the image down before the event, the team will no longer receive points for that person. A Board member will be checking the Facebook's of the Dancers signed up every day at unspecified times.25 points/personPoint Category: VISITORSTeam VisitorsHave friends or members of your organization who want to come out to OwlThon but are not on your team or dancing? Have them come and visit and rack up some points for your team. Specific times for visiting hours will be announced at a later date. A $5 donation is asked of all visitors, these donations will be credited towards your team's fundraising total. You will only receive visitor points if the $5 donation is made.Visiting Hours 110 points/visitorVisiting Hours 210 points/visitorVisiting Hours 310 points/visitorVisiting Hours 410 points/visitorPoint Category: SPIRITOwlThon Theme Banner CompetitionCreate a banner based on OwlThon 2015 to be displayed at OwlThon. To receive points, banners must be submitted by March 19, 2015. The banners will be hung at the event.75 points1st place: 500 pts.2nd place: 250 pts.3rd place: 100 pts.Team UnifierCome up with something unique to identify members of your team at OwlThon. Some ideas include Team Shirts, Bandanas, Arm Bands, etc. Be creative and make it your own! Most creative will win an additional 100 points.250 pointsDancer Support PostersParticipating groups will receive 20 points per poster (one half poster board) made in support of their dancers. Groups are limited to 20 posters. No more than 30 posters per group will be displayed, nor counted for points. Each poster must have: holes in all four corners and an 8" String in the top holes, organization name and turned in no later than March 19, 2014 at 5pm. If these requirements are not met the poster will not be hung at the event and no points will be awarded.20 points/posterWhat I need to know about...THE EVENTOWLTHON 2015Event Date: March 21, 2014 Time: 11:00AM- 12:15AM Location: FAU Recreation and Fitness CenterDancer GuidelinesDuring the 13.1-hour event, Dancers must adhere to all of the following:Dancers must remain standing at ALL times, including during meals. The only exception will be the use of any sit down passes received through incentive programs.Dancers must submit his/her FAU Owl Card at check-in.Dietary Needs/Information: Free food and beverages will be provided; Dancers with special dietary needs must inform Emily Lawless, Catering Director at OwlThon.catering@. Please also indicate your dietary restrictions when you register on Donor Drive.Zero Tolerance for Illegal Substances: The possession or use of alcohol or illegal substances will NOT be tolerated. Dancers must remain on the event floor for ALL posted hours of the event, unless otherwise escorted by a member of the OwlThon Executive Board.If any Dancer is caught in violation of one of these policies, there will be a 50-point deduction from that team.If a Dancer needs to leave the event, he or she must be officially checked out by the OwlThon Advisor.The OWLTHON Executive Board reserves the right to remove any Dancer if deemed to be in the best interest of the person, other Dancers, or OwlThon.Each Team Delegate(s) will be given a specific check-in time for their team closer to the event. Check-in times are awarded based on amount of money raised and what percentage of each team's goal has been reached. The more money you raise and the closer you are to your goal, the later you get to check-in, which means MORE SLEEP! Team members who are not checked-in by the posted time will result in a 200 point deduction.FAU Owl Cards will be collected by the OwlThon Executive Board at the check-in and will be returned to the OwlThon Team Delegates at the end of the event.Being a Dancer FAQsWhat goes on at OWLTHON?Dance Marathon is a nationwide movement involving more than 250 Universities across the country. FAU’s Dance Marathon is called OwlThon. Students stay on their feet through games, dancing, live bands, performances and speakers. During the event there will be food and beverages provided.Do I have to be a good dancer and/or dance for all 13.1 Hours?No, you do not have to be a dancer to participate in OwlThon. There is A LOT more to Dance Marathon than dancing! Also remember is all FOR THE KIDS so no one will care what you look like when you are dancing!What does FTK mean?FOR THE KIDS!What is a Miracle Child?A Miracle Child is a child undergoing treatment within a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, whether it is a small affliction or large one. Every minute 62 children enter a CMNH.What Else Do I Need To Know?Dates to RememberMarch 15, 2015- Final Team Rosters Due to OwlThon.dancerrelations@ March 19, 2015- Team Banners and Posters due by 5pmMarch 21, 2015- OwlThonWho to Contact:NamePositionEmailJordan KleinDirectorOwlThon.director@Brandon WolfeFinanceOwlThon@Dakotah RadabaughFundraisingOwlThon.fundraising@Alex HaydenEntertainmentOwlThon.entertainment@Grace JordanMoraleOwlThon.morale@Rebecca TracyPublic RelationsOwlThon.publicrelations@Brandon SirotaTechnologyOwlThon.technology@Emily LawlessCateringOwlThon.catering@Kaitlyn DadyCommunity OutreachOwlThon.outreach@Austin GeaterOperationsOwlThon.operations@Marki LyonsMarketingOwlThon.marketing@Ashley AckermanDancer RelationsOwlThon.dancerrelations@Rachel DeckerAdvisorOwlThon.advisor@*Anyone wanting to be a part of an OWLTHON committee please contact Jordan Klein at OwlThon.Director@. Team points will be awarded* ................

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