1. 3-ring binder with pockets or dividers.

• warm-ups

• notes and practice

• homework

• quizzes and tests

2. loose-leaf notebook paper.

3. Pencils and erasers.

4. TI-83 or 84 graphing calculator:

• Limited classroom set (get your own soon)

• Download on PC @

• free access on android.


1. Secure internet access at school (cell, laptop, media) and at home (PC, etc.).

2. Use it to access my website chambleehs.dekalb.k12.ga.us/ClintonMomon.aspx for class information.

3. Use it to find supplementary notes, powerpoints, and videos to support classroom instruction.

4. Use cell phones and electronic devices for instructional purposes and according to teacher discretion ONLY.


1. As you enter the room, pick up any assignments and/or note sheets from the front table.

2. Prepare for class by taking out needed class materials, sharpening pencils, and keeping personal items in check (out of sight).

3. Take out previous assignments to be checked or taken up for a grade.

4. Be prepared to ask questions, take notes, and work problems on paper or at board.


1. Study any note sheet provided or prepare to copy notes.

2. Follow and document presentations/demonstrations (pwrpt., video, notesheet, etc.).


1. Practice and discuss problems as directed, including worksheet problems, board work, questions, and processes, etc.

2. Class participation will be observed and bonus points could be given on quizzes/tests.


1. Homework will be assigned between 3-4 days/week, including hwk for quiz review and test review.

2. It will be checked and graded in various ways at teacher discretion, including:

• Take up-check-return,

• Spot-check (answers shown),

• Homework quiz (1-5 questions – complete and turn in).

3. Homework grading:

• All work shown - 100.

• Half done or answers only – 50.

• Not done – 0.

• Redeem hwk grade with tutoring (see MAKE-UP POLICY).


1. Generally, between 12 questions (8 pts. each) and 20 questions (5 pts. each).

2. Can be given any day of the week with a 1 period duration ONLY and timely grading and feedback.

3. Usually a 1-day review given the day before quiz day.

4. No hall passes during quiz (emergencies subject to teacher discretion).

5. NO CELL PHONE USE during quiz (unless approved for TI-84 calculator).


1. Generally, between 16 questions (6 pts each) and 25 questions (4 pts each).

2. Given Tues. or Thurs. with a 1 period duration and timely grading and feedback.

3. A 1- to 2-day review given before test day.

4. No hall passes or cell phone use during test (emergencies subject to teacher discretion).

5. Extra time given in special cases ONLY.

6. NO CELL PHONE USE during test (unless approved for TI-84 calculator).


1. Homework make-up:

• absent when hwk due – make-up for 100 by next day.

• present when hwk due – make-up for 50 during the period or by next day (tutoring – make-up for 100).

2. Quiz make-up:

• Allotment for 1 quiz re-take per semester.

• Re-take before/after school, schedule w/teacher.

3. Test make-up:

• Allotment for 1 test re-take per semester.

• Re-take before/after school, schedule w/teacher.


1. 7:40 – 8:05am Tuesdays and Thursdays.

2. Some afternoons may be available, must check w/teacher.

3. Bring assignments and materials – sign in with teacher.

4. Earn possible credits and make-ups.

5. Coincides with days for quizzes and tests – great opportunity to prepare.


1. |6. |11. |16 |21 |26 |Front |Desk

| |2.

|7. |12. |17 |22. |27. |31. |35. | |3.

|8. |13. |18. |23. |28. |32. |36. | |4.

|9. |14. |19. |24. |29. |33. |37. | |5. |10. |15. |20. |25. |30. |34. |38.

| |CLO |SETS |S |H |EL |V |ES | | |

1. Find your seat according to the numbers on the posted roster for your period.

2. Students are expected to maintain his/her assigned seat.

3. Efforts will be made to accommodate seating needs according to plans communicated beforehand.


1. If the door is closed, get a tardy pass, then come back and wait for teacher to admit you.

2. Don’t ask for permission to be late to class.

3. Be in the class before late bell stops.

4. Possible homework penalty for tardiness (reduced to ½ credit and no make-up if not submitted)

5. Subject to detention (see DETENTION).


1. Given at teacher discretion ONLY.

2. No permission during 1st or last 10 minutes of class.

3. Two passes allowed per class session ONLY.

4. One person at a time ONLY.

5. Asking for permission to go to the restroom just before the tardy bell could be considered tardy (just go and make it back in time).


1. Emergencies do arise and can be recognized and accommodated reasonably.

2. 1st time emergencies will be recorded with no penalty. Recurring emergencies become suspect and are subject to disciplinary measures.


1. Teacher will designate a person to carry the teacher name sign and lead the class out.

2. Upon exiting, students will follow the sign holder, taking a left at the classroom door, then turn left at the lobby to go out.

3. Students will line up in an area on the grass across the walkway and remain together for roll check.


1. Detention/Referral:

• Detention time 7:35am to 8:00am Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in Room 2110.

• Parent contact at teacher discretion.

• Referral sent at teacher discretion.

2. Could be assessed for:

• excessive tardies (>2).

• disruptive behavior.

• refusal to follow instructions.



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