Ms. Hodson's Webpage

Welcome back to another great school year at SK! I’m excited to get started and hope you are too! What I ask of EVERY STUDENT EVERY DAY, is that you put forth YOUR BEST EFFORT! If you do that, you will be successful in this class.NOTE: Algebra 2 IS a graduation requirement. Students interested in taking Accelerated Pre-Calculus next year should be enrolled in Accelerated Algebra 2, rather than regular Algebra 2.You will need the following materials for class EVERY DAY:A folder used ONLY for this course (a binder will help you stay much more organized because we will have A LOT of papers in this class, so a binder would work as well)A notebook used ONLY for this class (this is for notes)Pencil CALCULATOR- THIS IS A MUST (I recommend TI-30XIIS or TI-30XS- these are what you will be familiar with using and are the most user friendly. IF you want a graphing calculator- NOT required for this class- the TI-84 is the one I recommend and the one you will be familiar with from class. DO NOT buy the TI-89)Grading will be according to a standard scale and broken down as follows:TESTS AND QUIZZES (65% of grade): We will have 3-4 major tests each semester, and numerous quizzesHOMEWORK (25% of grade): Homework will be checked daily for completion and effort, collected at times to be checked for accuracy. If you do not complete the homework assignments, you WILL NOT be successful in this class. Weekly Review Sheets will be included in the homework grade.PARTICIPATION (10% of grade): To earn full credit for daily participation, students MUST be on time, have all materials, NOT BE ON THEIR PHONES OR LISTENING TO MUSIC, and be actively engaged in the activities, including class discussions and practice.Makeup work for EXCUSED absences should be completed and returned promptly. All missed assignments will be entered as zeros until they are turned in. Students, note that it is your responsibility to get and complete all missed work. THIS CAN BE FOUND DAILY ON MY CLASS WEBSITE: skhodson.- IT IS CRUCIAL YOU CHECK THIS ON A DAILY BASIS.Grades can be accessed online through Infinite Campus. Please feel free to contact me concerning your student’s progress in the course. I am easiest to reach through e-mail at My planning period is 8:30 to 9:30. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason.I understand the policies and grading system of Ms. Hodson’s class._______________________________________________________________Parent SignatureDate ______________________________________________ Parent Name (Printed)Phone number at which you can be reached during the day:__________________E-mail address: _________________________________________________May I contact you via e-mail regarding your student’s progress? Yes________ No_______________________________________________________ Student Signature______________________________________________ Student Name (Printed) ................

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